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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. I see you projecting your own insecurities
  2. You are already channeling sexual energy through this post and your profile even if you might not be aware of it yourself Imaš vec to u sebi
  3. I bet you can’t beat me . This post was just me sugarcoating it a little
  4. Typical neurodivergent people to not have proper melatonin regulation
  5. That’s not the energy you’re giving off tho haha gotta work on that
  6. Okay good now you have more clarity. So entire ego isn’t problem because perhaps it’s possible to have positive and peaceful ego , now how can you get there? Perhaps more achievable than no ego - and it leads to your goals (no negativity) well….. It’s possible to not be affected by that..
  7. How about narrowing down even more what you don’t like. Ego is very broad term. What is it about your ego you don’t like? Who said you need retreat for that
  8. I don’t understand what is the suffering in this disconnection? I’ve had these “mental illnesses” for a big portion of my life. You are still connected to something, some world and some sense of self although it deviates from norm and is perhaps more diffuse, because if you weren’t connected to any self /world then you wouldn’t be able to recognize this “state” as a thing. It needs contrast to exist
  9. I’ve experienced what would be considered derealization /depersonalization for a big portion of my life. In a sense you could say it has been my default state. In my case I would say it’s more neurological rather than relating to poor mental health. i would say this with derealization/depersonalization you still have a sense of self and external reality it’s just that this deviates from the “normal” sense. It’s not the same as “no self” and “no world”. You still have a quality to yourself and the world but it’s just different also in my experience - when I had my awakening to awareness / “shift “ - the depersonalization and derealization continued but the fundamental way in which I related to it changed you could say. The shift was more fundamental than those things Also those things don’t have to be a problem either. Conventionally they are associated with suffering - I’ve never understood this. I’ve had these “mental illnesses” for a big portion of my life but it has never caused me significant suffering…what is so scary about things not feeling super real ? Haha I don’t get it ? also …in order for you to recognize these states. You have to have some real sense of what “normal “ reality is that stands in contrast, perhaps you have memory from the past or something, so there is something that seems real to you, but you don’t seem connected to it. You cannot walk around and experience “nothing seems real” becuase if nothing seems real then you wouldn’t be able to recognize it. You have to have some sense of something that seems very real that stands in contrast. So in these mental states you still are connected to “realness” in some way, perhaps it’s buried deep in your psyche, but it just seems further away from your access or something . “Awakening” contains all of this and is more fundamental I would say
  10. don’t you enjoy your own presence ? dancing to music might help
  11. this post was mainly humorous for me. But I mean for what a lot of people here call “enlightenment “
  12. I keep mentioning desire over and over again so you’re def onto something here
  13. if you desire enlightenment - like you seem to do - doesn’t that mean that you sense there is something desirable about it to you? what is desirable about a “change in the context of existence”? it’s almost as if you are missing something to your definition of it. Isn’t the first step to getting what you want, knowing what you want? You say : “Nontheless, a clear and present state of mind is certainly mere conductive to awakening then being drunk for example.“ if you attain a clear and present state of mind - doesn’t any desire for something to come as a result of it disrupt this very state? It’s almost paradoxical then
  14. People seem to experience that they can tho - that’s the part I’m trying to poke holes at here. I’m trying to say that you can seek anything but enlightenment , not that I know what it is, which is exactly my point, as anything we seek is something we have somewhat defined and thus ~know~ what it is You say : “It's just that most people don't because they are stuck tightly to the dream. They have survival needs and they only care about surviving in this dream as the self. “ Is it anything a self has ever done that isn’t exactly this? You seem to suggest most people are like this- and then there are a few of us that aren’t and thus are able to awaken. All selves ever only know dream and survival. A self cannot try to end itself as that’s just it trying to know the end of itself. It’s a desire for ~something ~ masquerading as desire for nothing. This kind of rhetoric evokes an attempt in people to try to end this “survival game”. But that is also the survival game. Trying to get out by the same means you are in it in the first place. How can I say this. I’m trying to communicate something. Basically. You won’t loose anything by engaging in this dream, because you’re already doing it and it is the only thing you can do.
