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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Schahin You know this yet you go on creating partitions where there are none.
  2. @Thewritersunion That's the universe's way of saying: step up and become patron 667.
  3. i would venture a guess that for the enlightened master it's no more then opening and closing their eyes.
  4. There is a story about a spiritual seeker traveling through India and offered a well known guru acid. Out of curiosity the guru took a tab and after a few hours of the guru sitting there seeming unmoved the seeker asked: "So what do you think of that?". The guru replied: "western culture is materialistic so enlightenment has come to them through material form". So what is the moral of this story? Perhaps "Never confuse effort with results?".
  5. @kieranperez This universe with it's laws are but one plane of existence to explore. Wait till you experience the plane where objects fall sideways and the future is behind you.
  6. It should come easy. After all you've tended to the skill of being you 24/7 for all your life.
  7. The creator of time and space. I am an explorer.
  8. The empty screen.which the I Am This is projected upon.
  9. You didn't forget. It's always there. You just lost access to it for the moment. After all we're talking about very nuanced levels of awareness. But nothing is forgotten.
  10. If you take away the funny there is nothing left.
  11. As a handicapped person one the pluses is I'll never have to worry that my shoes look worn.
  12. @Girzo If your correct here's a good slang name. Tsetse Fly
  13. @Serotoninluv Their motto: " Genetic matching isn't the only means of solving crimes through Chemistry".
  14. @outlandish What does Leo know that we don't know?
  15. That's the very beginning stages of Mukti
  16. Fruits are good. Snacking on some grapes as we speak that are full of prana.
  17. @DrewNows Your talking about prana?
  18. @Anna1 Injections suck IMO and I've done a few of them.
  19. I went with Ocravis infusions but haven't had an MRI since starting it 18 mos. ago. Can't say I'm any worse that I can tell. That could have made a difference.
  20. @Anna1 Just to throw this out there since your in the medical field- All the recent findings about how bad vaping is. I tried vaping about 4 years ago and quit after about 3 weeks. When I would lie down at night I would get a rattle. I looked into it on a vaping forums and there is a name for it- "Pop Corning". That's exactly what it sounded like. Like pop corn popping in the back of my throat every time I breathed in and out. Yikes!
  21. @Anna1 My mother once mentioned being in the presence of a family member that was passing and heard the death rattle. I could see how fluid could build up in the lungs while the throat relaxes and closes causing something like sleep apnea. On the topic of death, here's a good one from Sadhguru.........