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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Charlotte Could it be the realization that it's not you that's doing the awakening but God himself - through himself?
  2. @Aakash That's one amazing little book "Know Yourself An explanation of the Oneness of Being". -Balyani It cuts a clear and direct path to knowing God Just wanted to say thanks. "
  3. @dimitri There are no such thing as "accidents".
  4. @Anton_Pierre The self plays that game with itself.
  5. Just an additional point. Yes I see it's coming from a place of direct experience.
  6. @Druid420 What I'm saying is "space" and "the space between" are one in the same. And it trancends that.
  7. @Druid420 This is an unshared space. For it to be shared there would have to be two. Here there is not even one" -Mooji
  8. @Lynnel Don't forget to give yourself some credit here too. You set the correct intention.
  9. @Serotoninluv Was just thinking: when I was in my mid 20's I would sleep with a 4 ft. pyramid hanging over the bed that had a crystal capstone. There were some amazing dreams happening.
  10. @noselfnofun Wish I could but that's a bit pricey for me. If I take the g-f that's $1000.00 US
  11. @noselfnofun I saw he is coming to Philadelphia April 20th. $500 per ticket! Edit: correction that's April 27-28 in Phila.
  12. Not exactly a crystal but there's power in this stone. Native American artifact.
  13. @Serotoninluv Nice! You can "feel" it has something to say.
  14. @Serotoninluv I've noticed this also. There is doing but no awareness of thought's that are doing the doing. Just happening.
  15. Can you tell which lawn meditates and which doesn't?
  16. @Shadowraix Yes. A healthy ego is carefree ego. It just goes about it's business.
  17. @EmptyInside It is a process. As the ego returns so will the re-experience of ego death. But with each successive ego death there is less ego to "die". "I love fucking with my ego" -Leo
  18. @theking00 Take a quantum leap and step beyond yourself. No words can tell you how to do that. You either do it or you don't.