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Everything posted by CoolDreamThanks

  1. Sounds goood ☺️🕊️ I can’t promise I’ll check it out, very busy with getting bread, hoes aka angels and other stuff. Jkjk 😁😁
  2. @Princess Arabiawhatsup with u? How’s life?
  3. Nah he chillin. He faked his death just for fun lol
  4. It’s sooo helpful to see the contrast. It’s an amazing teaching mechanism. These two are such great actors!
  5. It’s all about dropping past learning, all beliefs you hold from books and people, being in a high state via divine substances and being wise Now. All past learning is usually foolishness and falsehood. true wisdom is being in a high state where you connect to higher intelligence and not muddying it with past concepts. You see things clearly now, it’s not coming from past learning. So it’s the opposite of what Neal Degrasse Tyson does or whatever his name is. dropping all past learning + high level of consciousness = wisdom wisdom is intuitive. It’s now. If your wisdom is based on books or people then it’s not wisdom. Forget everything you’ve learned. Be here and now, take divine substances and be actually wise. All answers are there. Things might allign with stuff from books or not. Who cares.
  6. So, I’ve done most of what can be done to get enlightened. Long retreats, shaktipat, various techniques, and so on. I’ve reached various attainments like cessation that some call enlightenment, but it’s just breadcrumbs compared to the cake of enlightenment you can reach with psychedelics. The hypothesis: You can get enlightened to the highest level via divine substances, but you have to be there for long periods of time, I’m talking months, to callibrate, to soak it up, to make it your home, to learn how to live this new life, and then you can stay there. The “clinical trial”: I will injest medium to high dose of shrooms/lsd/other every or every other weekend and I will follow their guidance how to live to maintain that state. From my experience, it’s a life of ultimate, original creativity mixed with the deepest stillness and bliss. My mind and body are healed there. It’s heaven. It’s also a natural life - alot of nature, pure, light foods, and so on. But it’s all intuitive. I noticed that if I follow what I am guided to do, I can stay awake for many nights without any negative effects, with continuous bliss and a clear mind, coupled with a non-dual or close to a non-dual, beautific state. I think you can’t penetrate into higher levels using meditation or any other technique, as you’re trying to solve an issue from the same level. You need help from above. It’s also not recommended to anyone who hasn’t trained their mind to a high level, because the mind grows more powerful the higher the state, so you MUST control it near perfectly or bad things can happen. You have to know how to maintain a positive, conscious inner state. You have to be savvy in the realm of higher states, which comes from training your mind and from dozens of trips. You also havo to understand the power of the mind. You can trick yourself completly and utterly there. If you believe demons will get ya - they will! Literally! You have to control your mind perfectly and only perfection will manifest. Otherwise, it’s the story of the Son who stole his Father’s heavenly horses and destroyed the earth. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone tbh, only to myself as I know my level of training and I’ve done many many trips. Preparation; I know that I will feel miserable in a higher state if I enter it without preparing my body. To do so, I’m doing a 3-week fruit detox to purify my system. Daily time in nature and alot of yoga as well. Retaining my, ammm, let’s just say no sexual thoughts and similar stuff. Also doing a mental detox: using the internet only for enlightenment stuff and work. Staying conscious throughout the day. Maintaining a positive attitude. Not judging anyone or anything. Closing thoughts: The last time I did lsd I stayed in an enlightened or an almost enlightened state for 3-4 days. No sleep, little food, only beauty, love, perfection. No side effects after. I did have to live a life where I follow what my intuition says I need to do to stay there. Spent nights in nature. Was amazing and beautiful. It’s such a huge shift from a mid life to a perfect life that it’s uncomfortable. Disorienting. But after alot of visits I feel less and less confused. I hope to stay there and live that new, higher level life. We’ll see how it goes. If I see that it’s working I might create videos as it’s so fun to share original, conscious, positive, fresh thoughts that arise from a higher level of consciousness. If it works I will be maximally happy, as then, it turns out that I don’t need to work towards enlightenment for many thousands of hours via meditation as I though, but it can be given just like so. 🙏🙏 What’s better than getting Heaven with no effort? 😁
