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Everything posted by cetus

  1. Be a chamelion blending in with your enviroment but not effected by it,
  2. There is a lightening storm happening and the sound of thunder is different then usual. It sounds like it's being produced through a didgeridoo. Really weird. Two of us noticed it at the same time.
  3. @Leo Gura The "Bear Jew" would cure him.
  4. When the people we Love pass away we feel as if they have left us. But in truth it is us that have left them.
  5. @Key Elements This gave me a premonition about the future. Our daughter is expecting her first child and there there will be clues surrounding the birth.
  6. @Key Elements For whatever it's worth I was into spirituality in my mid to late 20's then got married had two children and spirituality took a back seat to family life. Then the wife passed suddenly at the age of 40. That's one reason I'm here today. Maybe in a way I'm reaching out in hopes of reconnecting with her through spirituality. She can no longer be here. That is done. But maybe I could meet her not in physical terms but on her terms. It's said that the self is an illusion. But I know somehow we shall meet again.
  7. @SunnyNewDay And your quite correct that most of the "spiritual" mumbo jumbo that happens only serves as a distraction for some.
  8. @SunnyNewDay This is why I say cosmic consciousness or a sense of universal oneness should come first before the pursuite of ultimate Truth.
  9. @Aakash It's all just the arrangement of color pixels on a screen.
  10. Volkswagen is going electric starting in 2020-21 with an electric bus. That's somewhat closer to emitting nothing.
  11. Conscious experience happens on the blank screen of the absolute.
  12. @SunnyNewDay Excellent point you make. Maybe hopes of a Sunny New Day is unrealistic.
  13. Didn't recognize him at first (being on his vacation and just hanging out) but yea that's God.
  14. But what if you were to peek under God's brilliantly white robe only to discover he's wearing a thong?
  15. If someone where perfectly content with their life just as it is why would they need to pursue spirituality when it could possably turn their life unsidedown? If it ain't broke, why would one need to fix it?
  16. @RendHeaven BTW-Congradulations -Dad! Recently learned my daughter and her husband are expecting their first. Seems like just yesterday I was holding a baby girl and now she's going to be a mother herself. How is that an illusion?
  17. @RendHeaven Ok so you couldn't help yourself. @kieranperez hit on a topic you find to be of interest. Just don't turn this into a debate ok?
  18. If you would like to add something to Leo's list of "Objections to Spirituality" as @kieranperez has done please feel free to do so.