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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Chumbimba Look into neurofeedback sessions.
  2. @Prevailer You are derailing this topic and borderline trolling. No one is asking for your input on every reply. Take your own advise!
  3. There is nothing to remember because nothing is forgotten. -Nisargadatta Translation: This isn't your first rodeo
  4. Think in terms of decay. Infinite Light decaying into dense matter. Crystallized on a time/space matrix.
  5. @traveler Desire fuels the loop. Let go of desire and the loop vanishes.
  6. Keep what you know is true close to your heart and you can never go wrong.
  7. @Nahm I'm ready, and a one and a two...........
  8. @StripedGiraffe Nice awakening. Glad you shared it.
  9. @Lento You question Leo in his absence. For that reason alone you are banned.
  10. @Serotoninluv Or maybe they just act as sort of a 'heat sink' that dissipates the unhealthy energy from another.
  11. I agree EDIT: The entire spiritual path, is completely and utterly imaginary. Enlightenment is imaginary. Its not real, the entire path is not real. The entire path was created by you, enlightenment was created by you. And its possible to realize, and to come home to a place prior to enlightenment, and the spiritual path, and remember yourself creating it all. Nice. Very nice!
  12. @Avidya Stay tuned. I'm sure what Leo uncovers will greatly expand upon Joe Dispenza's understanding.
  13. If your interested in this I'd suggest you get yourself an emWave2 and incorporate it around a regular meditation practice. Do more research into heart/mind coherence also . If you look around you could find a used heart coherence monitor for a decent price. The software should be included which looked to be the same as used in the video.
  14. Conservation of matter you may have meant to say. Unless your talking about Spooky action at a distance. In that case conversation of matter would be an appropriate way of describing it.. But as far as consciousness morphing itself into reality take for example what science referrers to as the double slit experiment. A conscious observer "morphing" a wave into a particle. Then when the particle is outside the view of conscious observation it returns to a wave. Or maybe better to say it returns to the Absolute. But either way you look at it "you" as the conscious observer are primary to the existence of "physical" reality.
  15. A direct experience is a direct experience no matter what the catalyst. When Truth shines it's undeniable.