  7. Had a session with a teacher who I believe gets it and since then I’ve been perfectly happy, so I want to share the main insight that brought me to this state: There’s nothing to ego without resistance. Ego is like a nooo against what is happening Now. It’s an attack on the present moment. All we have to do to be happy is to say no to the ego’s no and what remains is perfect present happiness. So efortless. So peaceful. So simple. Just let go of the ego’s judgement against others and the world and flow. Perfect Happiness. Just stop resisting what’s happening now. Why resist the Divine Flow of life? All things are working for our good, so resisting it is like saying to God - you are a dummy, what you are creating is bad. Even pain is not a problem without resistance. Life is perfectly handled and everything works out if we simply go with the flow without judging and resisting and seeking. Don’t seek for exalted states, money, or anything else. What you need is always given. And if you get attatched and make something an idol - life will take it away to teach you not to do that 😝 Then we can relax into being and be on our way to enlightenment. No need to struggle, no need to meditate for 10hrs per day, just stay present when it occurs to you and that’s it, everything is handled. We simply relax deeper and deeper into stillness until the mind stops forever and we re-emerge into non-dual Godhood forever. 🕊️ The present moment, if it’s not resisted, is always perfect and happy. Nothing is ever lacking. All is given all is well. Nothing to figure out, no more concepts, no more metaphysics, just silence, flow, presence. Sucu a mistake to try to resist your desires, to manage diet, seek for money, and other things. That’s also resistance and lack of trust in God. All is taken care of. Just trust in Him and flow with Him, he is Life and you are One with Him. Concepts are such a trap, the ego can take spiritual concepts and continue resisting, suffering, but thinking that he’s improving. Nono, drop all concepts, stop resisting, flow, trust, be still. Nothing to learn. No one to teach. Let go of the past, put the future in God’s hands and just fall inlove with Now. The simplicity and beauty of Now 🖤 Just enjoy the present until the end of all dreaming, even though dreaming is already Heavenly when we are in the Now without resisting or seeking. 🕊️🕊️🖤🖤
  8. True 😁 I’m just learning something new all the time and I’m always open to a new POV. I think until there’s perfect happiness and a feeling or completion there’s room for growth. Hope this stays with me 🖤🕊️
  9. Yes, probably the most difficult spiritual document to understand. I suggest learning ACIM indirectly, from books like DU by Gary Renard, Ken Wapnick, Keith Kavanagh, David Hoffmeister.
  10. Here’s the most beautiful answer regarding manifestation from Keith Kavanagh and it’s the advice I will be adhering to, as that’s what Master Jesus teaches: Question: "Here's a question for Keith; maybe the 64M $ question: What's the most effective means to script, direct and produce the next scene in my vintage motion picture?" Answer: The mind is powerful. There are many manifestation teachings. Manifesting is not a miracle. It's magic. Magic isn't sinful, guilty or evil. Eating, breathing and sleeping are all magic. So, if you want to do manifesting, knock yourself out. It just won’t awaken you to Love or make you happy. It just shouldn't be confused with a miracle, or be considered in any way helpful Spiritually. "I do not perceive my own best interests." Lesson 24 How would you know what to manifest? Would you want a better job if the increased pressure caused you an anxiety disorder or a heart attack? Would you want to win money if it set you back several lifetimes on your Spiritual path? Would you want a bigger house if your wife was killed in a home invasion? Would you want to travel the world if your health would be badly compromised by catching malaria or some other exotic illness? Would you want to be married if your partner ended up murdering you? The truth is that nody wants anything that's listed above. What they actually want is to be happy. What they want is the feeling they think they would have in a high profile job, having millions in the bank, living in a big house, travelling the world or having a beautiful wife. They want happiness because they're not happy now. They have a grievance with the script. Well, that's what magic is. Magic says the reason I am lacking and not happy enough right now is because of what is happening in the world, what I do or don't have. The way for me to be happier is to change something in the world. Magic says the problem is where it's not, in the world, and not where it is, in my mind. It attempts to solve the problem of unhappiness in the world and not in the mind. Well, ask anyone who has all those things if they're happy. Some of the happiest people in the world have nothing. And many of those in life with everything - fame, wealth, big cars, big houses, beautiful wives, family, etc, still need to try to escape into drugs to avoid how unhappy they still are and, when the drugs also stop numbing the unhappiness, as they inevitably do, they end up overdosing through trying to do more and more, or an eventual decision to escape unhappiness through death. (Elvis is one of many, many, many examples) For most of us, we can keep lying to ourselves for a very long time that, "I could be happy if...", "I would be happy if only...." But it's a moving goalpost. You get 5 minutes of happiness with the attainment of the goal before it starts to tarnish. The happiness effect starts becoming less and less powerful. The idol replacing God’s Love will never measure up. And the goalpost jumps again. There are, however, people in the world who literally have everything and anything they could want for, but they're still not happy. They can't lie to themselves anymore, like the rest of us, and say, "I'll be happy when..." Psychology has a name for this - "Paradise Syndrome." It's the bitter realisation that nothing in the world can undo unhappiness. No