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Everything posted by cetus

  1. @How to be wise Neti-Neti is a good one too. Did you experience it directly? It can really open up the space that is what you are beyond all the silly ego stuff. Don't spend your life fighting it. See it for what is. The gross level of awareness. The surface of what is really there.
  2. @Matthew Lamot Shit, I just realized, the above was supposed to be sent to @How to be wise , not you. I clicked on the wrong member. Sorry, my bad! I really enjoyed our conversation though. Yea, the absolute- the non-experience!
  3. It sounds like you and I have experienced the same. And yes, the absolute as you call it. To become non-existent. No souvenirs within experience to bring back from that one, as you know. Not a shred. For me it happens after the first stage is reached-(nothingness), than the absolute non-existence happens when I allow what little is there to dissolve completely into that nothingness. I did read that article in it's entirety. I thought it was a great.
  4. No, that's not it. I don't get into teachings much anymore. "I know nothing" is a better practice for me theses days. For better or worse that's just the way I see the path that's best for me at this point. Don't get me wrong, I did at one time. Not so much anymore. I let it go of all "knowing" for the most part in my own practice these days. I did go over it though. I will read it in it's entirety.
  5. When there is no self, there is no experience to be had of any kind, mystical or otherwise. No ego exists. No educational knowledge exists. No time exists. No space exists. No you exists. There is only pure awareness or pure being. It is what we are behind the mask of the ego self identification with all it's knowledge and experiences. It lies beyond all that folly.
  6. @Matthew Lamot Have you ever considered just having an awakening expectance for starts? Ego-death as it is sometimes called. That can be done at any time providing your willing to let go of self. A full surrender takes only a moment. Listen to Leo's video Creating the experience of no-self and have the actual experience of what he is saying. According to Leary, Metzer & Alpert (1964), ego death, or ego loss as they call it, is part of the (symbolic) experience of death in which the old ego must die before one can be spiritually reborn.[13] Ego loss is ... complete transcendence − beyond words, beyond space−time, beyond self. There are no visions, no sense of self, no thoughts. There are only pure awareness and ecstatic freedom from all game (and biological) involvements.
  7. @bazera A man can read the dictionary and reach the highest state of awareness. Don't confuse the vehicle with the destination.
  8. @Neo Memories and thoughts only have power if you give it to them. Face them down by applying that knowledge. Yea, that video breaks it all down nicely. It opens up a space if you truly surrender to it. I always say that if is starts to feel like your stepping outside of your comfort zone, that's the door, don't back away but dare to enter through total surrender. That is the key. I know, that's a tall order! It's not always pleasant to get to because the mind will always try to keep you to itself any way it can through memories, thoughts, fears, ect. The fight /struggle as you call it is a part of the territory. Everyone is different, of course., but when you can overcome them, you will have proven to yourself that mind is only mind and something much greater will present itself to you that is totally amazing. It's hard to put in words what that is and must be experienced directly. When the time comes and you do a total surrender of self and fear, you will totally understand the true power lies there. Something amazing happens that is beyond all words.
  9. @How to be wise From what you describe here, you relate to yourself strictly from the perspective that you belong to time. Time owns you, so to speak. That is an illusory trap or imprisonment that the "self" imposes to keep you from experiencing true liberation. Enlightenment happens after the limitations of space/time have been transcended. It's one of the hallmarks of enlightenment. Time and space are something that happens within what is timeless and space less. Enlightenment is a 180 deg. shift in consciousness from the place you experience yourself now.
  10. @saiko Unfortunately, that app. is still under development haha....... All joking aside, you know, that's not a bad idea. Almost like an I.Q. test, only used to gauge how awake someone is (or not). Where's Leo? That's his next big video! The S.I. Test......
  11. I heard there is an app. now for the exact date, time and location that enlightenment will happen. Just plug in your age, sex, country of origin, and degree of self illusion and the app. does the rest for you.
  12. "For a little while the infinite self dreamed itself to be the finite self" Mooji How powerful is that?
  13. @Travis Mooji answers your questions here @58:00:00 Witness="observer". What he explains is what I experience as truth also. I lack the ability to put these things into words as well as Mooji does though. I found this satsang to be most helpful. I hope you will too.
