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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Good-boy Most ppl would just bail out if something was really wrong. But yes it will get your heart pumping for sure. I liken ego death to a waterfall. Before the fall there is great turbulance. Over the fall there is only serenity.
  2. @Good-boy I would'nt doubt that some ppl could scare themself to death. And all over an illusion. Sheesh!
  3. @Shin That's the funny/true part about ego death. Ego death is never "comfortable" no matter what the circumstances.
  4. Ego death could get you killed in the real world. Best to practice it in the comfort of your own home.
  5. Nothing like having a bear chasing you down to find out if you were just kidding yourself about staying in the present moment.
  6. That's not real death. That's Mr. Ego's concept of death.
  7. @Aakash Listen to this and allow every word to penetrate to your core.
  8. @The Don Life is the only chance we're given to contemplate death.
  9. I see your sporting some Hawking Raditation there too. Like the new look.
  10. @Ampresus Educate yourself by learning how to build a "reflector" telescope then get one piece at a time. If you decide you want to build a telescope PM me and I'll help however I can.
  11. @Peo I don't think your going find the answer to this in DNA. The truth is more like "we are all here to discover what we truly are". It's a mission each has sent himself on. Some have never forgotten what their true mission in life is, while others have totally forgotten or they are in the process of remembering. Thanks to Leo and all his work he is reminding ppl what their true mission in life is and why they are really here - to discover thy self.
  12. @LoveandPurpose Talk to them in the same way as you would talk to yourself. After all you actually are.
  13. What makes you-you and me-me? How did I even get on this mission of discovery? I notice when I stop the mission I cease to exist. hmm
  14. @Lynnel A couple of years ago I watched "Apocalypto" and that stayed with me for a while with the human sacrifices. Brutal man brutal.
  15. @Ampresus Nobody is making fun. Just pointing out that "up" is a very relative term. Astronauts say that just being in space is a very awe inspiring experience so I would imagine meditating in space would be really great. Do you ever watch the ISS passages? With a pair of binoculars you can make out the solar panels quite clearly. It's amazing! There's a program called "Heavens Above". if you plug in your long. and lat. it will tell you when the next ISS sighting happens in your area. Ever do any astro-photography? I'm really into it. Here's the rig I use.