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Everything posted by Sugarcoat

  1. Why do you believe that is? Because I feel the same
  2. if it was that simple to get out of it I would’ve been out a long time ago ?
  3. For most of my life. I have been very aware of my own mind. I have always had an extremely strong visual thinking ability for some reason. It got to the point where it seemed that the only thing that I had any grasp on was my mind. imagine walking around and feeling like you have no access to physicality everything you know is like your thoughts and outwardly projected mental projections especially on your body but ever since my awakening experience this April. I discovered this ~self corrective tendency~ of this human vessel that has allowed for profound healing like never before and it’s like all these mind-layers, in particular on my body associated with my sense of self have dissolved one by one like bricks of domino like what the hell life is no longer just mental projections For example this morning I danced and it was like my body was an ~actual physical entity~ that I experienced in this light, complete, smooth way and not just this pile of heavy mental projections weighing it down I have been trying to access this for years and now I got it is this how normal people live? They just feel like they have a real physical body it’s not like dense layers of their mind projected onto it standing in the way Damn i wonder sometimes maybe this is also like another mind-layer waiting to be dissolved but then it’s like naaah this can’t be this is way too tangible and stable for that to be the case also I’m very familiar with lowkey feeling like everything is my mind so it’s not really scary to me (although this is much preferable) so I’ll just bask in this new found physicality while it lasts if it does
  4. Prior to my shift. The way I see it, the mind seems to have many layers to it that are more or less “detached” and and reflect the state of the rest of the system. So for example when I was younger, there seemed to be a lot of blocked energy in my system, so the layer of my mind that I had access to and was aware of was a reflection of that and I was operating from that level of my mind. I was attached to this mind and engaging it more and more throughout my life because it seemed to get me where I wanted. So it got until that point where it almost completely dominated my experience of reality, both as this stream of thoughts and as these mental projection/filter/layers whatever. It was weighing my entire system down, actually very unhealthy but I believed it was helping me. So after my shift where there was this natural surrender, it allowed for healing and untangling of my entire system, both energetically, physically, mentally etc, so it’s all wayyyy more balanced now. My post had a touch of humor to it. I don’t mean I am back to “normal”. Or like most people seem to experience life. Quite the opposite, my life is wayyyy more “spiritual” and wacky now haha So what you mean might not be what I’m referring to although you can feel free to share!
  5. Actually not my first clear memories of my own experience of myself and reality as a child was not quite pleasant. I believe I was around 10 or so when I started to become aware of it, but basically I had this experience of being “sucked into my head”. The external world seeming very distant and me being detached from it somehow. This was pretty much my ~default~ state and very disturbing to me and I had this sense of unease in general. The closer to nighttime the more disturbing it was, which I believe is because during the day there is a lot of stimulation and everything is bright and “alive” so this state wasn’t obvious then and I was able to be happy during the day I have never found any explanation for what this was. Or anyone talking about having a similar childhood experience. I am very curious though! The closest I’ve gotten was perhaps on Reddit when someone said they had this “solipsism syndrome” experience where they described this “sucked into the head” experience.
  6. Thank you! yea. In my teens I worked out regularly at the gym and weight lifted seriously. Nowadays I move in general, have started to dance more, but don’t have any routine.
  7. @Jannes does it actually increase or does your awareness of it simply increase?
  8. Yea I can see your point. It is hard to tell sometimes.
  9. Maybe consciousness allows that who knows
  10. Don’t look at his age too if you dare
  11. Interesting habits you got there
  12. @Holykael first of all where is all of what you just said, the images of it and all occurring? You guessed it, in your mind secondly ofc the idea of possibly living a life sometime in infinity being for example in some medieval torture machine isn’t pleasant (in the past thoughts like this kept me up at night) but it’s not happening ~right now~ so why not enjoy yourself and your life now instead of worrying bout some mental idea of Infinity ?
  13. LOL that’s creepy asf yet funny asf. And cool. Thanks for sharing will look into it. And perhaps it can work as a warning too ?
  14. There has been a lot of expansion since the shift. Yet also a “stabilizing”. But not like the stability before the shift which was some wacky mental reality yes dancing has been a part of the process since I have been naturally attracted to it As of now I prefer to dance without instruction as i please in the moment. But thank you anyways for the suggestion!
  15. Well I can be a bit hesitant to post here since it seems like my “journey” in life is so extremely rare that I doubt even most people here would relate and resonate with it Also the fact most here are male and older than me already makes me feel a bit out of place so I cannot deny that your comment, also coming from you who seems to have gone “deep” or whatever one would call it, was a bit reassuring to this little insecurity of mine!
  16. Where can you hear about those stories? interesting you mention btw. After this morning I realized I want to bask in this direct connection to my body so deeply while dancing to music that I need to set myself time away to do just that. I have had mystical like experiences before when dancing and afterwards so I am curious where one can go with it. Am currently with people and busy with other things but when I get the chance I will!? Seriously tho, prior to my shift I was so stuck in my head, allowed myself almost no free time ever to do what I spontaneously wanted. After the shift I discovered my deep love for dancing. It is funny to me, in my past I saw it as this meaningless but nice activity …oh boy it is so much more
  17. Presence was revealed when the shift occurred this is something else in my experience . It’s like this human vessel has different components, mind. energy, physicality etc. And it all was a whole mess before, all this stuck energy in my system, limiting beliefs , mental projections, neurotic patterns , psychosomatic tension knots, I could go on and on. Just dense and heavy and “edgy” ugh and it all gets untangled! Without doctors , no science needed just pure awareness nature healing itself seemingly endlessly, effortlessly! WOW!
  18. There is more ???? Your comment surprised me btw!
  19. What’s the purpose of being more emotional? So others don’t think you’re cold or what? Aka for your own benefit.
  20. I’m struggling to put into words what it is about. But I would say something along the lines of being exposed fully to my own undesirable perception of myself through interaction with someone else (our sense of self exists in relation to others). This someone else could be anyone that I have a desire to have a desirable perception of myself around (meaning I don’t already have it) to be able to enjoy something from them (or most importantly to be able to enjoy something within myself that is drawn to them)
  21. @Yimpa i will never forget that legendary video ??