matter what a person has, when they become badly sick, they say they would give it all away just to have their health again, and they would be happy. But they weren't happy when they had their health to begin with. And wouldn't again. Magic is about looking for happiness where it's not so you never find it where it is, which is in your mind. "Seek not outside yourself. For all your pain comes simply from a futile search for what you want, insisting where it must be found. What if it is not there? Do you prefer that you be right or happy? Be you glad that you are told where happiness abides, and seek no longer elsewhere. You will fail. But it is given you to know the truth, and not to seek for it outside yourself." T-29.VII.1. We only ever have one problem, which is the mistaken decision to identify as an ego. There is only one solution to everything - undo the mistaken decision to identify as a physical and psychological body to identify with the Holy Spirit. “Your mission is very simple. You are asked to live so as to demonstrate that you are not an ego, and I do not choose God’s channels wrongly." T-4.VI.6. "I am not a body, I am free, for I am still as God created me." The seeking of your happiness in the script is magic, and is preventing your happiness. The miracle restores happiness through the undoing of grievances with what is in the dream of form (the projections of your guilt). If you’re not happy now, and need things to be different so you can be happy, well, that’s a grievance with what’s happening now. A grievance is an obstacle to the awareness of Love’s Presence in your mind. It’s a barrier to happiness. Jesus says the only thing you should ask of anything is, “What is it for?”, “What is it’s purpose?” Our ego wants the world’s purpose to be to stay separate from the Holy Spirit, and therefore from happiness, to be a physical and psychological body. It then wants to be happy as a body so it can triumph over God by being happy in the world we made as an attack on Him, despite throwing His Love and Oneness back in His Face. We didn’t need Him. T-16.V.10. "If you perceived the special relationship as a triumph over God, would you want it?" The problem is the moving goalpost. The ego’s plan for your Salvation (lasting happiness and peace) doesn’t actually work. Jesus calls this bitter mantra of the ego, “Seek and do not find” until death in disillusionment ends your misery. The Holy Spirit sees the purpose of the world completely differently. It has one purpose – forgiveness – undoing your grievances, and resistance to, what’s happening in the script, to restore you to your right mind and true happiness. For this purpose, T-4.V.1. “All things work together for good. There are no exceptions except in the ego’s judgment.” “What could you not accept, if you but knew that everything that happens, all events, past, present and to come, are gently planned by One Whose only purpose is your good?” Lesson 135. Jesus is not saying you can’t have nice things and do things whilst you appear to be here. But if you are vainly seeking your future happiness or identity in them, it is at the expense of God. “But just as surely will he lose the only true goal that is given him. Think of the cost, and understand it well. All other goals are at the cost of God.” S-1.III.5. If you are saying some experiences in the now are good and some are bad, that’s the ego’s first law of chaos – that there’s a hierarchy of illusions – that some are good and some are bad. It’s the same with making plans for what you want for your future. The miracle restores us to our right mind through the first miracle Principle – there is no order of difficulty in miracles. It doesn’t matter what’s happening right now, it has no effect on the Peace of the Holy Spirit in my right mind. The only problem is that I was in my wrong (ego) mind. Changing my mind is the answer to happiness, not changing the script, not having preferences for what happens in the script. “Let all things be exactly as they are” Lesson 268 By undoing any grievance with the present moment and restoring my mind to peace now, I will now just know what the most loving, helpful and effective things to do are for both myself AND everyone else I encounter. I’m not acting from the insane voice talking it itself in my head that does not know what anything is for. The Holy Spirit’s perfected script for my awakening unfolds through me and for me, but I do not seek my happiness in it. I bring His Happiness to it so He can bless the world through me. I won’t do that all the time because I’ll have a grievance every so often with the script. That’s where forgiveness undoes the grievance so the Holy Spirit can save the world through the actions His Love inspires through me. Again, what would you manifest? What you want is lasting happiness and peace and manifesting in the script won’t give it to you. Forgiveness of the script will give it to you. Again, also, there’s nothing wrong with succeeding in your career or finding yourself in a relationship or with a family, as long as you’re not looking for happiness in it – as long as you’re there only to let the Holy Spirit bless and heal you and the world through you. “I am here only to be truly helpful. I am here to represent Him Who sent me. I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do, because He Who sent me will direct me. I am content to be wherever He wishes, knowing He goes there with me. I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.” T-2.V.A.18.
