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Everything posted by thenondualtankie

  1. You should have tried to get help & support from parents etc (you still can). Maybe your culture didn't allow for it though. Is there anything available on Meditation group maybe? Any ideas for what action you can take which involves interacting with others?
  2. Why should I pay hundreds of dollars for a bunch of videos and virtual exercises?
  3. I can easily get psychedelics, but I have no opportunity to actually use them. I live at home, meaning I can't use psychedelics with family around. Solo tripping doesn't work well for me at this stage of my life, and I don't have anyone I trust enough to trip with either. I might just bite the bullet and trip with family or alone. Any ideas?
  4. ^ Instructions v Three rounds guided breathing
  5. Wim Hof breathing / Leo's Shamanic breathing video / holotropic breathing. These are all similar. They work very well for ADHD mind. You can't even think about anything else because the breathing is quite intense.
  6. I appreciate it can be annoying when people try to insult your path. However, you should realize that you don't need to share anything about personal development to anyone. It's EXTREMELY rare to find people who are genuinely interested in personal development.
  7. You're kidding right In your experience, is it true that such activities decrease your level of awareness?
  8. There needs to be laws that give the user much more control over content algorithms
  9. Interesting that 5-MeO overpowers DMT even at that ratio. Maybe you need a really tiny dose of 5-MeO to get a 50-50 effect. Something like 2mg maybe.
  10. University prestige is somewhat of a self fulfilling prophecy, so it does affect the quality of teaching, research, funding, everything. It still ends up only being what you make of it though. If you go to a shit university nothing is stopping you from self educating.
  11. I think we will need to come up with ways of regulating the addictive properties of social media. Which can involve banning ultra-stimulating shit like TikTok. The problem is of course that this hurts creators and businesses, so maybe we could enforce 'anti-addictive' features in apps like these, which we'd have to be creative about. Unfortunately the current ban discussion has nothing to do with this, it's just geopolitical warfare.
  12. Let's compile some so-called baby steps for guys who think directly approaching a woman is too hard. The ultimate goal is to be able to go up to a woman, tell her you're attracted to her, and smoothly continue the conversation from there. That second part is important - I often force myself to approach, but then I continue resisting and end up running away from the interaction. To me it seems like this happens because I'm forcing myself past too deep of a resistance, so I end up feeling punished both during and after the interaction. Let me start us off. These will vary in difficulty, because typical baby steps such as 'ask the time' are too easy. Ask for the time or nearest cafe or whatever. Logistical bullshit. Make the compliment or observation and gauge their reaction. See if anything more to say spontaneously comes to you. If not, don't force it and say bye. Find a girl reading a book and discuss the book - ask her what she's reading etc. Similar for a girl working in a cafe - what are you working on? General non-romantic approaches, both guys and girls And here's a guy who outlines how he dealt with approach anxiety in stages: Share your tips and resources! This thread might go nowhere but oh well.
  13. I don't want to argue with you. But I don't think most of what you said makes sense. If you want to provide your own examples of baby steps, sure, but don't just bash others' examples.
  14. Here's an interesting discussion between Alex O'Connor and Sam Harris. They briefly discuss free will in this clip at the start. To Alex, free will doesn't exist because: where are his actions coming from? Actions and intentions seem to just pop up in your head out of nowhere. Which seems to discount free will. In a different video, Alex posits that if the universe is deterministic, then we clearly don't have free will. And if the universe is random as implied by quantum mechanics, we don't have free will even still - there is only randomness, not choice. But what he forgets to mention is a third option for where our intentions come from. INTENTION COMES FROM INTENTION ITSELF! Free will is completely circular and not explicable in terms of other concepts. Your intention literally uses intention itself to make itself arise. And that intention is you. Does your direct experience not agree with this?
  15. This is so untrue. AI will be an incredibly powerful tool for creatives.
  16. No I replied to the original question.
  17. Hello Actualizers. Any of you in London? Let's become wing men.
  18. Why the fuck do you care? Because you're not approaching. All you're doing is analysing it.
  19. Once humanity is freed from wage slavery thanks to AI, we will be free to pursue deeper goals. Which probably involves taking psychedelics for many people. It will indeed be for increasing intelligence, creativity and consciousness, but if we set society up correctly, there'd be no need to 'compete' with the AI. The AI would be satisfying our economic needs while we go out and do better shit.
  20. would you actually host an actualized forum user if they came over to australia hahahah
  21. Razard, I imagine that you might say that we as humans have access to a sliver of God's intelligence and a sliver of God's love. And many other facets of consciousness for which we have a sliver of God's. So don't we have a sliver of God's free will? Your points suggest its a rather tiny amount. But non-zero.
  22. Crazy story. Not only because she stole a crazy amount of money (almost worth 11% of Vietnam's GDP), but also because she is actually facing justice as a billionaire. This needs to happen all across the world.
  23. That's a great plugin. Everyone should have it. It's an extension called Unhook for people that don't know.