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About SwiftQuill

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  • Birthday 06/08/1998

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  1. So I watched this movie in the theater and I'm here to advise you guys not to do it. I rate it a 4 or 5 out of 10. 5 is being generous. The "Plot": I write "plot" in quotes because there is no plot. The movie is an awkward sequence of events. It has many sub plots, many of which don't even evolve. There is no overall conflict in this story. There are many small conflicts which lead to a finale. Basically, the protagonist, Mickey 17, is in a space mission, and each time he dies, he is "human printed". His role in the mission is to die in a variety of ways so the scientists gather knowledge on viruses, life expectancy in certain cenarios, etc. This main plot goes nowhere. The Message™: The villain of this movie is a stupid narcissistic politician whose plan is to create a superior race of humans in another planet. A white race. And his fans are stupid and wear red hats. Yes. It's quite obvious there is an anti-Trump message here. I'm European, and I'm not a Trump supporter, so I couldn't give less shits about the Message. The bald man who owns this forum loves to insist that Hollywood is only bad because of capitalism, and that wokeness has nothing to do with it. Bullshit. Terrible 1 dimension villain who isn't remotely interesting or believable. The "Humor": This movie isn't 100% a comedy, but you can tell they were going for something lighthearted. Even the IMDB page says "action/comedy". There are many of jokes in the movie. Not a single one of them made me even smile. Also, the characters swear a lot, because it's part of the "humor". I swear a lot myself, and I'm ok with swearing, but in a story it's important to have the dialogue make sense. There are many instances in the movie where characters swear for absolutely no reason. It feels really contrived. The humor is also very self deprecating and unoriginal. The protagonist: The protagonist might be the worst aspect of this movie. It's played by Robert Pattinson, I love the actor. But his role here is terrible. Mickey is a pathetic little wimp who lets everyone and anyone around him to treat him like trash. He is very insecure and has a fake whiny voice. Terrible protagonist. Terrible voice. The good parts: There were aspects in the movie that I enjoyed. One of the characters, Mickey's girlfriend, was somewhat well written. And she is a good actress. I also like the scifi setting. And I like how the alien planet looks. It actually looks somewhat original. And the alien creatures they encounter are also interesting and intelligent. What saddens me is I feel there was a lot of potential in this movie. They had a concept, but didn't know how to work with it. They had an interesting scifi setting, and even a good plot and conflict near the end of the movie. But overall, the movie is a huge mess. Not a terrible movie, just mediocre. Not worth a theater ticket's price.
  2. I once read a story about a character stuck in a time loop. It was caused by a time machine that the protagonist had invented. It was supposed to allow for time travel but ended up forcing her to repeat the same day over and over - another Groundhog day clone. So she is stuck in a time loop, repeating the same day, after only having used the time travel machine once. The protagonist writes in a journal the events of each day. And what she plans to do to try to escape the time loop. In one of the entries, she conducts an experiment with the time machine. She inserts an apple (biological material) into the time machine, to see if she can send it to the past or send it outside the time loop. Instead, the apple was destroyed (the time machine destroyed all the organic matter). This entry is foreshadowing. So after giving up on using the time machine to escape the time loop, she attempts other things to break free of this "curse". But nothing works. She goes mad over time, even developing some sort of psychopathy due to the insanity of living the same day over and over. Near the end of the story, the protagonist writes a final entry in the journal. She says she has exhausted all options to break free from the time loop. And that she has no motivation to keep living like this. She says goodbye, and that she plans on entering the time machine one (all her organic matter will be destroyed - she will attempt su*c*de). But that's not the final entry. After that entry, she writes another one that says "It didn't work". The next day, she writes "It didn't work..." The next day, she writes "It didn't work..." The next day, she writes "It didn't work..." Over and over. The only chance she thought she had of ending this nightmare would be by entering the time machine and dying. But that didn't work. She was forced to live like this for eternity. The concept of living the same day forever on repeat, and being so stuck in that limited, maddening existence, without even having death as a form of mercy, as an escape, I found it incredibly dark. To me, this might be the darkest ending I've ever seen in a story.
