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Everything posted by cetus

  1. You could over write it by repeating a mantra silently or out loud till it subsides. Just a thought.
  2. Consciousness is the ultimate unified field that science is searching for. Look at the double slit experiment. look at "spooky action at a distance". It all points to consciousness being primary. Science will grow by leaps and bounds once it admits that consciousness needs to be taken very seriously in any formula. No lab experiment has ever been carried out without the presents of consciousness being there first. John Hagelin deserves to share the Nobel prize for advancing science in this area along with David Bohm.
  3. Ram Dass is one amazing being who has that love, that burning to connect with other beings exploring consciousness. With his humble heart he illuminates the way out of darkness for whoever wants to see. Today he lives in Hawaii and spends his time bringing comfort to the terminally ill with nothing much more then just sharing their presents together.
  4. @Amun This is some serious mental masterbation.
  5. @bazera Or another way to look at it: let go of the "circumstance" of being you.
  6. @Cepzeu Deja vu is a moment of clarity where one is experiencing reality not only in it's manifest form as but also as the non manifest simultaneously. Right this moment the potential for infinite possabilities does exist in their formless state. The potential for what you will be doing in five mins. or 5 days or 5 years into infinity already exists. Did you ever see something for the first time and yet it seems so familiar? And you know that feeling of familiarity was coming from a place outside of time and space. The formless and the form realized as one- the potential and the actual.
  7. @bazera When you think about it it all happens quite naturally given the right circumstances. Right now the only thing keeping you from having that glimpse is you.
  8. @bazera It is possable to have a glimpse but highly unlikely without doing the practice as a foundation. After a first glimpse of awakening I read a lot about NDE's (near death experiences) because it seemed so similar to what I experienced. Usually when ppl have an NDE it's because of a horrific incident that happens to the physical body like a bad car accident for instance. At that moment they will let go of their body because of the dire circumstances and have a life changing- trancendent experience as they are liberated from the confines of the limited body/mind. So that being said: could you let go of the body/ mind to experience what lies beyond without there being a dire circumstance involved? Or will it take much practice? And of course we are just talking about a "first glimpse".
  9. @andyjohnsonman Give faith a chance for the sake of faith alone. No concepts or beliefs. just giving everything away to total faith. Even the idea of the self give to faith. Experiment on your own and see what happens when you surrender everything. Who knows, you may even get a glimpse of the absolute.
  10. @PretentiousHuman It is just don't tell the ego or it will take possession of self love.
  11. @How to be wise Good realization. The less I know the wiser I become.
  12. TM introduced meditation to the west back in the 70's. At the time it was kind of a fringe thing of intrest to ppl who had a first awakening with lsd or shrooms and wanted to explore spirituality but without external help. The mind set was something like " How can I stay at that level of consciousness all the time?" So TM was the answer. It was always expensive. I went to an intro course in the late 70's and the fee was about $500US back then. Today Dr's sometimes offer TM to help with stress reduction, high BP ect. because it's proven effective by the science community. There were just a hand full of mantras that where used at first but over the years they added more that were customized to certain age, sex, personality type by a personal instructor. My hunch is part of the reason they charge so much is so you stay on your daily meditation practice long enough to start to see some results. If they charged say $50 most ppl would probally quit in the first week without giving it a chance. With TM it's 20 mins. mantra meditation twice a day. Membership is for a lifetime so you can do a check up with an instructor whenever needed.
  13. That could only be proven by your silence. "I am like an idiot my mind is so empty" Tao Te Ching. The book of the way.
  14. I had a dream I was tied to post while naked woman were throwing mini marshmellows at me. I woke with something but I can tell you it wasn't an insight. Happy Friday!
  15. God minus all the concepts like zero, infinity ect. is what I'm pointing to. Islam for instance has the right idea when they say God can't be spoken of. Let alone being described in terms of a mathematical equation.
  16. @who chit That's just the tip of the iceberg. What is less then zero?
  17. @SQAAD Can you imagine your mind being like a perfectly still lake? Well that would be w-a-a-a-y more thought then a Zen monk. Check out this story from Alan Watts @2:00
  18. @Bluebird If you were taking your last breath you'd love everything unconditionally. Live every moment like it's your last.
  19. Check out this Guild Navigator guy. He's kept in an atmosphere enriched with 5-MeO