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Everything posted by cetus

  1. Just yesterday my cuz was saying how corrupt society is and he's been finding solace in religion. The last time I saw him he was wearing a religious cross. And just to mention he's a true Trumpite. So of course he's totally against any and all border crossing. So, I was wondering what his Jesus would have to say about borders if he could ask him to his face. Probably something like this: "Borders? Show me where God has created borders". That's just one example of how much world society would need to evolve to survive. And as of right now that does sound totally impractical to most of society.
  2. That's more contemplating rather than meditating. Bringing everything into question. Whereas meditation is more like basking in the actual state of Not Knowing and just being at one with it.
  3. It's not a "learned thing". This "emptiness" which we are speaking of can be directly experienced in deep meditation. I wouldn't stand behind it if I didn't experience it myself. And it's everything I said it was. Yes, it is empty of all "things' but yet it is full. And since you relate to the word "being" I'll say that emptiness is "pure being".
  4. We're all trying to put into words that which is indescribable. The Tao that can't be named is another way of saying beyond words and the logical thinking mind. The Tao being just a pointer to Truth. Bottom line is it takes two to tango.
  5. No. Not at all. Emptiness is the cornucopia from which all "things" spring into existence. A wellspring of infinite potential. Pure intelligence!!!
  6. @Breakingthewall I loved Adyashanti's explanation of what awakening means at the very beginning of the video. I thought it was spot on! Which is what the O.P. was interested in conveying to someone unfamiliar with the work. "A revelation that has the effect of shifting your identity from a mind based or ego-based identification to an identity that is more based in our fundamental nature, transcendent of the mind and ordinary identification" What would be your definition of awakening in simple terms if you were explaining it to a total newbie? I only ask because I'm confident your input will be quite useful to his brother.
  7. God as a singularity divides itself into the many as an expression of absolute Love. "You" are an expression of God's Love. "We" are an expression of God's Love.
  8. @BlessedLion How about a quick video introduction for your brother instead of a book? @UnbornTao I'll 2nd that. Here Adyashanti explains awakening in as much of a logical way as possible so that your average Joe/ Jane on the street can relate. Most ppl may have a glimpse but then fall back into their usual egoic state. But that's O.K. That first glimpse will always be there. Just jelling till you're ready. .
  9. May the New Year be a reminder not to live the same year over and over again.
  10. Your perception of reality is like radar "pinging" off reality and there's nothing showing on the screen.
  11. @Aaron p The biggest breakthrough you'll ever have is taking that first step. Without it there would be no breakthroughs or awakenings.
  12. @r0ckyreed "Walking meditation, also known as kinhin, is a practice rooted in various forms of Buddhism, including both Theravada and Mahayana traditions. It involves periods of walking interspersed with sitting meditation, and practitioners typically walk in a specific posture and pace, often synchronizing their steps with their breath" Search YT and you'll find some good sources. *Thich Nhat Hanh was known for promoting walking meditation.
  13. Rest assured a power with infinite knowledge always has your back. Your Trust in that is what is missing.
  14. "When the sage opens his eyes, the world comes into existence" -Sunglasses or not.
  15. let me ask your opinion with samadhi, or anyone else that may have an experience with samadhi. After experiencing samadhi a few times something wild happened when I surrendered the samadhi (as beautiful an experience as it was). I totally vanished. What is it when there is no "experience" to be had, and the experiencer vanishes.
  16. Do you control the dream? Or does the dream control you?
  17. @AION This may interest you..... Proof That Reality Is An ILLUSION: The Mystery Beyond Space-Time | Donald Hoffman (youtube.com)
  18. "Love others as one would Love thyself" There is Truth in those words. It's All you.
  19. Reality exists only in the mind. And the mind exists only in reality.
  20. Potential: existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality
  21. Lol I love the expression "This food tastes white". I use it as a reminder to spice things up whenever I cook.
  22. My meditations are simple. The mind settles down to the point where there are no more thoughts. All that remains is awareness basking in a placid ocean of awareness. And sometimes experiences, insights or visuals may suddenly arise out of that ocean of awareness.
  23. That "other realm" was the gift of knowing oneself infinitely.