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Everything posted by cetus

  1. There is an invisible Sun that never sets. It is the mother of all things under the sun.
  2. Whatever their origin they seem to move within a non gravitational field.
  3. Could that be the ultimate reality and all experience is the dream?
  4. Reality is just a better dreamer then you are. A bigger dream. "Your" dreams happen within the larger dream. Reality is dreaming itself into existence complete with a "you" to validate it's existence by calling it 'not a dream'.
  5. I'm just a bull in a china shop Ever get that feeling after the God realization.
  6. @freejoy I think Leo said in one of his early videos "it's like shining a flashlight on awareness".
  7. By doing exactly as your doing. That's step one.
  8. Cleanse your aura and there will be nothing for them to attach too.
  9. But I seem to remember Leo saying somewhere that all entities are you.
  10. @Philipp Truth with a capitol 'T' is infinitely present. There is nothing complex about it.
  11. @Roy Great advise. Best to have a designated trip sitter just to be safe and if not needed they were there for the piece of mind.
  12. @Forestluv That's a good way to put it.
  13. That's the Default Mode Network freaking out b-c your mind is at total rest. Wanting to reassure itself by doing a 'safety check'.
  14. Here's something somewhat funny (maybe it's just me) but I watched a Y-T a few hours ago titled- 'How I Bleed out working at Subway Sandwiches' Could this the makings of a true Samurai?
  15. @Forestluv haha -You were always quite the 'cut up'...
  16. The knowledge of the Samurai. Shall the blade not strike bone as to blunt it's edge.
  17. Tenth of the Ox herding pictures. "Returning to the market place" We are not encumbered by appearances. We adapt freely to high and low places. We find spirituality everywhere.
  18. There will always be plenty of "I Am's" willing to do the grunt work.
  19. The disappearance of the "I Am" is the greatest fear to the appearance of the "I Am". Quite the conundrum.
  20. Rather then searching the entire universe dissolve the entire universe. Only then can you see how it was created.
  21. Can a caterpillar visualize what it is to be a butterfly?