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Everything posted by wma

  1. ~ ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ??? ?????. ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??'?? ????? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ????? ???? ? ???? ?? ?? ?????? ??? ??'? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ?'? ?? ?????? ??? ? ???? ?? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???. ~
  2. @Leo Gura — Ever consider opening an Actualized.org Discord Server? I'd be happy to help you get it up and running; it's one of my all-time favorite apps. I really love its design. Could be a cool space for us philosophers to hang. Perhaps the Forum already covers some of those community bases, but the voice-chat and quick-response text-chats would likely enhance the community experience. Especially the voice-chats: Voice adds such an interesting dynamic to discussion. A personal touch. As a side-note: To anyone in the Actualized community who uses Discord, feel free to drop your Discord username here, and I'll add you =]
  3. @bloomer lmao nice, added . i'm 'will' on there
  4. @Tim R gotcha , i just think voice-chats bring people together more effectively than plain-text
  5. @Shin i just think introducing voice to Actualized conversations would add an interesting dynamic and foster stronger relationships in the community
  6. @Preety_India ah right, "proprietorship" lol
  7. @Preety_India Hi! What do you mean by "that sort of stuff"? Not sure what you mean! Thanks =]
  8. @HypnoticMagician psychedelics fine to peak into the psychedelic realm. however psychedelics must eventually be transcended lest one become trapped in a loop
  9. @Raphael be your own best friend. if you don't love you, who will?
  10. Sounds like the root of issues like chronic fatique are the very environment you're living in. There is probably an avenue you could take to move out. Other family you could stay with? Friends? If not, then I'd say at least get a job. Then you'll have an excuse to spend more time out of the house, you'll be in a new environment, you'll meet new people, and (probably most importantly) you'll be making money. Then within a few months, you can save up a few thousand dollars or so, pay your debt, and move out.
  11. Can confirm this. I just leave people when they get toxic. There was a time where everyone I knew was getting toxic so I just slept in my car for 3 months. The amount I've grown from moving on from toxicity is surreal, never imagined it.
  12. Also, creating some space in close relationships (like those between parent and child) can be very healing in the long-term, even if there's some immediate unrest.
  13. Don't give high-energy reactions to her negativity. That'll only fuel the flame. Give energy to her positivity, give nothing to her negativity. MGK isn't a good role model, and most of his fans are angsty. Angst isn't a very wise emotion. The way you describe it, it sounds pretty bad. Probably move out ASAP if you're 18+. Yes, you'll probably have more bills to pay. But life overall will be better, and you'll grow a lot from moving into adulthood. Despite how "easy" it can be to live with parents, eat their food, pay low rent or none at all... it can't compare to becoming financially self-sufficient, living life on your terms, and getting away from the toxic energy.
  14. No one "gets it". Infinity is impossible to understand, by definition. Judging others as to whether or not they "get it" is just more ego grandstanding and perceived superiority, stemming from insecurity in oneself.
  15. Why not just publish your daily journal on a blog? That seems like the most authentic way to express yourself, rather than neurotically editing a book. Books just seem like massive headaches honestly, and they can be so contrived
  16. @Knowledge Hoarder Well said. There may be no fundamental contradiction. Language is naturally contradictory. Two minds conversing will inevitably eventually appear argumentative. Two sharp objects make each other stronger, and so on. To bring it back to the original thread, it's ultimately a criticism of the Red Panda videos. I wasn't even sure what my original purpose for posting was until after this extended dialogue. I absolutely agree that understanding the mental aspect of existence (and perhaps we could ultimately even say "superior" aspect, compared to the physical aspect; as mentality seems to be more fundamental, since physicality only derives from mental conception; or perhaps the two distinctions are simply unified as one, in the end) is very important for humanity to collectively grok. Leaning too hard into the material aspect of reality leads to trouble, as we all now can so clearly see. But I don't think creating sci-fi content and acting as if it's "super real" is doing any good, other than merely entertaining sci-fi inclined individuals, which films like The Orville, Star Wars, Altered Carbon, yada yada yada, and novels like Neuromancer, Hyperion, Ringworld etcetera, already do. Sure, there may be a reality where people have had profound experiences with aliens, but this shouldn't be surprising to anyone who's experienced with psychedelics, or even just the mind-expanding work taught here on Actualized. Sure, the CIA and CNN might capitalize on people's interest in UFOs to support whatever their respective agendas are. But beyond hearing about it as "a thing which exists out there in Truth", I don't see much more usefulness (beyond entertainment, like I mentioned). And indeed, it seems to me that past the surface-level of this subject-matter, it does more harm than good: Disconnecting people from their humanity, getting themselves lost in theory about UFOs and aliens, listening to sources like CNN and the CIA who might not have their best interests at heart, joining communities which further brainwash them down this rabbit-hole, getting defensive and judgmental (like @Leo Gura did) for even questioning the reality of their claims, and creating ego-complexes where they "know about the aliens" and the lowly peasants don't. Meanwhile forgetting all the beautiful people around them, who actually exist in a far more real way than "the aliens", and who indeed are aliens themselves when you realize how complex their minds are. Something Leo did, quickly judging me as "sloppy and unnuanced" without having any idea who I am or what I know. A clear example of the toxicity in the UFO space, and perhaps the superiority complex of spirituality in general. So we have a very real world full of beautiful human beings, many of which are thriving and happy, many of which are sad and struggling. And meanwhile folks like Red Panda and now Leo, I guess, are obsessing over "reports of aliens" and "moving tin-foil your mind". This is retrograde, if you ask me. This is small-mindedness, short-sighted perspective, masquerading as "mind-opening". A devilish humanity-stripping distraction.