  11. @Salvijus I see in my life that when I follow my desires, they often lead to negative outcomes. There is usually an upside and then a downside. Can you comment on that? I am talking about desires of the world. When I choose to live a simple life it doesn’t have that many ups and downs. How do you interpret this from ACIM? In "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM), chasing desires of the body, often referred to as "idols," is seen as a major obstacle to true peace and spiritual awakening. The Course teaches that the pursuit of bodily desires—whether for possessions, status, relationships, or physical sensations—distracts the mind from recognizing its divine essence. It suggests that these pursuits are attempts to fill an inner void, but they can never bring true fulfillment because they are external, impermanent, and illusory. Here are a few key points from ACIM about this topic: 1. **Idols Are Substitutes for Love**: ACIM explains that idols are anything we substitute for God’s love. Chasing bodily desires or "idols" is an attempt to find happiness outside of ourselves, but this pursuit only leads to more feelings of lack. The Course suggests that only reconnecting with God’s love and recognizing our true identity as spiritual beings can bring us lasting fulfillment. 2. **The Body Is Neutral**: The body, according to ACIM, is inherently neutral and merely a communication device. The emphasis on body desires is an ego-driven distraction from the real purpose of the body: to facilitate communication and to help us extend love. Focusing on the body as the source of happiness turns it into an idol that prevents the realization of our true spiritual nature. 3. **Desires Lead to Pain and Guilt**: The Course suggests that the pursuit of idols eventually leads to suffering because such desires are rooted in the ego's belief in separation. The ego makes us believe that obtaining external objects or experiences will make us whole, but the sense of separation only deepens. This pursuit can also foster guilt, because deep down, the mind knows it is seeking in the wrong direction. 4. **The Real Desire is for God**: Ultimately, ACIM teaches that our deepest desire is to reconnect with God. All the idols we chase are attempts to replace this divine connection, but they fail to satisfy us because they are mere shadows of the real thing. The Course encourages the release of these idols so that we can remember our oneness with God, which is the true source of peace and joy. 5. **Forgiveness as the Path Back**: One way ACIM suggests we overcome the pursuit of bodily desires is through forgiveness—of ourselves and others. By forgiving, we release our attachments to the ego and its idols, and we open our minds to a greater sense of wholeness and divine love. In summary, "A Course in Miracles" sees the pursuit of bodily desires (or idols) as distractions from the true goal of spiritual awakening and inner peace. It emphasizes that these desires can never truly satisfy us because they keep us focused on illusions instead of recognizing the deeper truth of who we are as divine beings. The Course encourages turning away from these pursuits and seeking fulfillment through the awareness of our unity with God and the practice of forgiveness.
  12. @Salvijus Did you find that you desire something specific? I do have some specific desires, but also I feel like what I truly want is a constant state of happiness, no matter what happens. When I thought about this, that desire instantly created a happy state. It’s not extremely blissfull, which I desire too, but it is happiness without any reason, just because of that desire.
  13. Wow, beautiful! Now that you put it this way, looking back to my experience - it’s true! Sometimes I tap into it this, but I think I should do it more and more consciously. Trying now 🙏 Thank youu!
