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Everything posted by cetus

  1. Ibn 'Arabi / Balyani's "Know Yourself" "The knowledge of God does not require the passing away of existence or the passing away of that passing away because things have no existence and what does not exist cannot pass away. Passing away implies the prior existence of the thing that passes away. If you know yourself without existing and passing away, then you know God, and if not then not."
  2. I've had some amazing Satsangs with myself. Sometimes you just need to "speak it out" as Mooji says.
  3. @Adodd With a bit more practice you can become aware of thoughts just as they begin to emerge at the most subtle level as if they were bubbles rising in a viscous liquid.
  4. There is no such thing as the experience of reality -Nisargadatta
  5. Did you notice there was no "you" yet something remained? Something very subtle.
  6. @Llight Leo warned you already when you were heading into ban territory and here you are at it again.
  7. @Mongu9719 @arvindbd1997 Did the machine elves forget to mention having multiple accounts is against forum guidelines? Which one do you want to keep?
  8. @Raptorsin7 A few examples as a reminder. I like the last one. It gave me a laugh. Creating your own karmic wheel within the forum?
  9. @electroBeam There are 389 reviews on Amazon for the Muse 2
  10. @Inder All kinds of meditation techniques are not the answer to an unsatisfying job just as they are not the answer to an ill fitting shoe.
  11. Time is a sandbox for children to play in.
  12. @QandC @ 8:52 ....."You are directly plugged into the source right now".If there is a delay of even a nanosecond you still haven't gotten it"
  13. @electroBeam She is legit on a higher realm then "reality".
  14. @Danioover9000 When there is only being there is no "enlightenment". There is only being.
  15. @Serotoninluv Ever wonder why I sit in the wings and just observe?
  16. @from chaos into self @from self into chaos may have been a more definitive user name? "I never met a man that gave me more trouble then myself"