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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @TrynaBeTurquoise This guy explains the trip nicely at the beginning...........
  2. @outlandish That seems like a really good method @outlandish Thanx- Then that's the way I'll go. I'm at 39 deg.N. latitude so I have approx. 3 months till the spring temps start rising.
  3. @electroBeam Thanks man. I'm going to check all that info. out. BTW-I was kind of kidding about the ornamental purposes only. @outlandish @remember I watched a vid. yesterday that was a little different from what I've seen so far. The person wrapped some dry paper towel around the cactus and suspended it about an inch above the bottom of an empty glass jar while it developed a root system. I don't know if that's a good idea but they could watch the roots growing and knew when it was time to transplant to potting medium. It seemed to be working for her. @outlandish This is what I have. How would you proceed from here? The roots are just starting.
  4. @remember After a few weeks you could give it a gentle feel to see if roots have started to take. Even if it comes out of the soil carefully place it back again. From what I've read these cacti are pretty hardy and forgiving for the most part.
  5. @remember From what I've read it will take only a few weeks before roots develop and only then small amounts of water can be added to a well draining soil. Temp is a big factor for encouraging a good root system.. And keep it out of strong sunlight until the roots are starting to established. Indirect sunlight would be fine for the first few months or so.
  6. Spent the last few hours watching Y-T's on propagation and preparation. Plenty of useful info there. "San Pedro Mastery" is a good one for instance.
  7. I'm interested in the propagation of san pedro for ornamental purposes. Any growing hints for starting rooted top cuts of the cacti besides a well draining soil and plenty of light and warmth?
  8. @Dylan Page Reality is like a child's coloring book. You'll have to bring the Crayons if you want to draw in colors.
  9. @Radical Thanks for bringing that to my attention as I wasn't aware of his situation. O.K I'll unblock him for now but he will need to post only in the Serious emotional problems sub forum. I hope he's seeking professional help. Wishing him all the best.
  10. @VeganAwake It really has nothing to do with the topic.
  11. Michael89 has been banned from actively participating on the forum for trolling and ignoring previous warnings.
  12. Crying releases karmic debt. Not just on a personal level but on a planetary/collective level.
  13. @Serotoninluv He's not ready for that. Let it run it's course. In time and he'll be cursing Hermes too.
  14. @Girzo Or Adyashanti.. "That map didn't get me anywhere. Give me another map"
  15. We are cosmic surfers catching a wave called "life".
  16. @Baotrader So it was heroin you were referring to here? "I won't tell you guys the substance I tripped on for 7 remaining trips because it's addictive to certain brain types that generate too much dopamine leading to a serious addiction and there are some quite irresonsible reckless folks in this forum."
  17. Sit with a still/silent mind and be pure awareness.
  18. @charles1 You are that which witnesses falling asleep and dreams of waking up in the morning.. How to sleep more mindfully? Try sleeping on the floor.
  19. @charles1 No need to fight it. Just observe it.
  20. Thoughts only have the power you give them.
  21. @Chumbimba Think of them as mile markers along the path. Or as reminders if one strays off the path.
  22. The thing about meditation is that it's all you and it goes only as far as your willing to take it.