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@Breakingthewall yeah exactly, global issues, i was going to mention covid as well but i was just focusing on the immediate global issues. Either way this is nothing to do with inflation being directly caused by any president, it's more to do with how it's dealt with, I would argue Biden dealt with inflation really well. Trump blames inflation on the dems which is just not true
Inflation was due to the Ukraine war (energy reliance on Russia), covid and other global issues, every country was affected and it wouldnt have mattered who the president was, the US wouldve still felt the affects. What was positive is that these global were handled the best by the US out of every other western country, record breaking stock market highs, lowest inflation of all the other countries. So essentially the US was in the best place it could be. What Trump is good at is misleading his audience with effective messaging that leaves out important context. So he was able to convince the voters that the economy was terrible, it was only good with him (he inherited Obamas economy in his first term) and that he would save it and America, all of it is not true but sounds good and got him elected. The real threat to the US is him, Musk, project 25 etc, because his plan is to enrich himself and his friends at the expense of the everyday person. Ive noticed his supporters give him the benefit of the doubt no matter what and assume that he is just a radical and is using different tactics to shake up things, nope. Bringing in things like tariffs and creating a completely unnecessary trade war is one of the dumbest things ive ever seen a leader do and its not 3d chess. I thought this is interesting and relevant, its called basic law and assumes humans fall into 4 categories - 1. If Tom takes an action and suffers a loss while producing a gain to Dick, Tom's mark will fall in field H: Tom acted helplessly. 2. If Tom takes an action by which he makes a gain while yielding a gain also to Dick, Tom's mark will fall in area I: Tom acted intelligently. 3. If Tom takes an action by which he makes a gain causing Dick a loss, Tom's mark will fall in area B: Tom acted as a bandit. 4. A stupid person is a person who caused losses to another person or to a group of persons while himself deriving no gain and even possibly incurring losses. Really you want a leader to act like 2 because you want everyone to win, its not always possible on a large scale but at least the most amount of people. For sure Trump does not act this way, not only because of America 1st but because of how he treats the other side ie people that dont support him, he doesnt care about them. His supporters want him to act as 3 the bandit, which he does for the most part if he can get it right but a lot of the time he doesnt get it right which means he actually acts like 1 when being subservient to Putin, creating a loss for public perception of him as well as trust amongst allies while giving a huge benefit to Putin. If he was getting paid or some other benefit from Putin it would make him a bandit, but he would still be creating a loss for the whole of the world bar him and Russia, which obviously is not great. Theres also the argument that a lot of his actions fall in the stupid category, as I mentioned tariffs, most likely are not going to help either side and so creates negative outcomes for everyone. The 3d chess would be if he was deliberately trying to crash the economy maybe so he and his rich friends could buy it up. So to summarise, hes either incredibly stupid or incredibly devious, I dont see any other possibilities.
Being single >>>> being with the wrong person
Jason Wilson is one of the best representations of healthy masculinity that I've seen
Imo it's most likely he's working for Russia for some reason, because as you say if he was a Russian asset he'd pretty much be doing the same things he's doing now. However, I think another possibility could be he wants to look like a hero and sort out all these problems in the world and make America a great country, but he's just very dumb and doesn't understand how complicated these issues actually are. If you line that up with how he dealt with Zel, he got annoyed because he wanted to be the one stop this war as he promised but Zel was not playing ball and he knew what Putin needed to stop it. The tarifs line up with this as well because they are easy to implement and don't need to voted in or anything. He doesn't seem to understand them and could genuinely believe that he's taxing foreign countries and will make money from it. Same with Musk cutting every department. Trump wants to be a saviour. It could also be a mix of both so he could have done a deal aligning with Russia and believing that that would give him even more power. But tbh anything could be true at this point.
