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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. Ok I see. But that’s to do with how we define things. So ofc there can’t be a square triangle as it goes against the definition of a triangle
  2. Thanks for the reply, I didn’t know about the multiverse theory before. So science is partly supporting my view. That’s interesting. It’s freaky to think about I too don’t think there’s physical limits to reality as a whole. Don’t know what you mean by logical limits, how that would be different from physical ones
  3. Exit the body to then exist as some spirit entity you mean? If you’re gonna exist you’ll exist as something, so now you’re existing as the body, what would the alternative be? Like an astral body?
  4. If there’s no free will in actuality doesn’t really make a difference to you, because it still will seem as if there is free will. You operated normally before having these thoughts, and can go back to that normal again, nothing changed , just your thoughts about free will.
  5. That’s fine ofc. I just mean some young guys start watching porn, they start with regular stuff, then that doesn’t cut it anymore, so they move to more hardcore stuff, to get themselves horny, that becomes the new normal for them, the desensitization plays a role in this. So violent stuff stops affecting them, it becomes normal and even exciting.Not all guys become like this ofc . But maybe it depends on how the word desensitized is used. It could lead to it getting difficult to get horny because you’ve exhausted your sex drive so much, by watching so much porn and jerking off, like some guys who might have a hard time getting hard during normal sex because they’ve gotten so used to porn
  6. That too. Don’t see how it goes against my point
  7. Porn is mostly catered towards the male gaze. Some men get desensitized when they watch porn so they crave more hardcore stuff, that’s one reason
  8. Ok I see. I love pasta personally
  9. Yea I saw chicken (I think) and potato that’s what I eat a lot of the time
  10. I googled that and it looked amazing too. It looked healthy too nothing to feel guilty about hehe
  11. I tried to make it once and it was really good yes she used brown rice and quinoa pasta so if you don’t like the wheat and gluten one could use that. I’m fine with it tho so I don’t mind yea I like Mediterranean style too👍🏻
  12. tuna pasta sallad with homemade vinaigrette 😋
  13. @Buck Edwards ok makes sense now👍🏻 😂
  14. Ok so it is pancakes? I thought the lighting made it look gold yea
  15. I genuinely can’t see the things you wrote that it is, is the gold thing the spinach? And where is the cottage cheese even? It looks like pancakes
  16. Me neither. But from their words they’re a woman
  17. Why does that look to me like breaded chicken, rice , pancakes and liquid gold😂
  18. I’m doing nothing now and got the idea what if I could summon some spirit or ghost, paranormal stuff or something just to add some spice to life. Anyone got any experience of this ? lol