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About Albert Roiterstein
- Birthday 10/16/1999
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At the beginning, you don't know what you don't know
And in regards to the "need for love" and "need for significance", that's Tony Robbins' 6 Human Needs.
You might "need" to become a master negotiator to real put things into mastery between you two Trust me, negotiations are possible even with the most irrational and mad people like terrorists. Try getting yourself familiar with Chris Voss and "Never Split The Difference", a guy who really negotiated with terrorists, and also for a cheap price for a car, and with his family to agree on certain things they didn't
Given everything you said it really does seem like she loves you but withdraws because she doesn't know how to handle it. Is it affecting you in anyway (physically)? It seems like she's acting out of her need for significance when she does that, while you're operating from your need for love. Those are polar directions. Perhaps you could try boosting her own self esteem (get her need for significance met) and then tell her how she needs to treat you for things to work out between you.
Perception is Projection is talking about how what we are feeling we tend to see those same emotions in others. But I need to know what scientific studies have been done on the matter! And I explained why!
I must acknowledge though this is a very intelligent mind you have there. Please never give up.
You mother probably really loves you. I think it's hard for a mother not to love her own child. She just seems afraid and incompetent in certain areas. You could set boundaries with her and speak to her more firmly (even though it may be scary at first), do it gently, but see how she reacts when you shock her, perhaps try to give her the fear of losing her child and seeing if that's a thing in her (but you could also do it playfully "like saying I don't talk with you anymore" and give a grim but go away and seriously not talk with her until she tries to understand what is going on), by kind of being distant and decisive about what you tolerate and what you don't, show her that you're grown up. *It may seem a bit aggressive to trigger any fears in her but when you think about it she is already operating out of fear when she is dismissing your emotions, so some other fear like this one might be more useful for the time being while you get to a better path with her (sometimes its better for it to suck in the meantime while the trajectory is generally better)
I know that "Perception is Projection" is true, but I am wondering are there any scientific studies that have been done on this subject matter that you can share with me? I feel like it would be useful to engrain it more in my soul and to convince others that I want to help them with it more easily.
Congratulations! I like metal for the power it has in its lyrics and instrumentals it just always moved me so much more than most usual songs (I started with Linking Park when I was a kid). It's really "not cool" listening to metal where I'm from and you're considered a massive freak. So it's a "battle" of self image same as you and not caring about what others think. But you are now a more free of a man! Do you like Skillet? I really like them and the words are anchoring in your subconscious to fight through hardships and be true to your heart!
Although it may be uncomfortable and painful going through a situation, every experience will turn to be a blessing if you don't label it as bad, because you will be able to find lessons in that experience.
Okay, this might not be for everyone (Not safe for women). But I do have a way. This might feel a bit abstract but if you stick until the end and think it through it will make sense. You know what you need to do with your neo-cortex (your more advanced part of the brain, the one that forms your character, rational thinking, formulating complex ideas, and the ability to control your limbic brain, impulses - this is especially the part that is a muscle in everyone, SELF CONTROL), yet your limbic brain has plans of its own - it's much more primitive and it is working by more primitive stimulus-response relationships, classic conditioning, and constant threat seeking (in a way it might even think that if you focus on something that is important to you it will be threatening because then you might succeed and you will stick your head out of the masses and be a target - the limbic primitive brain has its own ways of taking care of you, it doesn't care about you being happy, all it cares about is you surviving). In a way, what governs whether you chase primitive impulses, or whether you focus on what is important to you, depends on who's more in control (this is the training part of it) - your neo-cortex, or your limbic (primitive) brain. The ability to control your limbic brain, I think, is crucial, a lot of it is done by language and communication (language is primarily processed by the neo cortex); for example, labeling to yourself a negative feeling that you have has the tendency to reduce that negative feeling because this shifts the activity in your brain to the neo-cortex away from the limbic system, the other one is conditioning of the control your mind has over the limbic brain, so strengthening that connection is key. I do have a way, but this might not be a way for women, but it works in the more extreme cases like yours: Try to give your primitive limbic brain a