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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. ok i see your point, but I don't think its so common
  2. if this is really important to you, you could conduct your own research. Go ask people on the streets, whatever
  3. I think its simple what I wrote
  4. lmao what. What does fewer energy blockages have to do with looks, what u mean
  5. @Rishabh R i havent experienced it yet but im sure its possible to have a crush without putting them on a pedestal
  6. it can be hard to unwire this. Us women fall into this trap too I just meant attraction in general, both instant but also when youre getting to know a woman´s personality. But in regards to the "instant" attraction, yea I guessed too its very looks based for most men. And the hotter the more of this "instant" attraction is felt. I don't know what the cause of it is, if its mainly biological or more because of society, and how much of it can be "worked on" and "rewired" or not. its not a problem per say, but it connects to this point about looks being put on pedestal, so it could be contributing to your issue. by attraction I also meant your attraction to a woman as youre getting to know her, as youre dating. Here I wondered, lets say you like both her personality and looks, is looks still the main factor, if so it could be contributing to the issue since it also ties into this point about "pedestalization". But you said to fall in love with a woman other factors take importance if not more, so here the answer is no, looks no longer play the most important role. But Im guessing when youre really early in dating a woman and you don't know her much, looks take the first place in your attraction to her and its pedestalized so thats contributing to your issue as a woman, maybe im unique, but Im not really capable of getting attracted to a guy because of his looks, it doesn't happen, it did happen in younger years but as I got older it stopped, so I believe it can be "rewired" to a certain degree. But its maybe different for men and for women. it might be able to be "rewired"
  7. @Schizophonia are you bringing non duality into this again eh😂
  8. You put looks on pedestal. do you feel automatically more attracted to her if she’s physically hotter? Maybe you can’t deal with the intense attraction you’re feeling when she’s more hot physically. Some insecurity could block you from feeling confident in your attraction to her and owning it im speaking from my own experience of having in my past this crush whom I pedestalized (because of his personality) and couldn’t feel comfortable in my very intense attraction to him due to insecurity in myself. So it was like it was too strong attraction to deal with, maybe you can relate idk
  9. @Buck Edwards that’s a good book👍🏻
  10. That’s good it’s something at least. i don’t have a specific diagnosis yet
  11. Can I ask you are the antidepressants helping ? I’m also on it
  12. 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s up to you
  13. You could start a thread if you want
  14. Lmao what😂😂
  15. That’s right now that u say it
  16. @UnbornTao I’m surprised you didn’t tell him to “contemplate” 😂
  17. Thanks 😂🙏🏻 I hope it could help
  18. At the end of the day you can’t control how others respond to you, and women dont owe you anything that’s the cold truth. Sometimes just reminding yourself of the cold truth can be good, your anger is not helping you it’s doing nothing. So if you’re gonna be affected by what women think your internal world will go up and down all the time because as you say women’s reactions are like up and down cycle. Don’t compare me to Jung poor guy 😂
  19. You seem too focused on the women. So if they respond well to you , you feel good, if they respond bad to you, you feel bad. I’d say the best you can do is to try to focus more on yourself, how you can improve yourself, in a way that feels authentic and aligned. When you are doing things for yourself you’ll feel good and when you feel secure in yourself others reactions won’t move you as much . Be wary of how you might deceive yourself , it has to be authentic can’t fake that confidence my silly psychoanalysis attempt 😂😂
  20. It’s ok if you don’t know the real reason I was just wondering what you yourself thought the reason was so you tend to feel inferior and have low self esteem around those guys you consider “players”?
  21. Yea but why? I was thinking your response to it would give a clue to what your problem might be but with that vague answer I’m not getting anywhere😂
  22. I meant what do you think the reason is for them rejecting you? I don’t know
  23. Why do you think they reject you?
  24. I don’t know better🤷🏻‍♀️ I just heard everything is love