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Everything posted by cetus

  1. I've had some amazing Satsangs with myself. Sometimes you just need to "speak it out" as Mooji says.
  2. @Adodd With a bit more practice you can become aware of thoughts just as they begin to emerge at the most subtle level as if they were bubbles rising in a viscous liquid.
  3. There is no such thing as the experience of reality -Nisargadatta
  4. Did you notice there was no "you" yet something remained? Something very subtle.
  5. @Llight Leo warned you already when you were heading into ban territory and here you are at it again.
  6. @Mongu9719 @arvindbd1997 Did the machine elves forget to mention having multiple accounts is against forum guidelines? Which one do you want to keep?
  7. @Raptorsin7 A few examples as a reminder. I like the last one. It gave me a laugh. Creating your own karmic wheel within the forum?
  8. @electroBeam There are 389 reviews on Amazon for the Muse 2
  9. @Inder All kinds of meditation techniques are not the answer to an unsatisfying job just as they are not the answer to an ill fitting shoe.
  10. Time is a sandbox for children to play in.
  11. @QandC @ 8:52 ....."You are directly plugged into the source right now".If there is a delay of even a nanosecond you still haven't gotten it"
  12. @electroBeam She is legit on a higher realm then "reality".
  13. @Danioover9000 When there is only being there is no "enlightenment". There is only being.
  14. @Serotoninluv Ever wonder why I sit in the wings and just observe?
  15. @from chaos into self @from self into chaos may have been a more definitive user name? "I never met a man that gave me more trouble then myself"
  16. @Beginner Mind So happened to run across this today. It's as smooth as a summers breeze. 3 hours worth. All song contributions thus far have been great. But too short in length. *Adjust the deep bass to your liking, sit back and enjoy the multidimensional aspect of sound.
  17. The tail of the ox is presented as a means for the ego to have something to grab onto. After that all I can say is hang on tight.
  18. @Serotoninluv Taming the Bull. And not by it's horns.