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Everything posted by Consept

  1. There are some interviews in the vice doc with the girls where they say they were affected quite badly, witnessed Tate raping other girls, apparently he beat some of them as well. I get what you're saying, 15 years in a Romanian jail would be hell, but ultimately he did choose Romania specifically because he thought the laws were lax. Also keep in mind he most likely would've got away with everything if he didn't make videos detailing exactly what he did. He scammed a lot of men as well, probably ruined their lives. Not to mention his effect on young men, do overall he's definitely had an extremely negative impact on society. I guess you could make the argument dies anyone deserve to be in a Romanian prison, there are probably some human rights issues but there does need to be some consequences for the Tates
  2. @StarStruck Before you get excited, the judge just doesn't see them as a flight risk, they still have to check in with authorities and can't leave the city. It has no bearing on what the outcome of the case will be, so id wait til the court case before saying I told you so
  3. It's in the vice doc below, not sure of the time stamp. Tbf it's hard to interpret exactly how Tate felt about the guy going in the ring to fight, could be a number of things but I wouldn't really use it as evidence of sociopathy, but I think there a lot of better examples of his sociopathy, even doing the doc in the first place knowing the potential against you indicates narcissism. Sociopathy might be the things he does to control the girls ie knowingly lying to them about their reputations or isolating them from friends and family etc.
  4. African players are often targets because they are usually carrying whole villages back home on their shoulders, so with the right offer they can do a lot of good. It's not great for their careers but I can see why they do it.
  5. This has happened before with the other more obscure leagues spending lots of money bringing in players. It doesn't seem to work consistently and I think it's because most names that go are edging toward the end of the careers and looking for a last big payday, this is case for Ronaldo, Benzema, Henderson etc. Aside from the big names the leagues are miles away from the European leagues. Europe and South America have a long history and massive infrastructure, as well population of developing world class players, this means even a c- list premier league player is way higher quality than the average Saudi league player. It would be hard to convince a world class player in his prime to go to Saudi even for all the money in the world, which is what they offered Mbappe (500m a year), there's no prestige in the Saudi league compared to Europe. So unless the literally but every top player to fill the league it eouldnt be sustainable as they don't produce any players.
  6. I'd disagree, I think he does lean toward sociopathy. In the article they say a narcissist would know when to stop and wouldn't take it to the point where the consequences would be negative for them. Tate has clearly gone past this and didn't even see it as wrong, he celebrated and tried to teach others how to do it. He can have a moral structure but a serial killer can have a moral structure, doesn't mean they're not psychopathic. Also I'm not even sure he believes the brotherhood thing, I think it's a play to get more men to sign up to his war room. If you look at his webcam business he not only exploited women but also men ruthlessly and with lies about meeting the girls, then laughed about it publicly on podcasts. I think even narcissists could see that's messed up.
  7. I'm not even sure it is just narcissism, going by the wats app messages and war room texts I would say it's actually toward sociopathy, especially when you consider there's been no accountability or remorse so far. I also have a theory on how he manipulated his fans. If you look at pimps their main tactic is to see what the potential 'hoe' is lacking in their life, could be love for example but could also be as low as food or shelter or protection, depends on the womans situation. The pimp then promises to fulfill this need but in doing that gets the woman to make him money through sex. He never actually fulfils any needs properly the whole game is giving the illusion that he is especially the love one, which of course Tate does well. This is the con. Tate did the same thing with his fans, he directly targeted young men who were lacking in positive male role models, who didn't have purpose or masculine energy, who maybe feel they don't have much control over their lives. This is a massive market, which we could blame society for, but people like Tate have correctly identified it and given them exactly what they want, flexing a flashy lifestyle, telling them they don't need society and they can make it on their own, telling them how easy it is to get women, money, good body etc. But it's the same bait and switch, Tate promises all these things and because of this and the attitude he portrays, these men and boys fall in love with him. When they fall in love with him, he's able to extract money from them. The beauty of it is you can be broke and still pay him $50 a month or you can have a little more money or take out a loan and give him 5k for one of his events or 8k to join his war room. What he teaches, especially for the $50 a month is not how he actually made money, as we know he made money being a pimp, being in with the Romanian mafia setting up casinos and probably other dark stuff. The fans saying he's not taking advantage of the women are the very ones being taken advantage of, at least the women did make some money, these guys are just giving money directly to Tate. This system is so efficient for Tate he didn't even need to carry on with the webcam business. If you're giving money to Tate you're being pimped.
