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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @werlight What happens after we realize who we are? After our awakening.
  2. Only this moment matters. That's all we need to see
  3. Why is Mr. Potato Head enlightened? He's the embodiment of emptiness.
  4. @werlight I know. It's all good. We share a space that is totally humbling. You know what I mean.
  5. @werlight I agree. There exists in my heart what words could never describe. That is all I know at this moment. Thank you
  6. I'm not sure what to believe about reincarnation. Who really knows. One the one hand, maybe consciousness returns to it's original source and just recycles back as pure consciousness into some other life form. There is a lot out there to this universe for consciousness to occupy. Or maybe consciousness is just a product of existence and when the body dies, consciousness is finished also and it all ends there. But on the other hand, maybe there is an essence or spirit self or soul, or divine self that returns to the manifest realm to do more work. Some believe that enlightened teachers are very old souls that have reincarnated many times before. When we pass on could that divine self enter into a higher realm, and from there decide to either move into infinite bliss and vanish, or return to existence to do more work? Why do I have a feeling if that is the case, my divinity would choose to return to this raw existence instead of moving into the infinite bliss of nothingness? I'm experiencing something very deeply at this very moment, something that I know extends much farther than this existence, divinity. Tears are suddenly pouring from my eyes for all of humanity. I love you all
  7. @Olly Hi, It's nothing like that. It's simply seeing things the way they truly are, without the mind coloring it's true state. The pure being in you becomes deeply connected with it's existence. I felt that way a lot as a young child. And it's slowly returning. Very cool!
  8. @abrakamowse Good one! I'm a jelly fish. No mind, just floating in the ocean of existence.
  9. I have that hanging on my office wall. The artist is unknown. The color rendition is a recent edition to it's original engraving. My brother was an artist and did it free hand with a Sharpie. He literally spent days in his room doing the free hand. I think he must have entered into another realm when he was working on it. Haha. Here is an interesting fact about the artist Salvador Dali. It was said "He could enter into an altered state of consciousness by the obsessive contemplation of an object until it lost all association".
  10. http://ryuc.info/creativityphysics/implications_creatstory/individuated_point_conc.htm I was just searching and found this. Yes, non-existence is the ground state from which everything arises from. Zeroth- a position preceding all others.
  11. Thanks for explaining that. Very interesting. Once in meditation I thought that I became non-existent. There is no memory of that event until some degree of awareness returned. I thought to myself "where did I go?" afterwards. I'm not really sure what happened there. It happened while I was in a state of pure being. Than I vanished for a moment or two. I can't really say for how long. Even a split second would have been an infinite. Could that have been Lila point? I didn't doze off, I know the difference. This is why I'm asking about this. I did do a search after that experience but I couldn't find anything on that experience on non-existence.
  12. @werlight Yes, Thanks @Abrakamowse That was very different. So prevalent. I was becoming the oscilations.
  13. @werlight I was listening to this for a short while, I closed my eyes and I could actually see the oscillations in frequency against my closed eyelids in a fairly bright room. Is this normal? Btw- what's normal?
  14. I love the song @ 27:59 "Ethereal Mood". I sometimes listen to it after meditation and it sounds great!
  15. @Neo I often wonder how many other dimensions have influence over this 3rd+T. Also, how much influence does consciousness have over the outcome of an experiment? Could conscious awareness play a role in the research happening at CERN as far as waves vs particles and their interaction with different dimensions?
  16. I'm not familiar with Lila-point either. Wouldn't that be considered the non-existence of mind though?
  17. Maybe you are looking at this from the wrong point of view? Enlightenment is the absence of all illusion. That being understood, enlightenment does not exist, only illusion exists. We agree that the ego/mind is a very ineffective tool to defeat itself. Leo talking about "the flashlight trying to shine it's own light on itself" would fit that scenario also. Think about this, the only way for a flashlight to shine some light on itself would be by using something other to reflect it's light back. Truthful observation of how other people view us would be a good reflection of our true self "Enlightenment is devastatingly simple....Enlightenment is what we are. There is nothing to gain, only its recognition....Awakening to enlightenment is a journey from here to here, not from here to there. There is nowhere to go and nothing to be attained. Enlightenment is simply an awakening to what has always been the case. There is only the seeing through of our own ignorance." --Gary Crowley
  18. Disciple : Master, if "I" attain enlightenment, will I gain the ability to perform illusions? The Master laughed and laughed...........
  19. Moojii shown me that there is no need to travel -to arrive.