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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @ValiantSalvatore I've heard stories where the pineal gland starts producing so much dmt it can actually drip down the back of your throat. "The nector of the Gods"
  2. How can one be sure when the body dies it's not "Lights out-end of story"
  3. @mkrksms Relax. Your decompressing from the finite self like a Scuba diver needs to decompress when returning to the surface. Take your time and decompress slowly.
  4. @mkrksms You can always go back to pretending your separate from infinity - not.
  5. @mkrksms "Don't refuse to be what you already are" -Nisargadatta
  6. @Blanchflower Just as it has no beginning it has no end.
  7. @vander87 Yes the middle of the night meditations can be quite diffferent. The 'floating on an ocean' sensation shows your heading in the right direction for sure. Nice!
  8. Again with the sychronicity. Today I was standing by the Hummingbird feeder and heard something buzzing behind me. I turned around and it was 5 Hummingbirds hovering in mid air that were interested in what I was doing to their feeder.
  9. @EvilAngel Get real dude. Do you think flaunting a hollow existance is going to impress anyone here?
  10. @assx95 You are the guru of guru's. Every video you watch, every book you read is none other then you. You created this world because you had something you wanted to show yourself.
  11. @assx95 Yea sort of. The mind wants to understand everything in a linear fashion. 1, 2, 3, 4 _ _ _ ect. 1+1=2. -Logic. But that way of thinking usually doesn't work here. For instance I read a lot of books when I first started spirituality. Most of what I read made no sense at first. Then something shifted at a point. Now those same books make perfect sense.
  12. @assx95 What I'm saying is sometimes you have to unground conceptual knowlage to be able to move beyond it.
  13. @assx95 Have you ever considered "ungrounding" yourself? It could be just the ground you seek.
  14. @Anna1 Likwise in deep meditation. Only after the fact is it "known" that there was the total disappearence of the "I Am".
  15. @Joker_Theory Contemplate what you were before your conception.
  16. @Gili Trawangan In Adyashanti's "Enlightenment Unfolding" he discusses post awakening pitfalls. It's an excellent guide for the awakened seeker.
  17. @Peo One of the most awakening experiences I've had in this journey is that consciousness is not anchored to the body/mind/location as may seem.
  18. That's heavy man, heavy.
  19. @DrewNows Spend 30 mins. silently observing the comings and goings in a busy Walmart parking lot. The matrix becomes quite evident.
  20. @pluto It was like nature came knocking on the door just as we were talking about it. That is amazing.
  21. @pluto Just as I was sitting here I heard a light sound hitting against the glass door. I looked over and saw what looked at first like a bat. I grabbed the camera and took this shot. That's one huge moth!