  8. I dont think you understand what hearsay is, hearsay would be if someone who was not directly involved with the incidents that occurred, heard from someone who was or wasnt involved and presented that as evidence. In this case there are direct transcripts directly from Tate, taken from his wats app messages, his messages on his own website forums, his own self-published PHD (pimping hoes degree) course, his own youtube videos, direct statements from the victims who were involved. You couldnt get further away from hearsay, as in i literally couldnt think of evidence that could be more direct than the accused literally saying what he did and then there being messages confirming that he was doing what he said as well as victims coming out and speaking on it, which ties in with what he said he did to them. Its actually incredible the amount of cope that Tate fans are exhibiting. But i guess it is common and its how con men can be successful as theyre able to dupe people into thinking they havent been duped.
  9. Yeah no jury, judge will make the final decision, which I think could be worse for the Tates
  10. I might ne wrong but weren't you siding with Tate before @Bobby_2021 ? If so what made you change your mind?
  11. I get you but you could still draw the same parallel in the life analogy. So like to play life 'better' let's say, you would have built up some experience and then you have a feel for what works and what doesn't, this is exactly how it works in chess as you know. I think to make any decision in life we draw on either our own past experience or someone else's that we've read or heard about. We don't consciously think we're doing that but most likely we are.
  12. I wasnt saying to play with your feelings i was saying you have to have emotional control, but feelings of course will pop up. This is the same pretty much with any sport, tennis players will have a lot of emotions all the time and the best players can handle them better than others, so either way emotions and feelings are important. Also you can rely on feelings in chess in another sense, there are many players that play intuitively as in they dont calculate every move. Personally im ranked around 1600 on bullet chess and this is pretty much all intuitive as you havent got the time to calculate
  13. (I play chess daily) Feelings matter a lot in chess and affect the moves that you make, a quick example is that if you blunder and lose a piece most players will have an emotional reaction and want to take back as soon as possible. I noticed this in myself and am more aware to take a second after a mistake and consider what the best move would be even if it means not taking back straight away. This in itself is a great lesson for life in that having emotional control and being able to recognise when your emotions are heightened can lead to you making better decisions or at least not making decisions when in a heightened state. In general i agree with @trenton in that chess is a limited game and life is almost limitless in that there are so many variables, its also so complexed where its a lot harder to predict outcomes, particularly because a lot of life is based on other people actions and emotions. For example the stock market is notoriously hard to predict because you dont know exactly how masses of people are going to react to different circumstances.
  14. I've got a couple of chronic physical pains, one in the neck which was fairly recent and achillies tendonitis. Both are annoying but the one in the neck is really annoying. I came across this app where they teach and give you methods on how to cure chronic pain, essentially their methods include cbt, addressing childhood trauma, meditation etc and they're a lot about the mind body connection. Looking into it there is a lot of research that these types of methods do work. But I was wondering of anyone's used the app and is it worth it or in general have any ideas about working on chronic pain?
  15. I kinda agree with you, if you didn't consume any culture war content for a year and used the extra time for real life pursuits, I can't see how your life wouldn't be better. As far as I can see the culture literally only affects those that engage with it. In your day to day life it would be very rare for you to encounter anything like what happens online. The dynamic will always exist because you'll always have a new generation that wants to do things differently and an older generation that wants to keep things the same, that is how we are able to evolve, it's probably not fun for the older generation but it is what it is. Probably if we can teach people to be more adaptable and not put their identities around these things then transitions could be smoother.
  16. I think a lot of the time we see commitments as an intrusion on our freedom but this only occurs if you fail to keep your integrity, as a man in this case. A lot of men are scared that if a woman comes into the picture they can no longer 'be themselves' but this is to do more with not being able to hold your own boundaries. You can still do what you want even if you have a partner, there will be some compromise of course but that's up to you and your partner in terms of what works. The main issue guys are worried about is not being able to see other women. But seeing other women is not necessarily freedom, for one it takes a lot of time to be consistently meeting new women, it would actually give you more time to contemplate and do whatever if you had an understanding partner, rather than have to go on dates with new women every week. I think most guys would have an urge to have a woman or women in their lives romantically, if you don't have this urge then yeah don't have a partner, be celibate. If you do have this urge and you want to achieve a lot in life, then having a partner (a good one) makes more sense than being single. Just a quick example but young football players (soccer) who are likely to be big stars, are always encouraged by their football clubs to settle down, this is because if they do they can focus 100% on being the best they can be and have a focus that's bigger than just buying the latest supercar or hooking up with girls. Freedom for them would most likely ruin their careers.
