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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. What is it? pain is still pain and we don’t like it no matter what but it’s good if you’ve found a way to accept it
  2. That’s beautiful but I feel pain is only able to be accepted to a certain degree, too much pain becomes unbearable if one has to go through it. Maybe it is possible to develop some extreme mindfulness with practice to be able to tolerate and embrace that even , if that’s possible maybe some exceptional people have achieved it and it’s possible
  3. This is funny to me as a woman to read for some reason lol. Nonetheless I’d say I agree to a degree
  4. I see. I think slightly different although I agree with you regarding not resonating with the idea of high and low consciousness. I see consciousness as something of the self, so the self is conscious of itself and a separate reality. This remains constant as long as there is a sense of self, and it is always conscious. With no self at all , I don’t know because i haven’t “experienced” it , but I guess you couldn’t even say there is a reality, because there would be no sense of separation so reality being nothing and everything at the same time. Consciousness is associated with duality for me. I don’t know that for sure tho I’m open to other views
  5. I get what you mean. Then the question becomes what is consciousness even? Because we can talk about all kinds of change, in the senses as you mention, sight and hearing getting worse. But we can’t talk about how consciousness could change if we don’t know what it is even, it’s a mystery. If it’s nothing then it can’t change. But if you damage the brain your entire perception of reality could change, but you’re still conscious so that hasn’t changed. If you damage it enough you will die and loose consciousness, or fall into coma, making it seem the consciousness is dependent on physicality but then there are reports of people leaving the body as the consciousness upon death, so once again it seeming independent. So who knows
  6. Argument against this could be that your consciousness is dependent on your brain, nervous system being a certain way and that it has been this specific way for as long as you’ve been conscious. Yes your body brain has changed yes maybe each cell has been replaced but the way it happens in the brain and body happens in such manner that what is needed for your consciousness to stay constant has been constant enough . If that makes sense, so despite the change a comparison could be , idk if this is a good one, how come your skin is the same color despite the fact every cell is replaced, is the color independent of the change, no , because the way the change happens is so that the color remains constant , so the color is dependent on the skin
  7. 👍🏻sounds like near death experience too some report leaving the body although you mean doing it while still alive
  8. Sounds pretty epic I’ll look it up it’s called stream surfer for what you know right?
  9. Sounds cool I’ll look it up. Sounds a little like astral projection?
  10. Can’t be too common right? People suffer through horrible things and feel everything . How could one practice it tho
  11. For research purposes about how neuroleptics increase prolactin ok I understand
  12. Don’t know what that supposed to mean but ok😂
  13. Oh ok I see😂 we talk occasionally and he knows my height and has seen me that’s where it comes from probably. We just joke with each other .
  14. I don’t get random messages actually only few times in response to posts but nothing weird only once
  15. Not that clear might have to read again but I can understand a little bit
  16. Still there is a difference, all god talk would fly out the window from the pov of the one in the video
  17. Easy when you’re the one watching the video and not in the video ..
  18. I don’t understand once again I tried reading it twice but sure 😂
  19. More hardcore just means what you probably are thinking, more violence, younger seeming women, basically anything “forbidden”, that direction
  20. I mean just escalating by getting more hardcore . Wym no subject