  17. Not sure I'm understanding @Leo Gura's latest blog-post. How does a woman moving something in a box with her head prove that international intelligence agencies use remote viewing for espionage...?
  18. @Knowledge Hoarder Wait, do you care about scientific facts or do you care about questioning the materialist paradigm? ? Have you noticed that the people who most desire to disassemble the materialist paradigm are those people that are most unsatisfied with their bodies and their lives? People who want to dismantle the human world and take everyone with them into the clouds of pure thought. The ultimate form of which is either a humble martyr, or worse, a suicidal cult-leader. But that place of pure thought is the place from which we came, and we will return there when our bodies perish. And true masters of the metaphysical self don't go around trying to convert "other people" to non-materialism because they've become immaterial within themselves, and thus there is no need to evangelize, since on the immaterial / spiritual / metaphysical plane of existence, there truly is no "other", and "humanity" is just a metaphor which presents the mind of God in "physical" form. But if you embrace your humanity, then preaching non-materialism is a fool's game which will see you miss out on the beauties of genuine human relationship and genuine human experience, and which will see your human life come and go without truly experiencing this world. Isn't the very purpose of God incarnating as human to live a human life? And human life, from my experience at least, involves quite a bit of material, quite a bit of physical resource. Have you tried fasting? Have you tried holding your breath or avoiding water? Close at-hand reminders of your humanity. My longest fast was 7 days. I can tell you, for sure, that reality becomes incredibly and naturally more psychedelic, and you slowly start to fade from this world. It's a beautiful sensation, but not the purpose of human life, in my opinion. People who are trying to dismantle the materialist paradigm think that they're "saving the world" or something. But if you ask me, this escapism attitude toward humanity and its struggle is not saving anyone but indeed doing the opposite: harming humanity and its home, Planet Earth, by denying the reality of our existence as intelligent apes on a very real and material plane of existence. Of course, everyone is free to choose their path. And if you're not actually human, but instead are an alien, then kewl. But if you're human, embrace it! Sooner than later. I've found much fulfillment in embracing humanity and the physical world, rather than running from it. But to achieve this fulfillment of embracing the material, one must truly accept their humanhood, and thus their eventual human ego death. But once those acceptances are at peace in the mind, then the wonders of existing as a material being truly come into light. Food for thought ??
  19. well i'm glad y'all are finding enjoyment in the alien thing, happiness & enjoyment are definitely important in life. i perpetually exist in a psychedelic mindset so i def understand the realization of other strange beings existing around us. from my experience, most are angels, but every now and then a lil demon pops up. faith is stronger than fear though, of course. i guess i just don't find the aliens that troll the CIA that interesting compared to all the others
  20. @Knowledge Hoarder It's not really "swept under the rug" so much as it has no usefulness in daily life to anyone besides those who enjoy being entertained by sci-fi concepts or those who have an ego-complex that wants to feel like it knows more "deep stuff" than "the ignorant commoners". If this stuff starts becoming relevant in your daily life, you'll notice because it will be un-ignorable. Until then, it's no different than watching Star Trek or Criss Angel with your girlfriend on a Thursday evening, or reading the latest Iain M. Banks novel. Unless, of course, you're not just a dude watching YouTube videos or reading books about psy-tech and UFOs, and are actually an operative working on UFO technology in secret labs, or doing remote viewing / psychokinesis (etcetera) yourself. But I doubt anyone doing that stuff would be discussing it on this forum lol As @Leo Gura teaches, and seems to potentially be straying from: Look at your direct experience and don't deceive yourself. Are you really doing deep research and uncovering the truth about UFOs, remote viewing, psychokinesis, etcetera? Or are you just a dude browsing the internet, reading a real-time sci-fi novel? If the truth is the latter, but you act like it's the former, then you'll just alienate (no pun intended lol) the people around you because they'll quickly see that you're a pretentious douche that's full of shit and is too insecure to admit it Be careful. People have ruined their social lives by going too deep down these rabbit-holes. The UFO / psy-tech space is ripe for self-deception
  21. @Leo Gura ^ ^ ^ Isn't it more important to treat the people who support your work with kindness, respect, and openmindedness, rather than championing how much you "know" about the CIA and how "radical" your experience is? Or is anyone who even hints at challenging your opinions "sloppy and unnuanced"? ?
  22. @Leo Gura Says on the Stargate Wikipedia page: "The Stargate Project was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation. Information provided by the program was vague and included irrelevant and erroneous data." Yes, exactly. The CIA does all sorts of things we as civilians have no idea about. My point is that you're quick to judge others for thinking they know something that they might not, when you yourself do the same. Just keeping you honest Leo :] You have no idea what the US or Russian intelligence agencies do or don't do, regardless of what's on YouTube or Google. Unless, of course, you're not really a civilian *wink wink* =P Of course, anything is possible. That's the nature of infinity, as you say. But God has setup "rules" for this shared inter-subjective "human" world, apparently. For the sake of coherence or entertainment and fairness of this fleshy game, I suppose. A game with cheat-codes isn't as fun, and so on. The only reason I'm challenging you on this is because you simultaneously claim radical openmindedness, while also being quite inflexible on some of your political views, not opening your mind to the possibility that there might be alternative ways of understanding the world, alternate perspectives which you condemn but might go deeper than you realize. You claim love and oneness, while also propping up your political views as superior to others. Seems to me like a lapse in logic and a betrayal of love. And in doing so you turn people away who might otherwise relate to your human experience But in general I support your work greatly :] ?