  3. I'm looking for a practical, stage orange book on persuasion/social influence/communication skills. I want to use this for the following: - Becoming better at job interviews - Becoming a good salesman - Becoming a good negotiator - Becoming socially attractive I don't want common sense ideas like from How to Win Friends and Influence People. I want books with practical advice. I have already read How to Talk to Anyone - 92 Little Tricks (good book btw, I recommend).
  4. These are my role models: I love Piers Morgan. Political bullshit aside, I love his style. I wish I were half as assertive and confident as him.
  5. Never played it but I've seen videos on it. The lore seems interesting. I love this subgenre of scifi with a bit of horror, with a sort of claustrophobia. I might play it in the future.
  6. I just read Leo's Rational Wiki's page. Jesus Christ. It's so toxic, so full of defamation, it's disturbing. I think there might be a little bit of truth in the criticism. For instance the section where they criticize him for misconstruing Godel's theorem or some quantum mechanics concept. But for the most part, that article is absurdly biased. The authors of that page decided to ignore 95% of Leo's good content from his videos, decided to focus on the 5% of scientific inaccuracies (debatable), and strawmanned some horrible things which I won't even write here. I have also seen lots of thumbnails of Youtube videos of people accusing him of being a narcissist, a cult leader, a creep towards women, and other bad things. These are horrible, horrible allegations. Videos agreeing with Leo, or engaging with his ideas in a neutral or positive manner? Very few. Only one or two podcasts where he's the guest. And it does make me feel kind of bad for the way I've responded to him here in the forums. I get irritated because I find him to be a bad interlocutor. And his way of engaging with certain topics of political nature, can be closed minded in a stage Green way. But damn, he's a fucking saint compared to the way many people portray him. Thank you for all your videos, Leo. I do believe that watching Actualized.org over the years has had a positive impact on me. To this day, I still find you to be a huge source of inspiration for me. I might dislike this forum, but I love your videos. I rewatch them and listen to them on my way to work, or while working out, very often. My favorite videos are the ones that cover Life Purpose and Motivation. This is among my favorite ones: ❤️
  7. Feature request: rename the politics forum to "Low Consciousness Resources". Or to "Stage Green Circle jerk". Now, as for how to resolve the issue, I make two suggestions: - Embrace more perspectives. Leo loves to pretend he values different perspectives but in reality he, and most of the forum users, are more interested in asserting their own perspective than inspecting someone else's. The Politics forum is a perfect example of this. - Improve online communication. I can write a long paragraph on a certain topic, and people tend to ignore my overall argument, and focus and nitpick this or that irrelevant detail, leading into a tangent. Online communication is a huge problem of the forum format. People intervene without reading the entire thread. People engage in multiple threads at once (Leo). People decide to make their arguments as succinct as possible, allowing room for misinterpretation. People also decide to start with the point of disagreement instead of the common ground. I could write a post that has multiple premises. Someone might agree with me on 95% of the argument. But instead, they pick the 5% of disagreement and turn that into a debate. Right now, this forum is at the same level of Consciousness as some left wing subreddit. I find it tragic, really.
