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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Shaun Ever do any IR photography? Ocean/sky shots look especially amazing. Surreal and otherly.
  2. Yes. It just went unrealize before. Yes. Yes. Infinity is all inclusive. Not really. Intelligence could be just as much a hindrance as a help. Depends on how it is applied, by ego or universal intelligence. It is a duality. A seed is no different then a fully blooming flower.
  3. @moon777light Went back to the vid. to listen to more of it. I think Leo answers your question right after he talks about Flower and Song when he talks about the Teotl being an empty shape shfter. First you must empty yourself completely then you can become anything, or in your case create anything.
  4. @moon777light Was just watching Leo's new vid. that you mention (thanks) and got to the point where he talks about Flower and Song so I see where your coming from now. The picture above IMO represents that beautifully. Could that be just coincidence? I think not. It's all one with the unfolding process of creation. Connect with that never ending - interconnected process and everything will become available to you. If for you it is prayer then it's prayer. But rest assure that you are that process.
  5. @moon777light Ask the cosmos for divine inspiration. Aborigional art depictiing "DreamTime" -(reality)
  6. @Sukhpaal Could it be that your self identity is beginning to dissolve and so it is over compensating to validate it's existance? Observe and contemplate that to see if it's true.
  7. @dimitri The answer to that can be found in these words of Nisargadatta..... What changes is not real. What is real does not change.
  8. @Jack River SUPER ego. - JUMBO shrimp. Get it? An ego is an ego no matter how you slice it.
  9. @Jack River The same person who coined the phrase- JUMBO shrimp
  10. The three faces of ego seems like one big illusion to me. All of this does.
  11. The realization that there is no direct experience with an external world is quite mind blowing.
  12. Here's another just so we're sure we're on the same page.
  13. Regular ego needed a place to slip into it's Super Ego costume.
  14. @Jack River It seemed to fit here for some odd reason. Maybe it's just me?
  15. I know. It's an odd model and it's got ego written all over it. And not just in the literal sense
  16. @Anders901 She told me to sit anywhere. So I looked around and there wasn't a chair. -The Beatles
  17. @Anders901 Call that the ground state of all experience.
  18. @Jack River It works great when needed to cross a busy street. After that all bets are off.
  19. @The Don Here's something that's not often said about ego death. Once you've experienced it for yourself, it's actually kind of cool in a strange way. You learn to make friends with it because it offers you something other then what you had access to before. Then you can't look away.