Wars are very expensive and in general western or advanced nations don't want to engage in them simply because of this. There has to be some kind of pay off and as you can even see with Ukraine there probably isnt going to be much for Russia. Trump starting a war with Europe, Mexico or Canada would be insane, not saying impossible. But surely even some republicans would be against it. At the very least 50% of the population would be passionately against it. He could still do it bit I think only the maga cult and loyalists would be behind him
If you look at Trumps business history, the only real way he's made money is by selling his name, Trump steaks, Trump university, Trump buildings etc etc. If he has a skill it's marketing his name to make it seem valuable so that someone with a business will happily pay him to use it and supposedly increase sales. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's a disaster just depends on the company behind it. But the point is Trump doesn't give a fuck whether its successful or whether it's against any principles that he doesn't even have, he just cares that he makes money. He's endorsed mlms before for example. This model is essentially what he does in politics just on a much larger scale, essentially he's for sale, this is why people like Putin, Musk etc were over the moon and definitely in Musk's case, funded him into the white house because it meant they now had easy access to power. Even Vance was Peter Thiel choice for VP. Trump has no morals or principles, he knows how to market, he knows how to enrapture an audience and he's able to leverage this and sell it to the highest bidder. Do you think he really cares about gaza or Ukraine, he only sees the leverage he can get from siding with certain players, which he's obviously done.
If the US truly backs someone and gets them out of jail time who has a public course teaching men how to pimp women and has a mountain of evidence against him, I think its a new low for America. Especially given the hypocrisy in that the christian right make such a big deal about kids being influenced by lgbtq issues or grooming gangs or whatever and then to literally celebrate a self confessed groomer, is so lost.
I think how you dealt with your agency business shows that you had some integrity and some understanding of the damage it could do. I mean it still was exploitative but I think 'falling in love' with girls only to do webcam is bottom of the barrell so something must've held you back from doing that. Also I think it's very commendable to get out of something that was paying your bills because of your own principles and realisation. I have followed the tate case and I actually heard about him pre 2019, I had a brief period of mgtow content but then pulled back when I saw the extremes it went to, Tate being one of them. But I think if I was younger I definitely would've fell into that trap fully, it's easy to say as an older person how could you fall for it, but when you're young it makes a lot of sense, also Tate seems like a manipulator so he knows how to get you hooked. What I wanted to ask was did you have any direct contact with him and how did that go and what did you make of him?
This is what I was gonna say, even if you book a table at a restaurant and are late 15 mins it's within the accepted time for them to hold it for you. I actually think is was quite courteous to tell you an hour before so that you don't have to go and wait needlessly, this obviously shows care on her part. Then the blocking her is way over the top. I think what's happening which you won't accept of course, is that you've watched content around this and have put yourself as the 'prize' and set basically impossible standards on the women that you meet. The paradox is that in pretending to be confident and emulating what you think that looks like, you're actually coming across very insecure. So uli would suggest working on your inner game as a priority
Is this solid proof that Trumps a Russian asset? Not that it's not obvious anyway but this is pretty concrete now right?
What are these threads 😂😂😂
This gets a bit complicated though, cos say you have a butch lesbian who actually looks and presents as a guy but is still female and hasnt undergone any treatment or surgery, should they use the female bathroom? Are we just deciding who looks female 'enough' to use the womens bathroom, its not an easy answer tbh
Ooh OK yeah that's a bit naughty 😂 But I guess it's the same as if I was just having sex with someone with no intention of a relationship. Or I dunno do you think it's on the same level? That's good, sounds like you've made great progress friendship wise. Tbh I think it is difficult to have a purely platonic but really close friendship between a man and woman, not impossible, but usually one side likes the other and wants more whether it's sex or a relationship. Also what I've noticed is if I do have a female friend I'm not really attracted to, as soon as they get a partner they're gone. That's really good, I feel the same in terms of being my authentic self, def wasn't easy but I can relate to what you're saying. Dam 😂 for real though sometimes there's too much synchronicity for it to be a coincidence, seems like it anyway. That's really cool though cos the parent blocks are the toughest, sounds like you're doing really well
Yeah I see this a lot, most girls I know, either dating or friends, always have some guys that are happy to give them attention in the hope that one day they'll see how great they are and suddenly be attracted to them. If it's someone I'm dating and for whatever reason I meet the guy, they automatically hate me lol. But I would say this is more a friendzone thing just because the no sex situation or it could be just a level above friendship maybe. On the flip I think the equivalent of the friend zone for women is the fuckzone. In both the person isn't really getting what they want but they still stick around regardless, which is what you're talking about in terms of self-respect. Yeah 100% I think I've made progress with it tbh, I used to be avoidant in both relationships and friendships lol definitely better with friendships, I'm actually surprised at the progress and relationships are improving as well but a bit slower. Do you feel like you've cleared your traumatic blocks?