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Everything posted by cetus

  1. Self inquiry would certainly be a beneficial addition to your meditation practice.
  2. Truth needs no one to argue in it's behalf. When there is Truth there is Truth. When there is not there is not.
  3. You've kicked your game up a notch but your still in the game.
  4. In 25,000 words or less -How many angels fit on the head of a pin?
  5. How can something that never had a beginning have an end?
  6. If I'm doing the driving best to finish your smoothie before you get in.
  7. You do it just for the sport of it, as folly -incarnations that is. You've been here before and you'll do it some more.
  8. I can attest to this. I ate a taco yesterday and it became totally self realized.
  9. The possibilities' are infinite. Nothing is random. Everything is connected whether you see it or not.
  10. 'Psychic powers' is an alignment of sorts. Hard to explain but when it does happen there no mistake.
  11. @goldpower123 Have you thought about starting a personal journal to document your progress? I'd be interesting to look back on over time.
  12. The meaning of the last one #7 says only to have compassion and empathy towards other beings. Which relates back to #5 - Most are not ready to see through the illusion of society = empathy and compassion towards other beings.
  13. @Yahya Religions are the sands of time flowing through an hourglass.
  14. @Preety_India @Fredodoow Both of you are in danger of a warning. Don't go there.
  15. @Adrian325 Did your grandmother exist before you? Think about it.
  16. You've exposed the workings of the sub conscious mind vs. the conscious mind.
  17. @Intraplanetary That has been obvious since the start of the topic heading. Locking this now.
  18. @Intraplanetary Exactly. Adyashanti has a good saying "you start by pursuing truth and at some point the tables turn and Truth is pursuing you"
  19. You are in the midst's of discovering the nameless witness that is not dependent on the ego.