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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Joseph Maynor Joe I don't know what it is about you but derail every topic these days. Every time there is a "HOT" topic it's you getting into it with one or more of the other members. So your going to be taking a break from the forum for a couple days. Leo can decide what to do when he returns but for now your outta here.
  2. Sadhguru and Mooji are both what I call "feel good" teachers that give the ego something that it can resonate with. That is exactly right. Q; what did you get from becoming enlightened? A: nothing at all. If you feel that way about this then it shows you just how much you were doing the practices for all the wrong reasons. Hoping to find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so to speak. This is the essential teaching here. It is the point where the trancendence of ego mind takes place. Not from the point of view of the ego looking at it as being a negitive but an actual trancendence of ego mind to the full direct realization that -this IS all just a dream. I prefer using the phrase ego trancendence instead of ego death but this it what it should bring you to. That is what you are experiencing as a feeling of "depression". You've come to the realization that ego has no solid ground to stand on and nothing to gain out of any of this. Once that becomes fully realized then the true practice can begin in earnest and without any striving of the ego to reach it's goal. When you sit, just sit for the sake of sitting. Can you find the true beauty in just sitting for the sake of sitting. When all that remains is your humble presents.
  3. @mandyjw I though the part about the tree being both a duality and non dual merged as one was a brilliant insight. Thanks for sharing!
  4. @mandyjw Stephen Wolinsky address this too at the beginning of this video.
  5. @Evelyn I would suggest seeking the help of a therapist again. Yes meditation can bring all kinds of hidden shit to the surface. The only way I know to free yourself from this is to forgive. Forgive your father in your heart. That's not saying what we did was right. But you must forgive for your own sake or you will spend the rest of your life with his shadow hanging over you.
  6. @Aeris What a ridiculous idea being that it's common knowlage crack is highly addictive. Locking it.
  7. @FoxFoxFoxThe more subtle a level of consciousness is the more expansive it is.
  8. @FoxFoxFox No not yet. I left the body behind but yet existed in a quite different way. I was listening to what you shared. That's a good one for a chill'n background sound.
  9. @FoxFoxFox I've been meditating with it eyes closed with headphones and it's getting really deep. I just finished a session and I'm not sure what I became. There are just no words beside to say it was something very subtle.
  10. @FoxFoxFox @Dumb Enlightened I've been listening to this lately and it's doing exactly that.
  11. @Joseph Maynor Every day should start with a good laugh. Thanks!
  12. Good day everyone! I see we have a "Hot Topic" and again for all the wrong reasons.
  13. @Viking On what level? On a relative level yes I love my children, my wife and now my gf. On a metaphysical level yes I've experienced a collective love that is universal.
  14. I know what your saying. I have no proof that love is anything other then wishfull thinking but still I have faith in love.
  15. @Viking Love is different then beauty though. Love is more like a universal force or truth.
  16. Then it's a conscious choice your making. Appreciation is optional.
  17. @Viking You can still appreciate a good movie even though you know it's not real.
  18. You are correct. Beauty only exists in the eye of the beholder.
  19. @Joseph Maynor Big Booty works fine for me.
  20. @Joseph Maynor I could say the word being to me points to a kind of "soul".
  21. But what if by saying God you were just referring to everything exactly as it is - Totality?
  22. Einstien once said "Ego is an illusion albeit a very persistant one"