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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Taavi It's a "state" of being this or that. All states come and go. I'm reading this and yes I remember when I went through a similar state. And there will be others to come. And they too will come and go.
  2. @PsiloPutty No I'm quite serious. The voice tells me jokes. For instance "The Silence of the Clams". "And what did you you hear in the night Clarice? Was it the slaughter of the spring clams?" Yes! I I tried to save just a few. So I grabbed a bushel of clams and ran away with them as fast and far as I could. But the bushel became to heavy. So I spilled them out and said "Run little clams! Be Free! But they just stayed there and wouldn't run".
  3. @Edogowa Conan Truth comes in excepting all there is. Than truth is plentiful.
  4. @PsiloPutty @SgtPepper I'm not sure either. How can you tell the difference? Or is there one?
  5. Sometimes I tell myself a joke and lmao. The thing is, I never heard it before. It's like I have an invisible twin.
  6. @Jack River Shot an image to go with that.
  7. And so does hanging out on the forum. Catch you later surf rat. I'm outta here for now.
  8. @The Blind Sage Silence has no location but permeates everything. Be like silence. Practice no location.
  9. @John Lula The label flying may have been used just as a metaphor or a "finger pointing at the moon". For instance if some one were raised in a society where the the bolstering of a "self" was absent. Believe it or not your flying right now. Something of you is. Just b-c there is a desk here and a floor there and a door over there doesn't give them a location other than being relitive to each other. It's all just floating in the nothingness. And so are you!
  10. @NoSelfSelf You don't necessarily want full enlightenment. When your fully enlightened there won't be a you to enjoy it. So you just want to be very close. You want to be able to taste sugar not be sugar because sugar can't taste itself.
  11. @Jack River Every thought/action has an infinite ripple effect. At the time the thought/action may have been totally rational from that limited POV. But the long lasting effects reach so far outside of even the most rational thought eventually it becomes irrational. So what's left? The natural flow with the Earth/existance. Than can there be harmony/wholeness and the Earth would be plentiful. That's a rational sounding thought right? Sounds good? The Earth and it's inhabitance existing in perfect harmony. But than what? The population explodes like crazy? Just something I was pondering while enjoying cookies.
  12. @Jack River Wholeness vs. fragmentation. Good stuff by Bohm.
  13. Wholeness is an attitude or an approach to the whole of life. If we can have a coherent approach to reality than reality will respond coherently to us. But nature has been tremendously effected by our way of thinking on the Earth. Nature is now being destroyed and there is very little left on Earth that is not effected by how we are thinking. -David Bohm
  14. The bullshit is the fuel that makes the world-go-round and there seems to be an endless supply of it.
  15. @Andrea Marchetti If treated with total respect the smoke can be a great ally. Sit silently in nature like in the deep woods for instance and the smoke will show you truth.
  16. @FredFred I just saw something about this at the end of the homesteading video posted here on climate change. Hemp itself is a great natural resource used to make many products.
  17. From the Tao Te Ching- The world is sacred. If you tamper with it you'll ruin it. If you treat it like an object, you'll lose it.
  18. @Solace That's the best IMO. If you sit in the woods long enough with a truly silent mind eventually all will merge into god. I can't even explain it exactly with words. Just try it yourself.
  19. I re-purpose everything I can. Buy used instead of new whenever possable. Grow many of my own vegatables. Make compost fertilizer from yard wast and food scraps. Lots of ppl are going solar in my area now so that will be next.
  20. @The Blind Sage Even though you are not asking directly about sourcing you are asking about information on sourcing. That's close enough. Locking this post. Yea, forget about it!