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Everything posted by wma

  1. @Leo Gura Yeah, what @Gregory1 said is basically what I'm getting at. This just kinda seems like an Alex Jones-esque posit. Of course, it's totally possibile that it's indeed true. But as he says in the video, could also just be a misinformation diversion campaign. Not that it really matters what the answer is. I just find it odd that you condemn "conspiracy theorists" for making "ridiculous" claims, and then make that claim.
  2. I'd just like to say how glad I am that Leo is starting to share his discussions with others (with Charlie and Ben, and now Kurt). Humans need to awaken to the oneness so that we stop fighting so much, and Leo's teachings are fundamental to that awakening. So starting to get his name out there will help spread the word. And I think he's playing it smart, doing it carefully and gradually, instead of jumping head-first into media. The media will quickly tarnish your name if you're not careful. Honestly, the conversation with Kurt was a little boring at times. At one point, for example, Leo spends like 20 or 30 minutes explaining to Kurt that non-existence doesn't exist, by definition. Not a high point of the conversation. That point should only take a few seconds to make, because of how obvious it is. It shows how deeply embedded materialism is in our collective psyche, in our culture. Folks cannot simply imagine that what they call "death" is not the end, because we are ultimately not material but instead consciousness. But it's all part of the process of educating people and unraveling the web of reality, and someone has to do that work, so thank god Leo is, and many others of us as well, in big ways and small ways.
  3. @Endangered-EGO She's also so oblivious to the situation that she's choking her dog in the process, and then starts frantically crying to the cops while the man simply stands there. She also did this in the midst of global protests regarding police brutality against people with darker skin.
  4. @Endangered-EGO Can you point to the evidence of him admitting that he threatened her? In the video, she approaches him, and he says "Please don't come close to me." If HE is the one who threatened HER, why would SHE approach him and HE say "Please don't come close to me"?
  5. @vizual @Leo Gura LMFAO. Sign me up for 5 hours of Will Smith on GCI&L. And I would LOVE to see Leo talk to Logan Paul. Logan is infamous as a materialistic fuckboy, sure, but he's not an idiot, and he's still a human being. Logan Paul has said on his podcast that he's genuinely afraid of death. Thus, these ideas would benefit him.
  6. @Leo Gura is right I think actually, about Curt being the best kind of interviewer. Reason being because it's people like Curt who are running our world today: politically, monetarily, technologically; VERY smart people who think about the world in VERY physical and numerical terms. And this is good, outside of the fact that they often miss the metaphysical / spiritual / infinite perspective, which in turn can lead to lapses in morality. (Evil genius types who love science but don't understand oneness / nonduality / infinity / etcetera)
  7. @Leo Gura You could podcast with enlightened folk about stuff other than nonduality though Enlightened folk are the best to converse about general daily life stuff with because they're often easy-going and won't judge you for minor differences. Sometimes the best media for people isn't always the complex lectures but instead just two intelligent kind-hearted people having a general conversation. As a listener since 2014, It's cool seeing you verbally interact with other people after watching your monologues for so long. Have you considered opening a Discord server or something like that? Where your community can communicate verbally?
  8. Yeah, that's a cool aspect of this work: There's no debate. At some point, you realize, and at another point, you forget, and on and on and on. The point I'm attempting to make with the OP (though perhaps not well) is that by engaging in public conversation with others, these ideas will spread. Of course, that can be dangerous in itself, because when word gets out, ill-intentioned agents might hear it too. Bright lights attract creatures of dark, and so on. But I also don't think humanity will evolve very far if this idea of "oneness" and "infinity" doesn't spread and, crucially, become understood by a majority of humans. Humans divide themselves out of what we might call "hatred" of the "other" and what we might call "fear" of "death". The beauty of oneness and infinity is that they dispell these notions of "other" and of "death", leading to a more fearless and loving state of consciousness. Though we need to be careful with how we share these powerful ideas, I still feel that it is our duty to share them. Failure to speak the truth when the truth is not known is mere ignorance. Failure to speak the truth when the truth is known is evil.
  9. Yes, I think you're probably being a bit too harsh. Keep in mind that Kurt's YouTube channel is largely based on math and engineering (with some philosophy and self-help in the mix), and so his audience is very scientifically-minded, whereas Leo's audience is probably more mystically-minded. Also, keep in mind that, as an interviewer, it's often smart to challenge the interviewee so that the conversation can maintain momentum, rather than just agreeing with everything they say; and it's also often smart to ask questions that you already know the answer to, but that your audience might benefit from hearing. Not only is Kurt conducting a 6-hour interview, but he's also trying to make it a valuable experience for his viewers. Kurt would often try to frame Leo's ideas within a mathematical context. Sure, this could be interpreted as him misunderstanding Leo, but it could also be interpreted as him trying to help his scientific audience relate to the ideas better. I don't think Kurt was as confused as you might think.
  10. @Dan502 @Preety_India Of course! It sounds to me like Preety is saying that it's a difficult problem to solve. But spreading awareness is the first step, no? So we've got to start somewhere. The cool thing about "enlightenment" is that it's self-evident once you go deeply inward enough. All we gotta do is set people on the path and then they'll do the rest. Yes, most of humanity would find these ideas quite radical and unbelievable. But every bit of progress helps, and change often happens at an expotential rate. It can seem like nothing is changing, and then all of a sudden there's a massive shift once the tipping point is reached.
  11. ultimately, yes, this is true! if "we" are to play the human game though, then i think sharing is a good move =]
  12. Yes, as there is much backlash. Patience is key
  13. @Preety_India War, greed, petty politics, religion, etc