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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. I think like this too. But at the same time some non dualists claim it’s all the same. Maybe they still have a human ego but without a sense of I somehow, don’t know how that would work
  2. How do you explain these non dualists though that claim the I sense had dropped for them?
  3. Some people speak in terms of how the sense of self is “taught” through for example language by constantly being referred to. I don’t know if I agree with this, would a person isolated on an iland away from society from birth develop a sense of i? I do think so, because the sense of self in my theory seems to be of the human brain. Maybe the identity would be more simple though, but the person would feel like a separate self. I’m not fully sure though
  4. Cool thx. I can maybe kinda get what u mean
  5. You’re saying “you” as in existence itself ?
  6. Basically this post highlighted how the average human experience isn’t so bad after all. And by being conscious sentient beings it allows us to experience good things , in contrast to for example a plant that doesn’t have a conscious experience. One could wonder though , if the sense of self disappeared would all the things I wrote still be possible? What’s the difference between a vegetable and an enlightened person in terms of their “pov”? It might sound ridiculous but it’s something legit that could be discussed
  7. You have some point yes, I know you’re from Sweden and it’s been an increase in these shootings if I’ve heard correctly, I’m personally not concerned about it for my own sake but I can see how it could be a concern
  8. It’s just language id say. It’s like saying “I have no sense of self” it doesn’t make sense since it implies there is a someone without a sense of self. But it’s just what happens with language. I personally can say I “have” a sense of self, but at the same time I cannot “find my self” as a thing , it’s too direct.
  9. Yes, but this post highlighted the positives of the self, basically saying what it allows us to experience fundamentally, without a self there wouldn’t even be an experience in a way as there’s not something separate from oneself to experience, can’t imagine how that would be
  10. How? I’ve heard this before , how we can be attached to stress somehow
  11. That’s the question we seemingly can’t answer
  12. that’s true in the absolute sense i see there are negative sides to the self this post highlighted the positive ones though and what it allows us to do and experience fundamentally also I think there’s different kinds of self dissolution but that’s for another topic ”you’re” blessed to have no sense of self! Sure something must be different about it, or not? It sounds preferable over having a sense of self
  13. Ofc yea I agree. The sense of I know I am here is the sense of separate self
  14. Your mixing together non duality and duality here again I don’t get what you mean.
  15. I’m with you on the first sentence but not the second. Second sounds non dual while the first sounds dual
  16. Sure immigration has brought with it some criminals but I don’t see how it connects to my point
  17. Yea exactly our struggles in the west tend not to be about physical survival for most but about other things