  8. I have done more critical thinking and inner reflection work in the past 2 months than over the rest of my life combined. I have suffered greatly in my life. I am deeply dissatisfied with my lifestyle. And that is due to very incorrect assumptions I've held for a very long time. 2025 is my year of transformation. Possibly the biggest transformation in my entire life. I have managed to change my inner dialogue a lot, and I have adopted the necessary habits to achieve my life goals. But that isn't enough. Within me, I often encounter resistance, and conflict. I often find myself whether I should sacrifice my feelings and happiness for practical purposes, or if I am being a fool for making decisions that are impractical to my goals. After a lot of introspection, I managed to deconstruct many flaws in my way of thinking. These fallacies are common to many people. And so, I have made the decision to write a philosophical manifesto. Title: The Selfish Manifesto These are the topics I will cover in the document: The lie of Common Truth - how society lies to you into believing others have the truth, and the problem with institutions defining truth, and the fallacy of appeal to popularity The lie of Oppression - how society instills in you a mindset that you are oppressed, and that you need to navigate the world through the lens of an oppressed individual who needs to either join a woke ideology, or to serve your masters The lie of Ideology - how society promotes distractions, fake solutions, fake cooperations, and fake ideas to pretend there is an ideology out there that will serve the "greater good" (Feminism, Wokeness, LGBTQ rights, Socialism, Capitalism, Marxism, and even low hanging fruit ideologies like Right Wing, Christianity, etc( The lie of Selfishness - how society demonizes the concept of selfishness, when in reality it rewards the most selfish individuals and smashes the least selfish ones The lie of Morality - how society twists notions of morality according to its corrupt needs, and how you shouldn't fall for conformist moral systems How to take the Truth - how to discover the truth for yourself without relying on reading books written by others (yes I know it sounds self refusting but this point is anything but that), and stop seeking truth and validation from experts, and mainstream opinion How to take your freedom - how to accept that you have freedom, how to apply freedom into your own life, how to make tough decisions in order to maximize your freedom How to take your happiness - how to learn to be happy on your own, without relying on ANYONE to serve you, laugh with you, love you How to love yourself - how to accept your looks, your personality, essentially how to become such a narcissist that you give love to yourself This is going to be the most anti-ideological, anti-conformist, antiwoke document ever written. And it is going to be very antithetical both to common spiritual teachings and to practical, stage orange self help concepts. I will invite the reader to stop bending over backwards trying to receive validation and rewards from society. I will refute the notion that "the Ego is the biggest Devil" and all of that terrible advice that spiritual teachers like Leo like to promote. The idea of hating your ego and trying to kill it, eliminate it, "transcend it", is preposterous. If you live your life trying to diminish your ego, that is a path to guaranteed suffering. I will present a healthy, timeless perspective on Selfish Egoism. The document will be short. Between 50 to 100 A5 pages long. No bullshit. No stalling. No philosophical mumbo-jumbo. No counter-arguments, not bending over backwards to justify every little point I make. I'm very excited about this project. After so much introspection, I believe I have some interesting universal truths to write here. And this is no exaggeration. These aren't some weird ideology I am promoting. These principles should serve any individual, in any era, in any context. These are the most encompassing principles anyone could hope for. And they will serve me (and whoever reads this) to guide a powerful, authentic life. The primary audience for this document, however, will be young men. I don't expect some woke feminist Hollywood celebrity reading this with any amount of charitability or good faith. I am very aware this document will be perceived by many people as some toxic manosphere blackpill rant, or even as some cringe right wing Ayn Rand philosophy. This document will be very triggering for people who are married to their woke religion. I'm very excited for this project. I predict I will have the document ready in 4-6 months. Maybe less. I will publish it here for free as PDF.
  9. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/davidpakman-com-bias/ David Pakman is biased as fuck. Considered an extremist to the left.
  10. These are the only political channels I subject myself to without needing a bucket nearby. Anything that is too mainstream tends to be right wing grift or woke propaganda. Edit: I'm not claiming these are completely unbiased by the way, but each is either slightly to the right or to the left, but they are watchable.
  11. I accepted the job.
  12. Woke clown promotes woke clowns religion. I don't think he's intentional or malicious. But he's absurdly biased.
  13. A poem I wrote 3 years ago. Omnipotence Her Majesty is so pretty Her lilac dress dances in the breeze Her smile has such humility In her presence I am always at ease What a heart of compassion and consideration! The most powerful in our nation! Her words of wisdom are her vocation! People should not assume That the queen's nature ends here She has a great power, from the moon Just by looking into your eyes, she summons fear The irises bleed red Her soul seems dead You wish you had fled Time freezes when this occurs Not much to do besides to obey For in this state everything blurs Our free will starts to decay It is irrational, it is too surreal We can't do anything but beg and kneel No point in reasoning, this is all very real I don't want to relive this, the trauma is horrible So I binge her with a lot of adulation Lest I provoke her will, which is deplorable I must avoid Her Majesty's damnation This is how I live, with the obvious lie Obey her every command, never ask why If you want to survive, you must always comply Loyalty is all she requests, wish granted I say out loud her grace has no finitude I convey trust and pretend I'm enchanted It's better to maintain her in a very good mood.