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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. 😂😂😂😂this made me laugh for some reason .
  2. I find it more fascinating how people don’t commit suicide when I hear some of the horror they go through , like what keeps them going
  3. Life can be so rough. Rip
  4. @Schizophonia ofc
  5. You have them as plan b if game doesn’t work 😂
  6. If the aim is mastery why does it matter what’s easiest or hardest in terms of getting women
  7. I quickly googled when are women the horniest during cycle and it said ovulation phase, also that’s when fertility is highest
  8. I was joking but serious simultaneously because there is some truth to it. 😂
  9. You seem to be heading in a good direction , exploring and developing yourself, I’m glad👏🏻
  10. you gotta hit on her the right time of her monthly cycle, preferably during ovulation, ultra hack 😎
  11. Spontaneously I’m thinking night game since women are more let loose there and maybe the type of girls that go there can sometimes be “easier” and the drinking contributing too
  12. I’ve thought about this too. Average people puzzle me in general . I think there are several factors to this. So the more self centered you are the more interested you are in your ideal self and self improvement etc so you’ll be more likely to be interested in health etc. Also the way the human ego is structured it’s like patterns of conditioned responses and it tries to maintain itself and keep itself stable so breaking habits require breaking through yourself so any change comes with a little self dissolution in my experience which can be difficult. Human brain too aren’t designed for the modern world things that used to be scarce are now abundant.
  13. I’ve done the same and it never feels nice. I just tried to make sure I was really clear and transparent, and then I finished the contact with the person. Think through what you have said, if you have said enough, been completely transparent. If yes then no need to explain further, if you feel some big pieces are missing in your explanation then yes maybe contact again. But only if something really is missing not simply because you feel bad. If it felt like the right decision for you it is.
  14. First time seeing another Croatian woman here
  15. I see your point
  16. Looks good