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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @khalifa I was reading your reply here then noticed Leo has a new vid. that may interest you.
  2. @Strangeloop What's your take on the lucky numbers found in fortune cookies? Mine are #55, 42, 31, 46, 8, 2. Do think it's real or bs? The lady running the place seemed to be doing really well. Could that be from eating lots of fortune cookies? BTW-here's the fortune in case your interested: "If you can shape it in your mind, you will find it in your life" Now I know that's bs.
  3. Yes of course. A fine Yquem from the Bordeaux region of France. At $649.00 a bottle that could be a problem.
  4. @Thewritersunion Just out of curiosity. What exactly is the YN PROBLEM?
  5. Experience and experience-er are one in the same. What is it that witnesses this play?
  6. Reality is no different then when I'm dreaming at night. It's all me no matter where I look.
  7. @Pilgrim Apparently you didn't surrender enough to have a full blown breakthrough. If you want Absolute Truth bad enough you will eventually break through that gateless gate and transcend the partitions of the mind.
  8. @Gnostic Christian On that note you may find this of interest.
  9. @Dylan Page If God had a "plan" that would mean something is yet to come. But God is already complete. So how can there be a plan?
  10. God needs to plan nothing because nothing is lacking. God Is all love. God IS all intelligence.
  11. Na- aliens wouldn't dare destroy this universe. It's the only one that has Sunday Night Football.
  12. @dimitri It's not that your lost it's just that words/mind will only get you so far. A direct realization is what's needed from here.
  13. @Raptorsin7 Because enlightenment propagates Absolute Truth. You may or may not be consciously striving for Absolute Truth per se but that will be the final outcome.
  14. @Nahm Unadulterated consciousness is very pliable.
  15. I was aware that I was a aware but not conscious of the awareness that was aware.
  16. @Nahm I must say there was a time when I wasn't aware of consciousness.
  17. @Raptorsin7 The honey bee is drawn to a flowers nectar but does it realize it is also spreading it's pollen?
  18. @Homo Lucens Don't get lost in small details. It's all magic.
  19. @The Don Just as a suggestion read or better yet checkout the audio book "The Untethered Soul" -Michael A. Singer on YT. Perhaps you need to un-tether from the mind and just let everything be.
  20. @SvanteTheBeast Why should the body pay the price of suicide for the ego's ignorance?
  21. @Shaun Wait till you have a direct experience of it (if you haven't already). It will be amazingly reassuring.
  22. @Shaun Yes that's exactly right. God is the potential of infinite occurrences. Whether they actually play out or not in form makes no difference to God. As a side note this level of consciousness can be directly experienced. It is like a field of pure potential where everything exists in a formless state.