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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. Don’t make the women feel you’re only into them for their appearance. Can be a turn off this thought just came to me spontaneously. Maybe it has value or not
  2. @Someone here how do you know it’s eternal rest? I believe we will incarnate again sooner or later into some kind of form. Why would it only happen once, doesn’t make sense
  3. The body dies because that’s how nature, biology works
  4. It seems to be like that yes. That’s how biology works.
  5. They are true in a relative sense yea.
  6. Maybe it’s so but relatively speaking we draw distinctions between when the human body is created in the womb and when it dies. So it’s us that create those distinctions on forms
  7. “Then the body must also be eternal” why must form be eternal to you?
  8. When they say nothing dies I’m guessing they mean everything transforms , so your dying body will turn into dust
  9. It can be taken as a concept or be heard. The former is normal when you feel like a self
  10. One time I listened to this super small YouTube channel with non dual talkers and one guy he switched between these few sentences it sounded kinda like “appearing in this, as this” “all is this” “there’s only this, there’s only what’s appearing in this” “what’s arising in this” .
  11. Meditate and breathe deeply to calm your nervous system in general. Observe the fear, be present in it.
  12. I googled c3po lmao
  13. I don’t mind I think..
  14. That would be so cool, it seems fun to use a pole to be honest
  15. @Schizophonia once I get my splits done I’m halfway there…. jk
  16. Lmao you have a point there. Funny you mention because currently I’m stretching everyday to learn to go down into a split, and also training to handstand lol that would maybe be useful skills
  17. I think I would like it because it uses the body. For example I’ve thought that I could work as a cleaner, and I would like it for the same reason. I’m weird yea ofc 👽👽so alien
  18. Thank you
  19. Sounds like a decent job. I like when one can move one’s body
  20. Yes
  21. It would be like “there’s just this” “appearing in this” “apparently “ “everything is nothing” “there is nothing” “no limit” “no separation” very fun sub forum indeed