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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Jack River There you is. haha Haven't heard from you for a while.
  2. @Angelite Reside in the heart and you can't go wrong.
  3. Yes if you truly understand then it returns to simply chopping wood- carrying water.
  4. That being said I remember Sister Benedicts's name being slightly misprounounced from time to time.
  5. @mandyjw It was not until they ate from the tree of knowlage (knowlage of the self) that they felt naked for the first time.
  6. @mandyjw The tree of "knowlage" God duly warned Adam and Eve not to eat from or "you shall surely die". This biblical quote points to the "knowlage" of the separate self or conceptual self that suffers death and so the end of paradise. If you want to say that God kicked Adam and Eve out of the garden that would be true but only with the understanding that Adam and Eve are themself God but partitioned from God through knowlage of self.
  7. They denounce the devil while at the same time do the devil's bidding.
  8. @Conrad That's very humble of you to say. Here's Rupert Spira reading a few excerpts from the book.
  9. That's right. Truth with a capital "T" can't be communicated with spoken words. Trancendence of the words is totally in the hands of each individual.
  10. @Conrad Been reading the book "Know Yourself" -Balyani? Maybe not but truth is truth all the same.
  11. @CreamCat Good chair for spending the night meditating under the stars.
  12. Distinctions create a "known" reality but the reference point from which reality is known is also a distinction amongst distinctions.
  13. @Aakash Wanna get really crazy? God is posting to himself and there is no you.
  14. @Serotoninluv It's just a shift to left. Then a shift to the right. And your doing the Time Warp
  15. @Serotoninluv Just watched the first 9 mins. of Leo's new vid and it's happening again. Everything is different right now. The "shift" happened.
  16. @ChoseyFrozey @Serotoninluv If I can do it anybody can. Ego death without a substance that is. All I used was Leo's vid.. The one where he points at you and says "I'm pointing at that thing you refer to as "you". That "you" doesn't exist". I kept hitting that hard and heavy until a break through finally happened. I had no location. Yet I existed.
  17. @Swagala Here's something from Leo regarding one aspect of it.
  18. @Swagala @Swagala For what reason are you fasting? As part of a spiritual practice? Weight loss? Both?
  19. I must have missed that. But for some strange reason I suddenly have an urge to watch "Pretty Women"