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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. Hahahah maybe that’s what I need at the end of the day
  2. So the videos give instructions? I appreciate you trying to help btw that’s kind
  3. How is it done?
  4. I still don’t know if there is any correlation at all between practice and enlightenment. So hard to say what the pursuit does
  5. Ok I see.
  6. I liked it. Although I’ve forgotten most of it
  7. Sometimes maybe the pursuit is needed before a surrender happens who knows. Sometimes it may play itself out like that
  8. It’s so hard to locate the “I” sense , yet somehow we feel we are here. If it feels better for you to deconstruct the desire to feel special then I’d say go for it. We can have such pressures on ourselves. What a struggle we are in while we apparently don’t even exist!
  9. You’re speaking in the absolute sense so yes that’s the case there. Don’t know what else to add really, but there’s an apparent difference between self and no sense of self, not that one will not keep a kind of human ego , but something seemingly “drops”.
  10. Okay I see. When I was in high school I went to this “rethoric” class where we held a bunch of speeches so we practiced that which is of your concern. Also do you mean when you speak in English or French or both? I don’t read books these days no
  11. There was a period I watched quite a lot of non dual talk. I used to do meditation too and a little bit of other practice. But I don’t anymore. Nonetheless I still think if liberation is a desire, it’s a good idea to pursue it, like Leo says, regardless if the chance seems very small. Why not, can’t loose anything by trying. Maybe one day one realizes one doesn’t have to try at all, or something.
  12. Exactly I agree. There’s a lot of tension all over associated with the self.
  13. It’s difficult for the mind to grasp this and formulate it well. Maybe in absolute sense there’s no difference between before the “drop” and after, as they say. But in some sense there is a difference between when the sense of self seems to be there vs not
  14. I wonder if there is any correlation between spiritual practice and enlightenment (total drop of self). Some non dualists , like Jim Newman for example I think, says that nothing is correlated to the drop in self. That it’s hopeless. Some teachers preach about practice. I wonder what the truth is. For me im more in the hopeless view. For me I feel the self has such a life of its own. Can’t imagine what could possibly make it fall away. Seems like endless hours of practice and endless psychedelics would be needed. And even from that I’m not sure it would fall away
  15. I see what you’re saying. I’ve experienced a thinning of the self too and yes it can be scary. But apparently it’s supposed to be the most beautiful thing ever, for it to drop completely
  16. I can intuit that it’s true. But I haven’t “seen it for myself” because I still have a sense of self if that makes sense. I’m guessing it’s the same for you, that’s why those non dual talks resonate.
  17. I wish I could realize that.
  18. I haven’t tried yet but I will soon
  19. Maybe it’s like that absolutely but it stills feels as if there is someone. The best thing would be to realize there’s nobody ofc
  20. There’s two ways to deal with this need to be special. Either you work on yourself and become special, or you accept mediocrity and settle for that. There’s also a difference between wanting to be special for yourself vs to appear special for the world.
  21. Crispy rice salad trend
  22. i can see your point. I still think there is such a thing as the average person, somehow. I think we can get the impression of someone being average while at the same time remaining open to change that upon knowing the person better. I haven’t written about all of my experiences here but if I did you’d understand that I’m not average (not in a good way), so you’d see where I’m coming from with this post. Once again it’s not important for me to know this, but it’s something that is sometimes on my mind, how the average experience is. I used the term average as a general thing.