  14. Hi! I did it at home. You don't need to go anywhere. I think long retreats are best done at home because of logistics and it saves money. If you have a lot of money and can go to a remote location - amazing. I didn't, so I did it at home. Actually, I tried living in a forest to aid in meditation, but that didn't work as the mind can't relax in a forest, it knows it's not safe so the primal part of the mind is constantly on the lookout for danger, so you can't fall deep into stillness. I did something that I do not recommend - I didn't tell anyone besides a few people who understand and just cut off all contact with others. Deleted all social media and so on, actually changed my number too. No schedule, just had an intention to sit and meditate as much as I could. Did yoga when I felt like the body needs it. No psychedelics this time, but I did multiple 2-week and 3-week retreats before that I finished up with psychedelics. This one was just meditation 24/7. Problems - the whole thing is a problem, now looking back at it. My new understanding is that fighting against temptation and trying to detach yourself from the illusion by force is another ego defense mechanism. I thought I am giving all of myself to God, being on a highway to Heaven, but that's not the case. I felt miserable during that period, except for a blissful experience here and there. It is my present understanding that God doesn't require any sacrifice and you can get enlightened whilst living a normal life, you don't need long periods of meditation. When you go along with your spiritual evolution some things drop away naturally, like a child outgrowing old toys. Now I'm just meditative when walking around, laying on the beach, then an hour in the morning and an hour before bed, sometimes I play video games, decide to just drop into bed and meditate for an hour, but it's natural, just something I want to do at that time. I think forcing yourself is never the right move. I feel like just flowing with things is more appropriate.
  15. Yeh I did read Ramana, but I found Rupert Spira to explain it the best, hes very eloquent about it. you can learn it in 1minute tbh, just notice the switch that happens when you ask - am I aware right now? And then the place that question takes you to is the meditation most sages talk about, it feels like formless peace.
  16. Self enquiry. Used to do vipassna but I didn’t like the effort part, so switched to efortless beingness.
  17. I think life is a reflection of our core beliefs and of our state of mind, as we are the dreamer of the dream. It’s an outward picture of an inner condition.
  18. Don’t you mean saying affirmations and visualizing things by manifestation? That’s what most people refer to and that’s what I was reffering to. Thought that’s what you meant and that is limited and surface level and doesn’t really work.
  19. Upon further contemplation I think that I wasn’t correct there. While there is pleasure and pain, trying to fight against our idols is a fight we are bound to lose and it brings alot of struggle. If we are already One with God, then we don’t need to do anything to be deserving of his Love. We are innocent and worthy of His love now, there is no need for sacrifice, as I wrote in my response to @Javfly33
  20. Manifestation is a stepping stone on the spiritual path. It’s valuable as it can teach the power of the mind. However, those who tried dedicating themselves 100% to manifestation likely noticed that sometimes it seems to work, but mostly things don’t manifest as you wanted.
  21. 100%. Yet another nuance to this is that trying to fight against them is an even greater resistance. For the longest time I believed in the idea of sacrifice - I have to stop doing things that bring me pleasure in order to reach enlightenment. With that came alot of internal struggle and misery. However, what healed this misperception was the words Keith Kavanagh, an ACIM teacher shared: Importantly, the Course doesn't ask us to renounce anything. That would be sacrifice, and sacrifice is of the ego thought system and not the Holy Spirit's. We just want to gradually undo our clinging and resistance - allowing things to pass through our experience without grasping at them or trying to push them away, not deal with them, or repress them. We work on allowing all things to be exactly as they are, with no desire that they be different, or desire to cling to things in this moment that will keep us from fully engaging with the next moment. So, in keeping with the spirit of the original post, what we want to undo is our belief that anything in the world is the source of our happiness or our pain. We don't have to let people or things go, only to learn to need nothing from them, extend Love to them, and undo any neediness that they must be in the next moment. Here’s how chatGPT summarized ACIM teachings on sacrifice: In **"A Course in Miracles" (ACIM)**, the concept of *sacrifice* is addressed as a key theme, and its interpretation is quite different from traditional religious teachings. ACIM views sacrifice as an illusion, based on the mistaken belief in separation from God and the ego’s interpretation of giving up something valuable to attain something greater, particularly to please God or achieve salvation. Here are some key points: 1. **Sacrifice is Unnecessary**: ACIM teaches that God does not ask for or require sacrifice. It argues that the idea of sacrifice stems from the ego, which promotes the false idea that we must lose something or suffer to gain God's love or spiritual reward. This belief only reinforces the ego's perspective of lack and limitation. 2. **Love Involves No Sacrifice**: True love, according to ACIM, is free from sacrifice. Love is abundance, completeness, and unity. It is limitless and cannot be diminished. Therefore, if one is giving in love, there is no loss or cost, and no sacrifice is involved. Giving love means extending love without losing it. 3. **Sacrifice and Fear**: The course suggests that sacrifice is closely linked to fear. The ego convinces us that sacrifice is necessary to protect ourselves or achieve spiritual goals. However, this belief is based on fear, not on the truth of our divine nature. True spiritual growth comes from understanding that fear is an illusion, and in reality, we are already one with God. 4. **Release from Guilt**: The belief in sacrifice often stems from guilt, the notion that we must atone for past sins through suffering or loss. ACIM teaches that guilt is a false belief created by the ego. Instead of sacrificing, the Course encourages the practice of forgiveness, which leads to healing and the recognition that guilt is unnecessary. 5. **Sacrifice vs. True Freedom**: ACIM holds that the belief in sacrifice leads to bondage, keeping us tied to the ego’s thought system of loss and pain. Freedom comes from recognizing that God’s Will for us is only happiness and peace. By letting go of the idea of sacrifice, we embrace the truth that we can experience love and joy without the need for loss or suffering. In summary, ACIM rejects the idea of sacrifice as an ego-based illusion, and teaches that God’s love is unconditional, requiring no sacrifice from us. The path to spiritual awakening involves letting go of the belief in sacrifice, embracing love, and practicing forgiveness.
