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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Ampresus Here's something to meditate on. Your heart space. Where exceptance, love and compassion well up from.
  2. @Ampresus So you resort to physical punishment. You gotta back yourself out of that dead end. Don't know how you got in there but that doesn't matter from here on out.
  3. @Ampresus Stop meditating till you figure out exactly what the root cause of the self destructive behavior is.
  4. @Serotoninluv I'm heading out to the woods now to do exactly that. Allowing the "God consciousness" to emerge. No inside-no outside.
  5. @Ampresus Yes. Do it long enough in deep silence and the perciever will fall away.
  6. @Serotoninluv If humans could exist as one conscious entity the Earth would be a utopia.
  7. @Jack River How could you explain it when there is nothing there. Nothing explainable that is.
  8. @Jack River What were you before this consciousness came upon you? -Nisargadatta
  9. @Gligorije Quote: ‘Why does subjective experience exist?’ is actually an impossible question when viewed from the outside in. We are actually smuggling a ‘view from nowhere’ which uses the senses of our body’s skin and retina but projects them onto an arbitrary point in space. The view from nowhere may be telescopic or microscopic, infrared or X-Ray, but when we use this mode of imagination or optics, we are dramatically limiting our awareness to only the most ‘outward’, exterior-facing modes of sensitivity. This is of course a very powerful way to look at things when you want to use your body to predict and control other objects in the world of the body, however it is becoming more evident to many people that focusing exclusively on that world, and extrapolating a world view from it, actually blinds us from the true nature of ‘existence’.
  10. @Gligorije Subjectivity is an experience based on past memory and pov= duality. The experiences may all differ but it's all happening within the same one consciousness. Subjective experiance/duality is the illusion.
  11. @Igor82 Physical depth? It's not illusion relative to the body/spatial location.
  12. @Gligorije What is consciousness prior to the word consciousness?
  13. @Tony 845 Google: Pulsating third eye means there is a shift in consciousness happening. Whats next? The pulsating will move from the third eye to the crown chakra.
  14. Heard a word today that I wasn't really too familiar with- "Nosis" So I researched it and it's similar to Samadhi or union with the devine. And from the union comes spiritual intuition/insight/knowlage. Here's a site I found - Gnosis. I Thought it was an interesting read. Anybody here familiar with this? What do you think? Newagey? Too much belief system? But something about it rings with truth. I've wondered myself about DNA before. If during a spiritual experience information is decoded that would be otherwise dorment. Or just working behing the sceens ordinarally. A soul? what do you guys think about a soul? How can anyone be so sure there is no soul? Or even that there is? Honestly times it sure feels as if there is something of a soul. Like just an essance or something. When you open the heart isn't that connecting with the soul? All souls? @Solace Here's an excerpt that reminded me of your experiance of the heart. It is this path of inner reflection and personal purification that helps us discover the hidden knowledge encoded into our very DNA; with the ultimate goal of our gnosis to lead us down the path of enlightenment. Once we truly begin to know thyself, the world and our mission, we then begin to connect our souls with our Gnosis kardias; “knowledge of the heart” which then connects our soul with our heart, body and mind. https://gnosticwarrior.com/gnosis.html
  15. @Jack River And it never knows it is. Only the "I" as the 10,000 things knows it is most excellent.
  16. @Jack River Consciousness is awakening unto itself. It has nothing to do with "Me" at all.
  17. @Jack River It's a remembering beyond all memories within time and space. This rememberance trancends that.
  18. @Solace Not a "becoming" but a a remembering of what you've always been. And you've found it.
  19. @FredFred As in the case of your father you could say to him "I'm not satisfied with just being intelligent. I want to know the source of intelligence" It's a play on words from Einstein's quote "I want to know the thoughts of God" http://web.iitd.ac.in/~prbijwe/Book_Abstracts/The Power of Now.pdf