voice of it's own, and make it with a bit comical tone (not like a demanding tone : I NEED THIS !! OR I WANT TO FUCK MY HAND NOW !! etc but give it a comic tone to all of it, i.e. reduce the caps in your mind and give it an italic font, this will make those primitive thoughts less dominant and less demanding in your head), mostly up until today those thoughts are running on auto-pilot for you so you don't even notice them, but if you give them this comical voice, you'll certainly start to notice them (noticing is the first step). And then you need to strengthen the voice that is your rational thinking, the one that is about self control, and doing good things for humanity, and doing the right things when needed, give it a sound and loud confident voice (you can model that voice out of someone you truly admire in real life - and perhaps integrate it with your own real STRONG voice), this voice will be the father figure and the one that takes care of your life and does everything well because it's in the zone (up to best of what's humanly possible - if it's humanly possible - then it's possible for you too). Then everything you do you're going to play this game where you don't just notice the desire to do an impulse, but you actually talk that impulse to yourself in the comical voice we talked about above, and then you actually respond to that comical voice with your real strong rational voice when the rational voice is the dominant and the demanding voice, think about your comical voice being the slave of your strong voice, like actually imaging your rational voice being the tyrant and your comical voice is the slave. And if your comical voice isn't listening (like you might think it's listening, but the impulsive feeling is still there) then you are going to punish that comical voice (primitive part of the brain) by making yourself feeling uncomfortable in a way (my favorite way: closing windows and any air entry to a point where it's quite hard for me to breathe and I need to regulate my breathing to stay calm, my primitive mind understands who is in control, of course I still monitor everything that is going on in my body, and I only do it until my mind is focused so that I can then open windows again as long as I'm focused). However, do this intelligently and still in a loving way, where you still let yourself know (and your comical brain) that you are the father figure of yourself and you actually know how to take care of yourself and not your primitive brain (your primitive brain is really just a lame poor bastard slave of yours), and that you wouldn't let yourself die using this but you're only using this to gain self control over the primitive brain. Developing self discipline through running or doing physically challenging stuff works but the thing is that we are working here on self-discipline when sitting and needing to do things which the primitive brain thinks are boring and unimportant. So if you think about it, if your mind is wandering in different directions, it is doing that because the primitive brain thinks that what you're doing is not important (which doesn't mean that it's true, same way like you don't have to fuck your hand or don't have to kill someone when he's swearing you - it's primitive), and it thinks that it has no consequences doing that, if you were in a physically demanding situation (let's say tactically fighting a terrorist organization), your brain will have to be 200% in the zone and completely focused to do what it has to do, so in certain ways the best way is to get physical with the brain to let it understand that something is important (yet still doing it in a loving and caring way towards oneself, letting you know that your rational voice is the father figure of yourself, and you are able to take care of yourself). And also remember, a lot of it is really by doing less things better (you might have a lot of tasks, but when doing one task, do only that well - this will remove the clouds from the brain and improve your self esteem and feeling of self worth). Practice doing less things better. You also have to understand that you need to find your purpose, and if you were to find your purpose then you're in the zone automatically. So while you're looking for that purpose and meaning in your life, try using this getting physical with the brain hack. I know this is will power focused. Try reading psycho-cybernetics for not pure will power focus but rather working on the unconscious so that it will work for you. Reprogramming your unconscious is what will automatically make it not be pure will power, but sometimes, you need will-power to reprogram it
Yet I felt the same.
Hey buddy Michael, What do you suggest to floss with? What do you mean by water pick? (what water we drink??) Do we need a certain spinning brush? Will the regular kids one suffice?
@Preety_India any ideas for where to find such groups, online? In general guys, I really need on a day to day basis verbal communication, I am really struggling with this of me not having verbal communication (it has consequences like depression and anxiety), any ideas? My current position is working online (something that I don't inspire to continue for the rest of my life but rather I mostly do it now due to the financial opportunity it has for me)...
This is major key. Thank you, I get that. @Leo Gura when you said that specific I assume you meant the "scientific entrepreneur" aspiration, but what about just people that are striving for self growth in general?