  14. I meditate in the forest every chance I get! I'll just sit there (after eyes closed meditation on the breath) with a still mind as a silent observer and awareness will merge and become one with the field. You have an idea what I'm saying. Leo explains that experience too in one of his early videos. He was at a retreat looking at a tree in the distance when he experienced that shift in awareness. It's very cool! Everything becomes one thing happening with you in the background only as a silent witness and not as the first observer. Everything suddenly becomes more vivid and HD looking. It feels as if something other than you is doing the seeing. Like gods presence is there looking through your eyes. That's a beautiful thing!
  15. @cirkussmile Sure it comes with practice. When you switch off the thinking mind, thoughts will come to a total standstill. Or move really super slow. You can actually watch this happening as a silent observer. Try to remain within that silent mind by enjoying the stillness and basking in it. With practice it will get easier. I think of the normal talking mind the same as traffic on a highway speeding through an intersection. When the light turns red, all the traffic stops and becomes still and motionless. Do the same with thoughts. After a while, thoughts will become impatient and will start to move. Just remind yourself it's again time to turn the light red again and bring the traffic to a standstill. Do you ever just sit with a still mind after meditation and just witness the stillness?
  16. @Travis The no-thingness of it is it's finest quality. That is perfection beyond anything that can be perceived by the mind that exists in this world of things. Imagine this world we live in as being like a thousand honking horns. Constant honking, and noise, day in and day out all happening within mind. Than suddenly all the honking and noise stops and all that remains is absolute blissful silence. The noise all happened within silence but yet the noise is not the silence. If it contained anything than it would no longer be in a state of absolute purity. So it allows everything to happen within it without containing a single thing. Is that a paradox to the mind? You better believe it is! The question about love is something I wonder about myself. Is love no more than a product of mind? Or does love flow without any limitations between what exists and pure emptiness? Could love be the one link between the two? Is pure love and absolute emptiness really one in the same? Does pure love transcend all existence? I have a feeling it does for some reason that I can't explain.
  17. @cirkussmile Here is something that Mooji said that will help: The presence that you feel is the presence that you are. It is not the final state. In the heart of the person, there is a presence, and in that presence is absolute awareness. Presence is not a person, it is the pure vibration. This sense of "I am" or "I exist" is the state of observing. We are not accustomed to being in the space of the infinite self. Yet you have always been the infinite self. For a time, the infinite self dreamed itself to be the finite self. The "talking in your head" would be what Mooji describes here as the "finite self". That finite self may be all you have ever known. But it's time to discover that in you which is the infinite self. You are missing that part of the puzzle and the picture is not complete for you at this time. Hence your view of this being "madness". Anyone who looks will find it, so just rest in knowing it is always there. Waiting to be found.
  18. You realized you have no control over existence and that freaked you out. Welcome to the real world! Welcome to the wakening from the dream that is "you" . Yea, it's like that. Float with the current of existence. There are no binding agreements here anywhere to be found.
  19. Mapping out every aspect with a bright flashlight, emm. Enlightenment would be outside of all "mental" processes as in knowing. There would be just what is and nothing more. The embodiment of pure awareness. Total transcendence of self through every aspect of life. That takes years of practice and devotion to reach that level. Try just having a transcendent experience from time to time. Just for a minute or two. It's wonderful. Experience what you really are behind the self as an identity. Behind all the "stuff" that is "you". Ahhh-sweet!
  20. @cirkussmile Sure it's going to feel a little freaky at first. Anybody would feel that way when they first realize that what they truly are is something very different than what they had always thought themselves to be. But at the same time it feels so familiar so that eases the transition. One needs time to settle into it and integrate. The world didn't change one bit. The only thing that did change is the place from which existence is experienced. No longer through the distorted lens of self as me in my world. My mother and father bought me and this body into the world biologically. But the awareness belongs to the universe. It always has and always will.
  21. @Leo Gura Off the subject, but I see the thumbs down has been disabled too. Great idea! It was only ever used for retaliation by a very select few anyway.
  22. @HereNowThisMoment Experiencing what he is saying is amazing. "What is infinite experiences itself through what is finite" Mooji