  22. I don’t know what you mean by awakening. Haha, something like that 😁 👍👍
  23. Additional thoughts (which after further inspection are wrong, see below posts as to why): Romantic relationships are the main idol in this dream. The addiction to them is so deep, it's a core desire, like sex and food. We want relationships for intimacy, pleasure, companionship, meaning, peace. These things are our birthright, but we go about it in an incorrect way. True intimacy, true pleasure, true meaning and true peace is only found in God. The desire for romantic relationship, for sex, for money, and all other idols has to be re-directed back to God. Desire cannot be spread out across multiple things if we want true happiness. God has to be our only goal. It literally feels like desiring for a partner or sex, this desire for God. But God is like the purest partner in existence - She doesn't tolerate a breadcrumb of cheating. If you turn your eyes away from her unto someone else - She interprets that as cheating and leaves you. God, if you want to experience all of Him, requires all of You to be fully dedicated to Him only. Letting go of idols happens only through wisdom. We must see the pain our idols bring us in the end. It's literally this: Most people go around not knowing what they are doing, they think they are seeking happiness, whilst in truth they are seeking for something that will hurt them the MOST. It takes a very wise being to see this and to stop doing it. It's the end of all dreaming. This universe has invisible scales of pleasure and pain. The more intense the pleasure the more intense the pain will be. Romantic relationships offer us the deepest connection, the sweetest sexual experience, the most beautiful nights spent in the arms of our lover. All of this goes onto the pleasure end of the scales. Now, as we all know relationships end and usually in a very painful way. It is usually something like cheating. How deep is the heartbreak when the love of your life, what you considered your soulmate, cheats on you? As deep as the cumulative amount of pleasure was. It's psyche-shattering. It can make you kill yourself. And it's not hypothetical. It happened to me and it happened to you. Not cheating, but the end of a relationship with the love of your life. It's the way this universe is set up. The scales of pleasure and pain are everywhere. You enjoy tasty food? Cancer will eat you alive, literally. It's not a hypothetical, it will happen. You love porn? It will re-wire your brain so that you will not be able to have sex with humans, besides other psychologically damaging things it does. You want a big house and a nice car? Prepare to lose your psychological and physical health to attain that desire. Also be ready to lose it all. There is no winning this game, Morty. Look at Leo - how much he suffers because of his physical health. Look at the world, take it in, see what it is, and let it go in exchange for Infinite Heaven for all eternity. The catch? The journey back home fucking sucks too. Meditating for months on end is so painful. Healing the metaphysical separation from God trauma requires for it to re-surface and that is painful as fuck. But there is no other way - only directly through it. I stopped after 2 months because of the fear and the pain. I'm stuck in a catch 22 - if I stop meditating and dedicating myself to God, there looms a meaninglessness behind every thing I do - I know what I am doing - being mesmerized by the illusion of death. If I do meditate - I get miserable as the unconscious trauma surfaces and I have to work through it. There's a shitload of it. The good thing is that once in a while there's an experience of bliss and the work itself is the only meaningful thing one can do, so it feels like genuine improvement, not just mental masturbation with concepts.
  24. Hm not really, I would stay aware of awareness itself without directing it to objects. It’s a switch to an abstract, invisible domain. Even when I have to direct it to an object to interact with it, the silence is there as a background and after the need for interacting is finished then the silence comes back to the foreground.