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Everything posted by cetus

  1. I sometimes awaken at night and there is a conversation about enlightenment that was happening while I was asleep. I wake to just the tail end of the conversation and only get the last few words of it. I lay there and think to myself, "I wish I could of heard the whole conversation"! Also "who was I having the conversation with?" Last night I woke to a voice saying "that's because there is bliss on the inside, and junk on the outside". Weird ! But it happens often. Other times I know there was a conversation going on, but I have no idea what was said. Not consciously anyway. Does anybody else experience any thing like that? Maybe that's common?
  2. And pure being and duality and enlightenment are all coupled to the ground state of nothingness? Is that the Oneness? The singularity?
  3. @Guivs Were all making a mental note of it now and setting our mental alarm clocks to wake us when we reach dream state. It will most likely happen. lol, I wonder what I'll awaken into now! lol
  4. I was in to lucid dreaming a couple of years ago. I made a mental note to become aware the next time I was dreaming, and sure enough I did. It's a balancing of not totally waking yourself by getting all excited because your aware your doing it, but still remaining in a semi- dream state. I only did it a few times. I could see that if you practiced, you could probably get really good at it. It would be a thought-form reality at your disposal. Just don't get side tracked. It's just more stuff. But fun though!
  5. Leo's work? and yours of course.
  6. That's interesting! The reason I asked about the void was, Once when I was meditating I experienced pure being. There was just a silent essence of myself. Just floating in infinite silence. Very peacefully. Blissfully. I had a whisper of a thought to totally let go and merge into that blissful silence. Than I disappeared into nothingness. I became non-existent. I only realized that after I returned to that state of pure being and silent bliss. After that experience happened I thought to myself, becoming the void is nothing to be afraid of because you don't exist when it happens. When I referred to other perceptions, I was eluding to perceiving higher realms. I wonder if those higher realms surround us always and we are actually occupying then now. And during sleep we sometimes directly access them. Also when we pass on we go back into the higher realm. From there we chose (as pure being) to come back again to the manifest realm (reincarnation) to work on ourselves and to help others in their journey. It's all or none, so to speak. Have we all decided to be here by choice? Do we all know in our hearts what we truly are, even though we may not be obvious from this point of view (the manifest realm). But everyone here is trying to remember what we truly are. Something bigger is driving all of us on this search. Who knows? Whatever it is it's way beyond the thinking mind.
  7. @ZenMonkey Yes, it does sound wonderful. I wonder if we allow other perceptions to be experienced in sleep that we may refrain from normally. Just wondering- did you go into the void in your dream? Did you experience the void or did you become non-existent within it? Any memories or impressions from that?
  8. Yes. Placing the point of focus between breathing in and out. I find doing that is maybe deeper than focusing on just the breath- in and breath-out. Maybe more focus is needed because it's only there for a split second? It feels differently to me too. I place more awareness in between breaths and allow consciousness to "hang" there for a moment, and just let the in breath and out breath happen.
  9. Has anyone had any experience using a pyramid to enhance their meditation? MEDITATION IN PYRAMIDS: Careful study reveals several unique and beneficial qualities that may be derived from Pyramid Meditation. Experienced Meditators relate profound results in their quest for expanded awareness.Many people feel that psychic powers are stimulated or heighten by the use of pyramids. Psychics who use pyramids in that fashion have achieved an altered state of consciousness more rapidly than they would have otherwise, placed on the head focussing through the chakra system, during Meditation sessions, clearing psychic passages which may have become blocked. The pyramid is a geometric amplifier which increases the power of prayer or strengthens the spiritual request of a religious devotee. Pyramid Meditators suggest that the best results are achieved by sitting upright with the upper chakras located approximately one third up from the pyramid base directly under the apex. The use of a pyramid in meditation can excellerate the process bringing feelings of calmness, wellbeing and a more open and positive attitude. Many users claim increased memory recall, visions of past incarnations, telepathic communication and an expansion of awareness. Verbal and written testimonials, among experienced and non-experienced pyramid meditators throughout the world have reported that the pyramid shows the following reactions. 1. A sense of weightlessness. 2. Electric-like tingling sensations. 3. Feelings of warmness, usually in the upper portions of the body. 4. Tranquility, relaxation and freedom from tensions. 5. Dreams with vivid colors and graphic visions. 6. External stimuli, sight and sounds particularly fade away. 7. Time distortion, Space consciousness prevails. 8. Deeper, more fulfilling meditations and higher energy levels . th using a
  10. Yes, the illusion of "self " begins. Not just the image in the mirror but the whole concept that goes with that self identity. Than one day you realize, this isn't true! How did this happen and how did I ever get so far into this idea of self? That's the sleep we walk in, of course and awaken from. I was just reading about a woman's NDE and how she became so depressed after realizing that she is not what she thought she was. She is now searching for that middle ground. She said that "life now feels like thick peanut butter to me". She is searching other NDE's to relate her personal experience too.
  11. 2Yea, same here. (Is that me?) Maybe that's not that uncommon?? Not sure. I watched a documentary and most children don't identify themselves with the image in the mirror until the age of 24 months or so.
  12. Have you ever tried this. Being the empty space between the in breath and the out breath.
  13. I remember when I was a young child a very special feeling that would suddenly come over me. It was the feeling that I and the world around me were one. Existence was comforting me and caring for me. Hugging me. I could feel myself existing within it, but belonging to it in every way. It felt wonderful. That didn't happen all the time. But when it did, it was very special. It was everything. It would often happen when I was outside, in nature (the back yard) by myself. Sometimes it was just "me" playing, and sometimes it was something much more than just "me" that was happening.
  14. http://www.michaelteachings.com/7planes.html I also often wonder about the Akashic plane and it's existence. I found this when I was searching it.
  15. @Nick I hope more people see this pic. Btw-the reflected image shown is nicknamed "The pillars of Creation". How appropriate.
  16. Peeling potato's can be enlightenment. "Potato's are being peeled" apposed to "I'm peeling potatoes"
  17. @The Alchemist Maybe during sex? Ask this guy if it's working for him! Haha See youtube vid Namasti_"lingam message" I didn't post the site directly b-c it's sexually graphic.
  18. Walt Whitman "I must not be awake for everything looks to me as it has never before. Or else I'm awake for the first time and all that was before was just a dream"
  19. This space that our minds and body's occupy exists within that "Alpha" space. It is the larger field that surrounds us always. It is the canvas for this existence to be expressed.
  20. Everything else becomes a sub-space to the field of perfect emptiness .