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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Conrad "There is only God" 4 little words that say it all.
  2. I would venture to guess that most here understand this so well it no longer needs to be said.
  3. @Serotoninluv I've been noticing that being the case from time to time. Your really gonna need a "Dream Catcher" for that one. Just as an example. There were holes. And the holes had meaning. In the dream that made perfect sense. But when awake it all collapsed into a vague memory that was completely dissociated from the waking state of mind.
  4. Or being tied to a post while naked woman throw mini marshmellows at you. Ah maybe that's just me.
  5. @Serotoninluv Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and know that you were dreaming about something but you can't figure out exactly what is was? Then you realize the reason you can't remember is b-c the dream doesn't relate in any way to the waking state mind.
  6. @Serotoninluv Yes one must set an intention to stay aware of the dreams.
  7. @possibilities Start by understanding sleep cycles then experiment with which cycle is best to set an alarm for within an 8 hr. period. https://www.catalystathletics.com/article/1845/Understanding-Sleep-for-Optimal-Recovery-Productivity/
  8. Anytime I hear Christanity and enlightenment being compaired I can't help but to think of Mooji's video "Christ Consciousness" to put things into perspective. Christ consciousness is not a "shared" space. For it to be shared there would have to be two" -Mooji
  9. @jim123 That's faith. Faith trancends mind and beliefs.
  10. If you like belief systems go with religion. If you want truth go inward tword stillness.
  11. @Pouya This is a Very Deadly game to play! (Pass out- Space Monkey, ect.) If you pass out at just the right moment during the cardiac cycle it could stop your heart (cardiac arrest).
  12. @Peanut Your heading in the right direction developing that "silent witness" (awareness) of thoughts. That is what is "real". By "real" I mean that which does not change/ does not come and go. Awareness simply IS. -Be that.
  13. @krockerman In "Blissland" as you call it there is no experience. No time. No space. No thingness. You are the "unborn". Before you knew yourself, that was your true state.
  14. @vander87 Sorry, no I don't have any information specifically on full moon-new moon but I know from direct experience getting up on sleepness nights doing midnight sittings that this is the case. Next time I'll have to take note of the moon's phase to see if there is any correlation. On the 4th state of consciousness and sleep you may want to watch: Papaji- "Freedom from the Mind" where he discusses this in more detail. Let us know how it goes.
  15. @Gili Trawangan Yes it is. Kuang Si waterfalls.
  16. @Surfingthewave What is it really about? Becoming one again with your origin.
  17. Why would anyone commit physical suicide when the can just as easily commit suicide of the mind. It's just as effective and a lot less messy.
  18. Sounds real nice. Here in Jersey the state bird is the mosquito.
  19. @Mikael89 The grass grows greener over the septic tank.