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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Arkandeus Sorry but have to close this now. Conspiracy theory abounds.
  2. @Arkandeus Hello cosmic citizen. Yes the ascenion is well underway. Just kidding. We are all ascending in some way every day.
  3. @How to be wise There is no conflict in Wu-Wei. Doing - not doing. The game plays the game. The poem writes the poem. We can't tell the dancer from the dance.
  4. @Nahm Whatever your putting on the plate I'm sure it's going to manifest into something very special. They will come to share your table.
  5. @Nahm "Everyone opens up with you" I shall not forget. Thank you my friend for sharing every word.
  6. @ground You are somewhat correct. But your vibe is all wrong for what is happening here.
  7. @ground You are painting too much conceptual theory ( no matter how true or what you read) over someones direct experience.
  8. @Nahm So what do you do? Take what may come? The thing is when i open up totally to love and compassion for all the inhabitants of this planet as a collective it's almost overwhelming. It hit's me in the body, so to speak.
  9. Wonderful report. I feel like I totally get you. Very happy for you with the realizations, and with where you’re headed. This one (above), I hope I’m not imposing, but, it would be difficult to find a “particular descriptor” or to express nondual self to “another person” who is experiencing body consciousness. Just a thought for you. Thanks again for sharing, much appreciated, like a breath of fresh air. ♥️ @Nahm This is exactly where I get stuck. Thanks Nahm for putting this out there. Sometimes when I open the door to deep love and compassion it feels as if the flood gates are opening so wide I won't be able to handle it all. Like the other day for instance a couple of gents from Jahova's Wittness knocked on the door and I let them in. We had a short chat and I strated to say Jesus's last words "forgive the father for they know not what........... and I totally broke down.
  10. @Joseph Maynor Yes, Adyashanti - that's a good one! I think I'll watch it again now.
  11. Funny you should say this as I'm reading Steven Hawking's book "A Brief History of Time". Seems he could handle both S and H quite well.
  12. @UNZARI You saw it was all consciousness or did you directly become consciousness? Your on to something here and it's very close. That's why I ask.
  13. @ground The guy is sharing something here. No need to critique it to death. Just "marinate in it" as Mooji would say.
  14. Nothing short of an infinite snapshot! -There's a paradox for the masses.
  15. @Jack River This is a bit hard to explain but sometimes reality/consciounseness becomes so perfectly focused, I mean like focused to infinity, that it ceases to exist. As if existance is only a diffusion pattern of true reality.
  16. @Jack River The sense of self acts as a diffusion filter put in front of a perfectly clear lens.
  17. The illusion of self is imposed over awareness and therfore everyting in reality is seen through that filter.
  18. @GabeN It means being conscious or aware of consciounseness itself. Most ppl place awareness on the thoughts and experiences that arise within consciousness while ignoring consciousness itself. Consciousness is primary in all this.