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Everything posted by PLACEMAN

  1. Just listened to most of Leo's discussion on future videos he wants to move forward with. Hey community! Two main things I'd just like to share that I observed. #1 I absolutely love how transparent Leo speaks with critiques of himself and for future growth. Things he mentioned like talking down to certain audiences, condensing subjects better and aiming to (approximate quote)- "treat everyone as they are God who does not realize themselves yet". Beautiful. I love it! There isnt a single soul that doesnt have something to work on. If everyone were to be as open as they could about inconsistencies within themselves, we can all agree this world would be a much better place. Leo led by great example by doing this. Gratitude if your reading this Leo. #2-A Leo talked about how he believes most of his audience is "dumb". Not sure what the correct word to use here. I personally would have used something like "uninteligent" but I cant nearly express profound subjects as well as Leo can so who am I to criticize. Anyway. He also states he believes roughly 20% of his audience has some type of mental illness. Although shocking. I'd subscribe to it souly based on the 80/20 rule. I have found the 80/20 rule is a great tool to be able to think around approximate statistics. To clarify: The 20% who are mentally ill and the 80% who are mostly sane are not absolutes.Leo even touched on not being less absolute in his speaking from now on- omitting words like "always, never, every, etc.... Its a constant struggle for me and again. Everyone should fucking do this. Genuine communication dies more and more when people use absolute terms. If I can compare this to the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Video Leo discussed as being more of a wedge of "swiss cheese", It seems to me it should be noted that of course there are people with more profound problems than others because of traumatic events and what not- however; can we acknowledge that mental illness is just another concept we place on its own spectrum? “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” ― J. Krishnamurti Or is this something a person with mental illness would say? LOL #2-B. If a large majority of Leos audience are unintelligent, and roughly 20% of his audience has a strong illness in their heads.... I'd love to urge Leo to refer to other thought leaders (and other resources in general) for better reference more often. I'd ultimately love to see all content creators network and partner with other thought leaders in similar and different fields. Scott Barry Kaufman is one such expert who wrote a phenomenal book about Maslow's life and the future of Transcendence. Prof Kaufman also has a few tests on his website for anyone to quickly gauge their level of Self Actualization. Seems like a good pair here. Gratitude and Love, -Steve