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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Leo Gura How do you come up with these gems?
  2. The universe as a whole is one sensing organism with each a cell of awareness exploring itself.
  3. @ActualizedDavid Here's a song by The Doors that influanced Charles Manson to have his followers carry out the Sharon Tate murders. Warning some of the lyrics are graphic but it's a good example of musical art expressing the Lucifer side of humanity.
  4. @ajasatya Yea that's a spam ad some-what disguised as a real question.
  5. Why do I create distinctions when there are none to be found in reality?
  6. Just trying to point out no matter how the question is formed it's yet another distinction.
  7. As Peter Ralston said in Leo's video "You can go on making diistinctions forever".
  8. @Mikael89 Turn this into a debate and you'll be finding out who misses you.
  9. @Alex bliss Think twice before you get too deep into enlightenment as it would mean personal identity will never be the same again. Who is it that wants enlightenment? Does that indentity really exist? *trans·per·son·al- of, denoting, or dealing with states or areas of consciousness beyond the limits of personal identity.
  10. Meditation would be good. It's very subtle because it has no qualities to it. But it was there to witness your birth and it will be there to witness your death (and everything in between). It is there now silently watching every thought you have.
  11. By staying in the awareness of that part of you (the "I Am") that never changes.
  12. "Go back to that state of pure being where the 'I Am' is still in it's purity before it got contaminated with 'I am this' or 'I am that' -Nisargadatta
  13. The 10th Ox hearding picture. "Returning to the market"
  14. @ethanb121 At this point your only sedating yourself.
  15. @AlldayLoop We all ask the big questions such as "Why am I here?" "What is life?" Some may inquire more then others. But everyone inquires.
  16. It was the third eye that directed you to this hidden knowlage. It already knew what it was doing before you did. It knows all.
  17. @TrynaBeTurquoise You are not one of the many. You are the one that is the many.