  17. If you accept that the loverboy method is illegal, which you kinda have to since it is illegal then you would have to see that he's guilty. He literally did a course on pimping using that method and we know he had a webcam biz with nearly 100 girls, most of which he bragged about getting into the sex industry for the first time. The only way he could get off is if he was lying or heavily exaggerating about the method he said he used, which is pretty unlikely. But even if that was the case you can't blame them for going after him, if I was bragging about killing people but never killed anyone, obviously the law would come after me. But with Tate the results of his bragging are there so I don't really get his argument. What's funny is that he definitely would've gotten away with it if he hadn't created a course on pimping and bragged about his illegal activities. I actually can't believe how dumb a move that is for someone who's a self identified genius
  18. Loverboy method carries a max 10 year sentence, i reckon he'll get at least a couple of years, thats my prediction but we'll see
  19. I get that he's entertaining and he presents a lifestyle and confidence that I guess a lot of young men aspire to, but I don't get the points about his great advice that he gives out. People always talk about his workout advice, it's literally terrible advice, he says eat fast food and whatever you want and work out for 20 mins a day. His dating advice probably could get you women short term but it's actually detrimental for serious relationships and even that advice relies on you being uber confident, which if you were you wouldn't need his advice in the first place.
  20. Just posted a new video for anyone struggling with how to accept OCD thoughts
  21. Essentially yes you should ignore it and it will go, but i think if you start thinking about how to get in charge of your mind you can get into rumination and a kind of tug of war for your mind. Yeah i was thinking about this today, essentially OCD is a tactic used by your brain to help with your survival. From the fear reaction you give you are alerting your brain that these thoughts are extremely important and as such it gives you more of these thoughts which then confirm the importance of these thoughts from the fear reaction you give it. On and on it goes in this cycle, but ultimately its the brains strategy for survival. Being aware of this can help and then you have to do the hard work of acceptance and not reacting or doing compulsions. But yes great observation
  22. If you say facts over feelings it gives the implication that you are completely unbiased and are able to take raw data and come to factual conclusions. As you can probably extrapolate this does not work, for one youd have to know every fact and every piece of data on the subject, then youd have to be able to weigh up all this information and come to a conclusion. Even if you did manage to do this you wouldnt be able to say that whatever conclusion you came to is definitive because new information could come about at any time. Even the studies that you might incorporate into your analysis are based on hypothesis which are based on the researchers feeling that something might be true or not and then that is proven either way, but there will be lots more hypotheses that may not be tested. I find people use it because they cherry pick one or some statistics that back their own 'feeling' about a particular subject of which they had already come to the conclusion on before finding out about the fact. The truth is oftentimes messy and not as easy as 'this is true because there are facts about it'. The statement is very simplistic and promotes black and white thinking without due regard for the obvious nuance in every subject.
  23. Basically he didn't want to concede that it was bad advise to tell young men to get a vasectomy. If he said his definition of a hvm everyone would've just said that you can get that without having to make the cut, you can just wear condoms or even abstain from sex. If he had just said he was exaggerating for effect and he wouldn't actually advise men to do that, he would've been OK but he couldn't do it. He also tried to say it wasn't advice, but the context of the tweet was just 8 ways to become a hvm so I don't see how it couldn't be interpreted as advice. Even if it wasn't his intention, surely he should be aware that there are young men that follow him and treat his books like bibles who would definitely take it as advice. Myron and Fresh also couldn't say that it's not good advice because their whole channel is based on his teachings, if he's wrong about this it means he could be wrong about other things. I think between this and the pearly things girl the red pill will soon start crumbling. It is funny that Destiny who a lot of them would look at as a beta cuck is the catalyst for it as well.
  24. Rollo took a heavy L in this one, he barely could make a point and you can feel the anger and ego in his voice, to resort to ad hominums and name calling was just pathetic. The problem with redpill as demonstrated by Rollo in this clip, is that it just comes from pain and rejection mixed with some entitlement. There are some truths mixed in but guys are looking to make careers and get status off the back of it and it's really not that deep its just a few ideas that run counter to the mainstream. It's now firmly postioned opposite the extreme feminism side of the coin