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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. What is constant in experience? There is you, and there is something other than you. The something other than you changes all the time, but you remain constant. There only seems to be something because you’re there to experience it. Might wanna investigate what that you is
  2. Imagine living your life and your nephew is writing on forum how he can’t stop thinking sexually about you
  3. Imagine sitting in court for a crime and saying it’s all love! Can’t dispute that!😂
  4. you hate having to initiate convo in general or there’s something about game in particular you don’t like? Depends on what game is to you. If it feels fake because you’re following some advice on how to be that you’ve heard than if you’d find a more natural and authentic expression it shouldn’t be feel as awful. Own your desire and express it. It’s for yourself you’re doing this at the end of the day. Or maybe are you afraid of rejection? Overcoming that could help too.
  5. It’s giving the same energy as when Jim Newman the non dual speaker said once something like “killing babies doesn’t matter” 😂 So brutal . But in absolute sense it’s true
  6. Nothing incestuous is cool what are u on
  7. Why aunt in particular ?
  8. I have had this thought. if it’s possible to end the cycle of rebirth, in all of eternity and endless reincarnations wouldn’t that have happened already? But since you are here it couldn’t have happened? So it doesn’t seem possible. Hmm 😂
  9. I’ll have to reread that a few times. Thanks
  10. 😂😂im obsessed with that sound
  11. You have a point. This thought came to me pretty randomly though. I don’t think about it much
  12. Depends on your goals . If you really wanna optimize it or eat a simply “decent” diet
  13. From where u got that quote?
  14. Good to gain weight maybe but not so healthy hehe
  15. Consulting a dietitian sounds like a good idea to gain some clarity in the topic of nutrition. But in general I’d recommend an omnivorous diet, following the plate model. That’s what i do and feel very healthy plus it’s recommended. You can eat nuts and healthy oils like olive oil , diary and fatty meat cuts for calories
  16. Lmao your mind is wild ofc it’s the last one
  17. What does that mean? I tried to google but didn’t find answer
  18. I understood some of it. When you say people are motivated by images. Do you mean literal images of more the image of a person, so their “persona “if you get what I mean. And what do you mean with quantum shift towards another reality ? And “we end up observing that we can obtain proof of anything and everything”? and the last paragraph hehe
  19. What do you mean by karma? I see you wrote about it in your description but could you clarify? I thought it meant the consequences of your actions or something