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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. I’d agree with you except my point still stands. If we assume there are endless reincarnations prior to this one, some time sooner or later it would’ve happened that I ended the cycle, but since I’m here it “proves” it didn’t happen so can’t happen ”no reincarnation to happen for you within this lifetime” so only skipping the next reincarnation or no reincarnations EVER? Or you mean you could end the cycle, but then sooner or later in all of eternity the cycle restarts once again? Explaining why I’m here now
  2. What kind of eyesight problem would limit one’s lifting ability? I respect if you don’t wanna answer
  3. Do people not visualize automatically? Like daydreaming? You needed someone to tell you to do it. Nothing wrong, just a thought. Maybe some are less visual because for me and I know some others who are prone to this, visualization is way common in our lives
  4. 34: about ending the cycle of rebirth One thing that doesn’t make sense about this belief that it’s possible to end the rebirth cycle is that, if it’s true that it’s a possibility, in all of eternity wouldn’t it have happened already? But since you are here it can’t have happened. Just a thought seems like a scam😂
  5. I’d rather chill there than this reality to be honest
  6. You’ll wanna cut off the cord to your body 😂
  7. My feelings were all over the place as a kid but I remember and still do feel a mixture of unease and longing when I go out alone at night in the countryside. Fair enough
  8. Is the concern that the potential bad rep will affect your results?
  9. You only see this desire as a problem because you struggle to fulfill it #micdrop
  10. Don’t limit yourself by that thinking
  11. 33: As a child I felt this background sense of near constant unease. There was something about existing that didn’t feel right. The world seemed distant and I felt trapped deep in my skull. I think this is me feeling the stress of being a separated being. Feeling a stress that is core to the human ego structure. I wonder if other people feel this. Do they feel how there’s something “off” and “un-restful” about feeling separate. Do they feel how they’re constantly trying to maintain themselves and how this is stressful. Do they feel how much they live in a mental reality that maybe isn’t real although feels very real. I think it requires deep self awareness to feel this “off-ness”
  12. I feel this answer is very simple but I think self awareness is the key to breaking through yourself. What you’re dealing with is a negative identification you have of yourself as being socially awkward so it causes this social anxiety. In my experience self awareness is the foundation that allows you to know what to do and how to think and work to breakthrough this negative identification. Like how you gonna get rid of something if you aren’t fully aware of its nature. self awareness sounds simple but it’s very deep and then I think you must desire your confident authentic self for the sake of itself
  13. 32: why do I have this journal? What purpose does it serve? This thought has crossed my mind. I’m not so sure actually. I think one reason is to increase the possibility of pleasant interactions with like minded people. And to be able to write what I want without spamming the forum.
  14. 31: weight The medication I am on can make you gain weight. I don’t know how, but it seems to be because it increases appetite so you’ll only gain weight if you eat more. i think I might have gained one or two kilos thus far, which isn’t a lot, but it’s not my ideal weight. I want to loose a few kilos to reach my ideal weight. steps I’m gonna take: • Limit sweets to once per week, preferably homemade. (I don’t eat sweets often but I wanna limit it still) • eat more slowly (I find myself eating too fast sometimes which can make it harder to recognize when you’re full) • do omad (one meal a day) on weekends • slightly reduce portion sizes • eat whole, single ingredient foods (I do this already for 90% of my food) • utilize fasting occasionally ( for example one day on the weekend) im looking for a way of eating that is sustainable long term. I might do a larger fast to give myself a kick start. Hopefully my plan will work and I’ll reach my ideal weight and sustain it.