  15. I love how you sat down and included a definition haha, but I know what it means. Not much time is needed on the internet to hear about it sorry for this wacky quoting I’m just struggling on my phone You said : ” I do sometimes get amusing responses, especially when I create more than two voices. Instead of being serious, they'll start taking cracks at each other. This generally only happens when the topic is non-critical, or when the discussion has dragged on a while without any results, which is also usually the point where more voices are brought in. I once had a voice that was jealous of the rest of me. I was literally jealous of myself. That's the kind of shenanigans my disintegrated mind can get up to.“ Hahahahahah our own minds can be the funniest shit I swear. Be careful who you tell this too tho, they might make a call to the psych ward. jealous of yourself? Ok ?? never heard of that before. You must have realized your own chadness or something what’s cool is also that all these different “personas” you could call them, they aren’t just “in your head”. One could learn how to communicate them outwardly into the outside world and express there. For example some of us might feel we are very funny and charming and “deep” in our heads but awkward and shallow in real life. But this “in your head” is in a way just as much you as you irl, and with time it can come to flow outwards. Like this convo we are having sharing our innermost worlds with each other and connecting ? even helping each other draw this inner energy outwards, or at least in my experience You said : ” It's totally a form of self-therapy. Every time I think of getting therapy, I try this technique out on my issue, and end up concluding that it wouldn't be worth paying and waiting for someone else to help me when I can get help for free and right now. I definitely do sometimes get clear answers, though as you mention, sometimes it's just a seed for future exploration.” hahah I see you are economical ? And yes totally there is value to it even if answers don’t come right away. The best answers sometimes comes unexpected. you said: “ That usually happens when I can't bring out the right voices. I can't embody a voice for a part of myself that has completely alienated itself, so at times like that I'll be stymied until I at least get some idea of what that alien would say in response to an inquiry. Then it's just about finding compassion for the little alien and bringing it into the fold with all the previously integrated parts of me. Everyone gets a seat at the table, and everyone has a voice. That's the rule.” really sounds like you’re growing yourself deeply that’s lovely to hear : ) you said: “ Which isn't to say that the rule has been without exception. I think there have been one or two instances of me finding foreign entities, not in any supernatural sense, but in the sense that once found, the only role they had was to be expelled. I don't remember the specifics, only that it was unusual to me at the time. I suspect they were voices unintentionally planted by unhealthy authority figures from my childhood.” I can relate in some way. Sometimes there can be voices expressing something and instantly we just see right through it as a completely unnecessary negativity and a pattern from the past, old trauma in the system; and this neutral attention to it , is what allows it to be expelled. “ However, that experience isn't on the same level of foreignness as you described. My voices never answer against my will or without my conscious direction. Though, I don't think that's what you're describing either. What you're describing sounds to me like a large-scale form of self-alienation, similar to what I mentioned but broader in scope. Integrating aliens is the trickiest part of the technique, because there's no set method for giving a voice to a part that has never before had a say. It's usually difficult to discern what the alien is doing, or what it wants. Even worse, some aliens are barely verbal, or communicate in images, or some other inconvenient nonsense.” maybe you are just more normal than me haha?. But you have a point, I don’t fully understand it myself. I swear what you’ve just written is more advanced than some forms of therapy . Who needs years of education when you have your own psyche to draw insight from. Thanks for sharing you said: “”It takes a while to process big things. My brain can be half-fried for a couple of days after a significant realization. I'll still be curious even if you take your time “” And how we understand our own experience and our past changes and evolves with time, so any old interpretations just get remodeled over and over, so it might not feel just right to express something when we feel we haven’t reached this proper understanding, because it’s so personal and real to us that we want to give it justice by properly describing it . “Half fried “ haha isn’t it lovely sometimes when things don’t make fully sense and we can just walk around like fools sometimes I’m equally as curious as you ?