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Everything posted by cetus

  1. When you hit a wall, that's the right direction.
  2. If you know the difference, why not have a little fun with experience of all kinds. When you see it all goes around in a circle and returns to where it started, all you can do is laugh your ass off. All that remains is to play with form, existence and experience. For now it's all that is. Make it up as you go along, it doesn't matter at all. There are no rules or guidelines here except the ones we choose for ourselves. If you want to experience bliss, do it. If you want to experience hell, go for it! Fear, disappointment, love, jealously hate, separation, oneness, a high, a low, an awakening, ect. all the same as being just another experience. Even the negative or positive sensations that each creates within the body/mind is choice created for the experience of it . Edit: Listen to what is said here @7:00
  3. @Dodoster It seems that dreams are just more mind. It's the same in waking life too. We dream within this waking reality. How much different is a thought from a dream? A couple of minutes ago I was dreaming what to do for lunch today. I do have more dreams about enlightenment these days though. While both awake and asleep.
  4. @comp13 That's exactly what I experienced from the perspective of mind that is caught in the middle. A knowing that truth has always been so near, only out of sight. Yes, the ego did put up a fuss. Ego wants no parts of that so I felt as if I had one foot in each world. One of the ego self world and one of truth and unity. Experiencing that unity felt like home. A true home that remains always- changeless. For the first time in my life there was a contrast exposed between the ego/self and truth. The ego self wants to have it all again, like the old days, but that's impossible now. Too bad for Mr. ego, he's viewed as a fraud, a minor player. An illusion with no substance. Or maybe I should say "all that he is, is the illusion of substance".
  5. @comp13 One brief glimpse of truth can expose a lifetime of untruth. The heart of all practice is to remove what is not true. It sounds like you had a brief encounter with Samadhi. Samadhi is a union. An awakening from the individual self that is obvious, loud and visible to something that is much more subtle. See now how easily it can become overshadowed by the egoic self that relates only to time and space? At the slightest sign of any of that it's gone. It will return again like a rainbow when conditions are right.
  6. @Dodoster You mention "Om". I get a nice buzz from chanting along with this mostly b-c it modifies my breathing. I sometimes use an Emwave heart coherence monitor. I use it in conjunction with this vid and get great results and the highest heart coherance scores. It gets me in what they call "The Zone". The Emwave has a breathing coach built into it also. Emwave took the most effective breathing rates from studying advanced Yoga meditators and applied it to the emwave as the breath coach. It is about the same rate as the breath used here in this OM chant. Silent chanting has about the same results as verbal but the vibrations you get in the head from saying it out loud seem to enhance the effect even more. *Sometimes I use headphones and sometimes not.
  7. How can you be sure it was just "sleep". Could sleep be another level of consciousness. Outside of mind?
  8. @Sick Boy "Once you realize your complete, than this life and everything in it becomes a play of form" Comedian Jim Carrey
  9. @Ray That's very cool! Funny, I was just contemplating how emptiness is like a canvas for all of reality to exist upon. -Perfect timing! Synchronicity?
  10. My cup will be empty when I finish it.
  11. Emptiness is the mere absence of a false way of existing
  12. @Happiness I sounds as if you are experiencing ego death. All the stressing is you resisting. Let go of the noise in your mind and rest as awareness. Let what is just be. Think of this as a transitional faze that will all come together if you stop resisting. You'll be fine. In reality, nothing has changed at all.
  13. I never met a man that gave me more trouble than myself.
  14. What is enlightenment? Ask a blind man and he would say sight.
  15. @ShaharA I'm so sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you heal quickly. Only the body experiences pain, but what you are is not the body. You are the awareness that witnesses the coming and going of all pain and suffering. Put it in it's proper perspective. Remind yourself that this to shall all pass with time. Yes, detach from the pain that the body is temporally experiencing. Use this as a chance to explore what you truly are. Get well soon!
  16. @TRUTH_SEEKER I like the name. There is no frustration because there are no problems. Only solutions to achieving your expectations....maybe change that up, expectation means hope. Intention is a better word. Use one pointedness of mind toward an intention that you set. Move slowly without forcing anything, but steady in direction always. Use the flow of time as a river that gets you to your destination.
  17. The illusory safeguards of the false ego/self were no longer to be found? The old must fall away before anyone can move into higher levels of awareness. It's an awakening out from the dream that is you and realizing the true self. This is the true self. When you feel it, there is no denying it.
  18. One thought and it's gone. Yes this happens by chance and you stumbled on it as I did... You said Whoopee! and it all went away-Right?. I know.. Don't try to repeat it or it won't happen again. Let it go. It will come back at the right time. Just like a rainbow.
  19. @How to be wise Enlightenment is being empty of content. If I was enlightened, that would be content.
  20. @Grue How's it going Grue? It sounds to me as if you were temporally separated from your usual talking mind (ego self) and were able to take an outside look at where you stand. Anytime you quiet your thoughts you will see from a slightly different perspective. That could be considered a higher self awareness. Have you tried meditation too? If not, give it a try for a week or two and see what happens.
  21. @Matthew Lamot Yea, sometimes you can feel that a thought is rising to the surface even before it comes into full awareness. Did you ever sit there with a totally still mind and open the forum? Wow! what a contrast. It's like looking at the sun.
  22. @Matthew Lamot Emptiness, spaciousness. Freedom from the known. No structures to maintain. No concepts to uphold. All that remains is what is. * I've noticed through practicing meditation that one of the constant hallmarks of deeper levels of awareness is the absence of all knowing. "Silence is the language of god. All else is a poor translation" - Rumi
  23. I got something better than meditation while playing soccer. Experience no self whilst playing soccer. Like Neo in The Matrix. When he sees through the matrix and makes the bullets slow down. Experience the soccer field the same as Neo would have. Removed from it. There is only the ball and the awareness of it. Complete detachment. Slow everything down. Try it sometime. See what happens.
  24. @How to be wise Nothing wrong with that. No rush to be anywhere...... where else could you be?.