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Everything posted by cetus

  1. So Love is the Big Generator of all experience within consciousness. I likie!
  2. So why does content even arise within consciousness? Does consciousness some how long to know itself?
  3. Funny you should say that. Was just thinking of this image. See- it's starting to happen.
  4. Nobody else can do it for you. You gotta go it alone. But when it happens, well, you'll see. Things that you've heard or read before will take on a totally different meaning. It's like that. Like you suddenly unlocked a code.
  5. If everyone became enlightened there would be no such thing as enlightenment. So even if you fell short you are still doing your part. Can you live with that? Or is that not good enough? You decide.
  6. It's amazing what you can do with a little sand and infinite imagination.
  7. @Forestluv When I was a kid I'd spend endless hours moving sand from one end of the sandbox to the other with a Tonka truck and infinite imagination. Life was complete as it was. No meaning. Just happening.
  8. @Mikael89 Experience appears on the empty screen of the Absolute but yet they are not two.
  9. When I was in my 20's a friend/neighbor asked me about meditation because she knew I was a practicing meditator. She was attending weekly bible classes at the time. A week or so later I saw her again and asked if she given meditation anymore thought. She said she asked her bible teacher about it. They told her meditation was "Satanic" and "it will let the devil in". She seemed comfortable with that so I just let it go. Haven't seen her since. I wonder how that worked out for her.
  10. "I see Red hair- I think it's going to be a girl" --The doctor in the delivery room when my mom was giving birth to me
  11. I can almost hear Covita Trump singing it now- "I kept my promise- don't keep your distance- it's all a dem hoax.. and the MAGA crowd goes wild
  12. Trump just tweeted from Walter Reed hospital "Doing very well. I think"
  13. @electroBeam By popular demand your ban is revoked. But pls just chill on highlighting the massive dosing aspect of it. We wouldn't want to inadvertently cause harm to those who may be new to this.
  14. That was my bad. "Hero Dose" was a wrong choice of words to use when a member is touting 20 - 40x normal dosage of anything.
  15. Have compassion for materialism. After all, it holds the world in it's place during your absence.
  16. By (cactus) I assume you are referring to San Padro? if so there are many different cultivars each with different concentrations of mescaline. Do you know for sure which cultivar you have? PC pachanoi being the lowest and trichocereus peruvianus trichocereus pachanoi and trichocereus bridgesii having the highest concentrations of mescaline.
  17. @Ananta I was just taking a shot in the dark about what your teacher may have told you it was.