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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. It’s good one can exit it if you don’t find it pleasant.
  2. How did you stop them? I find you can wake up from sleep paralysis by wiggling your fingers or toes. you had astral projection? That’s what you mean by OBEs?
  3. I have some theory. when I was younger, maybe 15 years old or so, I would get sleep paralysis at ridiculously high rates, upwards of 50 times during one year. during this sleep paralysis I’d always get these intense vibrations, especially on the back up towards the head then from seemingly nowhere it stopped and I get them rarely since then My theory is that during that time, there was a lot going on in my energy body , energy system, and those vibrations are kind of the energy going through transformation and healing, being “worked on” during the vibrations, so I would allow them to be, as it felt good and seemed healthy, me being paralyzed and almost asleep in this “in between” state that sleep paralysis is allows for the energy to do its thing. It’s kind of like how the brain processes and heals during the night then as my energy system got more healed and unblocked, the sleep paralysis would occur more rarely what y’all think?
  4. That’s cool. They can be quite intense when I have them, it’s only during sleep paralysis I have them. I’ve thought to myself how it’s like energy being “worked on”, like the energy body is going through some transformation
  5. So it’s like an astral body, non physical body, the vibrations being this energy vibrating. worked at and developed how?so a sage has them during waking time too?
  6. Ok interesting. So it seems these vibrations are kind of spiritual energy vibrating at a certain frequency being prepared to separate the consciousness from the body
  7. thanks interesting. so the vibrations being this spiritual energy?
  8. Cool . You can find some friends 👍🏻
  9. Lithuanian group from actualized ?
  10. 27: What is a self? Something to ponder. What makes up a self? What is it in its core? How does it start to form, how does it continue forming? And does anyone have answers to this question? Interesting how it’s overlooked, not something people ponder, when it’s one of the most fundamental aspects of reality, if not the most
  11. Pani puri dipped in Ganges ok I’ll stop
  12. That’s why I wanna do it
  13. Yes I wanna drink from ganges river , the most spiritual thing you could do
  14. I get sleep paralysis more often if my sleep schedule is messed up so yea I can relate cool I didn’t know
  15. Me sharing too much made a ripple effect so others start to share too much. 😂👍🏻 I hope you had a good time. If it helps you concentrate after why not.
  16. I’ve transcended that need, next step is transcending the need for food and shelter too, bout to be a breatharian
  17. It’s because the blood flow that would go into your dick when you get hard instead goes into your head allowing you to think better #cuttingedgescience
  18. What’s my secret? Be severely disconnected from yourself and on meds😂
  19. What’s worse? Zero libido or too much libido ? Hard to say . Don’t know if I’d wanna switch with you. You and me mixed together would produce the perfect libido
  20. Yes the few times I’ve had astral projection, vibrations was before it its a calm state of mind I experience, as I’ve learned to be completely calm during sleep paralysis unlike many people who find it scary. I don’t know how it compares to meditation though was a long time since I did that Im Not really sure what you mean by “vitality will increase in clarity as you sink deeper from gross into subtle”
  21. 26: I’ve been going through some hard times lately. And one night during sleep paralysis vibrations, a female voice told me that the suffering is “love”. She said it so firmly, like it’s absolutely true. I believe it was not a hallucination, I believe it was a real spirit. I’ve been thinking about it since. It stuck with me.
  22. You killed them