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Everything posted by thenondualtankie

  1. As you've said yourself, as society develops, government needs to get bigger, regulations need to become more complex, etc. This is basically the gradual takeover of government over the entire economy. You say that the market is basically a giant brain which determines how to run the economy. I agree with that. But there will necessarily come a time where government itself has enough brain power of its own that surpasses that of the market. Hence the gradual increase in government involvement with market happens (partially) because of the gradual increase in brain power of the government. This is a fundamental limitation of capitalism: it must resist this process as it depends on the markets to survive. Chinese communism understands this. One of the reasons why I believe China has a socialist economy is that the only reason they have markets is that, at their level of development, markets benefit society. Once society reaches a point where markets are no longer beneficial, they will be phased out. Capitalism, on the other hand, keep markets because it benefits the capitalist class (as opposed to society; not saying these are mutually exclusive).
  2. Leo shares a birthmonth with me. I'm basically God at this point.
  3. @OBEler You have no idea if that's true. What if the experience of an ant being crushed is the same level of suffering as a human being crushed? Another thought experiment: if you apply the level of suffering of a crying baby to yourself, would you also cry just as loudly?
  4. Would you like to propose a better system in today's global capitalist system to engage in diplomacy with poor third world countries? You want China to just give away free stuff? Instead, it does the next best thing, which is to give out loans. A lot of African countries have benefitted from Chinese infrastructure. China's foreign policy is miles better than Western powers. Another example is the fact that China's given hundreds of millions of free vaccines (speaking of giving away free stuff!).
  5. Interesting stuff. What else have you experienced?
  6. Example of one of his biases? @Enigma777
  7. @Schizophonia Is this the whole "blood clot" theory?
  8. The explanation is the China is misunderstood by the West. As well as many things that are believed to be true about China yet are not.
  9. It's really telling how people are instantly jumping on board with the idea that the Dalai Lama is a pedophile without doing any kind of cultural background-check. It's immediately assumed that the actions of the Dalai Lama have the same sexual connotations as it would in the West.
  10. This lady on Reddit claims a pretty extensive history with alien encounters and abductions. After one of her alleged experiences, she comes back with an inexplicable magnetic nose. Here is a link to an update post to the whole situation, involving her X-ray results and doctors' take on the matter. I think this stuff is fascinating. Alien abductions seem to have a lot of common elements, such as missing time and telepathy. In the post, for example, the lady essentially had a thought injected into her mind, which was used to instruct her to go back to bed. She also has some wild posts on her reddit profile, which I encourage anyone to check out.
  11. Do your parents think you've lost it? LOL
  12. @puporing Would you mind checking out my profile and giving me a quick reading? I need to know my level of consciousness dammit! <3
  13. Lol. It's not smart enough for this.
  14. @Leo Gura It can't create a better version of itself because at the moment it's nowhere near smart enough to be able to do so. And yes it would need to be able to code for it to accomplish this, and its coding abilities, despite a lot of well-deserved hype, are simply not up to par. GPT4 will consistently fail coding challenges seen in Google interviews, for instance.
  15. Leo tripping rn?????
  16. A few nights ago I [20M] got quite ill and was unable to sleep very well. There were not many specific symptoms other than slight aches and high temperature. Instead, it was just an overall negative feeling and vague psychological symptoms. Throughout my sleep, which was very light, I would always be imagining that I'm "unable", "locked" or "imprisoned" in some very abstract sense. I have no idea how to describe it properly, nor do I know the answer to the question "unable to do what exactly?". It was just the vaguest possible notion of being stuck and imprisoned. I woke up at around 4 AM and was actually feeling not too bad. So I went on my laptop in bed and started doing some programming puzzles (my latest hobby) and general internet browsing for a few hours. My official wake up time was around 9:30 AM. Here's where thing's got very strange. You know that general feeling of illness that you have when you have a cold? Like, remove all of the directly painful symptoms, the aches, the sore throat, the runny nose: what you're left with is that "ill" state of consciousness. When I got up out of bed, that ill feeling was going on overdrive. I managed to go to the toilet as I was under the impression that I was generally fine, since I somewhat was when I had previously woken up. After I got out of the toilet though, it got even worse. My state of consciousness had an insane amount of "ill" feeling, to the point where reality felt like a dream. I was incredibly unconscious. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't know to actually question what was going on either. I think in my mind I was trying to avoid the fact that I was starting to become really not okay, and so this manifested itself as me aimlessly wandering around in my flat. Reality hit me when, in my wandering, the "ill" feeling got overwhelming and I fell over and hit my head on the radiator. That's when I called out to my flatmate and asked for help, immediately telling him I'm not okay. I told him to call the ambulance, but by that point I was a bit better, so justifiably so they decided an ambulance wasn't necessary, and referred me to a non-emergency phone number instead. Luckily the hit wasn't that hard, and *very* luckily I didn't fall down the stairs, as the radiator is literally right next to it. But yeah, overall it was a very strange experience. I think it was interesting to experience such a low state of consciousness. I had no idea what was going on. On top of that, I had no idea that I had no idea what was going on. It felt like I was disappearing without even realising it. And then bam, I suddenly fell and hit my head, which made me realise I'm really not okay. I somewhat imagine this might be what it would have felt like back when dying of cold was commonplace: the "ill" state of consciousness overwhelms you and you die. I tested positive for COVID later that day, but luckily I've been getting better since.
  17. @RachaelLewis I did take the vaccines yeah.
  18. If you wanna get into the technical nitty gritty, you can do a famous online course called nand2tetris. It's a course where you build an entire CPU and memory out of what's called NAND gates. You then go on to built Tetris. Which means you've built Tetris solely out of NAND gates. NAND gates are just small bits of circuitry that take in two inputs of 1s and 0s. NAND stands for "NOT AND", meaning that if the two inputs are 1 AND 1, then the output of the NAND gate is a 0. Otherwise, the output of the NAND gate is a 1. (In other words, if the inputs are NOT 1 AND 1, then the output is 1)
  19. Lol fascinating stuff. Why did you always die of these crazy causes such as by being tortured though??? LOL
  20. They have zero evidence that you ordered it. If they ask you why it was being delivered to your address, you tell them you have no idea why. Just because someone else decided to send it to your address doesn't mean that you were involved with it.
  21. A post like this is a breath of fresh air on this forum, really. Every other week some nihilistic loser posts BS about how reality is awful or whatever. It can be a lowkey addicting ideology to uphold. For you, what makes life so amazing?
  22. Holy fuck. It's really difficult meeting the people in my course. I'm two years late in trying to meet the people in my course and it's honestly such a setback. Everyone already knows the people they wanna know. It's just so much weirder to say hello to a group of established people than to a bunch of people that don't really know each other. Oh well. I gotta push on. I'm joining a society that should have new people. And I gotta find ways to meet people through people.
  23. The best strategy for getting laid, that is (this is Leo's forum, what else would it be?). I feel like cold approach shouldn't be your main strategy in a college campus environment when you are a student of that college. Either way, honestly cold approach during daytime is too jarring for me at the moment, so whatever you guys say I'm gonna be trying other strategies for now anyway.
  24. Does this mean that all other celestial bodies also have their own awareness like Earth? E.g. does the Sun or some distant planet also have awareness?