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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @Vlad Ropotica You probably got really close to experiencing pure being but your mind stopped that from happening.
  2. @Vlad Ropotica Yes that tends to happen. Next time just rest in that moment. Totally surrender to it and allow it to consume you. Vanish into it.
  3. @Vlad Ropotica You experienced the beauty of a totally still mind. Within still mind there is the state of pure being and yes it is humbling to experience. It is the liberation from the mind.
  4. .@Nicolas Nothing at all changes on the outside. On the inside, everything has changed. An unfathomable presents exists at all times. Connect with that silent presents and your on your way to total unity.
  5. @step1 I would say that is not quite the same. When ego death is experienced in a totally sober /meditative state, it is happening for no other reason than it "is" happening. No outside influences to shelter or tranquilize the ego mind.. It's raw naked truth of what is. As far as "getting close" and backing off, I did that too a couple times. Than one day it came over me so fast I didn't have a chance to back off. I was completely sober so it hit me like a ton of bricks. It felt as if I had one foot in each world and didn't know where to stand. My ego self was exposed as the illusion it is. The very foundation of what I "thought" I was. was bought into question.
  6. An enlightened person is a chameleon of sorts. They are empty so they could take on any form without attachment.
  7. @Huz88 I hear you. It's just that I have been really looking deeply into exactly what the mind is and how it influences perception into duality. At his moment I have mind pinned in a corner and relentlessly beating the shit out of it. It's a left blow, and now a devastating right hook! And the crowd goes wild as he pummels his opponent! hehe
  8. @Huz88 All divisions exist within the mind. It's a game that mind loves to play with everything. All you can do is laugh when you see mind is mind.
  9. @JustinS Think of it this way, If you were free floating in space, how relevant is time? Where are you located? Where are the points of reference that bring security to the mind? Would mind/ self lose it's relevance? All that would remain would be pure awareness of existence. Bring that same sense of being back to your everyday experience. Why can't we extend that free floating/ pure awareness view to this world we experience every day and not take the points of references around us so seriously. Pure awareness existing within it's surrounding field without all the reference points that mind introduces like the passing of time and a sense of a self location. Look from within and see things from a different perspective. Feel the awareness within you now free-floating within this existence. Allow pure awareness to be at one within it's field. This is the wave realizing it is the ocean.
  10. @JustinS "K" " Transcendence of 'me' does not happen within time". What an enlightened view.
  11. @JustinS Yea, there is lots of good tidbits in that. It really gets to the root of what's wrong with most of humanity as a whole. It's insane! We are one human race on one planet. Mind causes divisions and divisions inevitably cause destruction from the sense of separateness and insecurity. I listened to that a couple of times because there is a lot to take in. "Thought is movemet, movement is within time". " Time is hope"
  12. http://www.newbrainnewworld.com/?Altered_States%26nbsp%3B:Meditation More info on brain wave mapping of meditators
  13. @Huz88 "Mysteries and Manifestations arise from the same source".
  14. I haven't consulted the I Ching for years. Yea , look into it to. Sometimes it will tell you exactly what you want to hear about a personal situation. Other times it can be brutally honest. I mean like in your face. It needs to be entered with total respect. It is the flow of the universe around you at any given moment in relation to the question asked.
  15. @Huz88 My mum always told me in times like this "Everything happens for a reason". Do you ever consult the I Ch'ing?
  16. Acquainting yourself with the path. See where it leads.
  17. @Huz88 Sounds as if we have to attain enlightenment without their aid for now. When you look at this and see what has unfolded, there is great lesson here. Show me the self that wishes to attain enlightenment. If you can locate that, transcend it!
  18. @ChimpBrain It's all relevant though. Good info. From my minds perspective it felt as if awareness suddenly came to a sharp point of focus. It kick into high gear and became hyper awareness. Something aligned perfectly. A level of awareness that was beyond "me" as a self. .
  19. @ChimpBrain That was interesting, Thanks for sharing. I wonder exactly what is happening within the brain that causes a sudden change in perception. It can be likened to a "shift" or a feeling like the channel has changed and perceiving on a totally different level. That shift is usually most prominent when it is experienced for the first time. Does something suddenly "switch on" or is it that something in the brain "switches off" like removing a filter? Could it be that when we are in our "mind" that we are only open to a small part of what perception is capable of and when we transcend "mind" perception becomes wide open? Something suddenly changes and it's quite distinct. Thanks again.
  20. @Brian Greendahl Mooji discusses anger @00:32:00
  21. Why, b-c it no longer fits with the "social norms". And you feel awkward suddenly? Step back and look at what it is that is happening. Maybe your outgrowing something. If that is the case, yes there are going to be "growth pains" along the way. That is the shedding of the old.This work is all about throwing out what has never been true.
  22. See this as a change and not a problem. Ask yourself-what has changed?
  23. @Extreme Z7 Consciousness dancing with existence is the most beautiful experience imaginable. It is beyond happiness.
  24. @Huz88 I believe that would not effect admittance. Lots of people have started their path of spirituality through first having glimpses of truth that way. You were honest and that shows how truthful and open you are by not concealing anything. If you would have said "no", that would have raised questions on what has bought you to this path. Great luck with that!