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Everything posted by cetus

  1. That's a daisy chain of illusion occurring within the dream.
  2. Leo has already answered you on this matter. Are you here to learn or not? "There are many degrees of God-realization. You gotta go deeper. You can't answer how long you've been dreaming because time is a dream. How long you've been dreaming is a dream. How many lives have you dreamed? Just this moment right now. Lives aren't really a thing. You are imagining past and future lives. I have no problem answering your questions. But you don't appreciate that your questions are asking about imaginary things."
  3. A mind in motion given an infinite supply of pure potential to work with.
  4. No. It has always been here waiting for the right opportunity for it to come into existence.
  5. But isn't awakening really about undoing all the B.S. you've gathered over the years.
  6. @Michael Jackson Does Love need to know it's Love? Or can it be like a child?
  7. Frank Yang put it well when he said "Reality has become just a blob. This is how a baby must experience reality". That's some true non-duality there. The "spectrum" blends into one. -The absence of all partitions.
  8. A TV antenna mounted inside an attic must meet the same grounding requirements as an antenna mounted above the roof in case of a direct strike.
  9. # 10 of the Ox hearing pictures- Returning to the marketplace "D.T. Suzuki, the foremost interpreter of Zen Buddhism to the West, in commenting on this picture, writes: "And now having moved through the stage of emptiness, and also having seen god in the world of nature, the individual can see God in the world of men. Enlightened mingling in the marketplace with 'wine-bibbers and butchers' (public-cans and sinners), he recognizes the 'inner light' of 'Buddha nature' in everyone. He doesn't need to hold himself aloof nor to be weighted down by a sense of duty or responsibility, nor to follow a set of patterns of other holy men, nor to imitate the past. He is so in harmony with life that he is content to be inconspicuous, to be an instrument, not a leader. He simply does what seems to him natural. But though in the marketplace he seems to be an ordinary man, something happens to the people among whom he mingles. They too become part of the harmony of the universe."
  10. Sounds like you got a taste of what advanced meditators experience- a state of no mind where you reside in your true original state.
  11. @GreenWoods The only difference between you and Ramana Maharshi is what?
  12. Perhaps to say "I will Always be here for you as we are one"